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  1. At the very least, Venato held by caliban should add +100% Tau damage to the weapon as a signature ability.
  2. The amount of people defending a weapon class that has so much "unnecessary" restriction is baffling to me. DE needs to lift the floodgates and make exalted weapon modding in-line with the rest. Heck, even increase the resource upkeep as a trade-off if DE fears of another "One Weapon to Rule them All" meta apocalypse.
  3. It's really good. I've seen Slamkongs plow through EDA Eximus Necramechs without too much effort. I personally can't be bothered to invest to a setup that is too disruptive which will receive the Nerf Hammer in the future. So, you either try it yourself or find someone else to record its benchmark for you if you can't take my word for it. I can't really say "Asians gravitate toward Wukong due to culture" a good reasoning either. Wukong isn't the only Asian culture influenced Warframe. Nezha exist and yet it's usage rate is extremely long compared to wukong.
  4. Currently, Slamkong spammer are widespread in the Asia region. I implore anyone who view the “Slamkong spammers” as a rare phenomenon to do some missions there. Sure it’s only running rampant there, but I am sure it will only be a matter of time before players in other region took notice and try it out themselves. Another reason why it’s not to the reach of “Zarr Apocalypse” level of ridiculousness is because the “Big Shot” Warframe creators aren’t posting about it.
  5. There is already a hugging emote from the syndicate handshake emote, but you need to be allied with a certain syndicate which I forgot the name.
  6. I just encountered two more, I have cross-save enabled, could this be the issue? : 1. UI Customization I have on PC version does not sync with Mobile. 2. UI Customization I have applied on mobile does not save on exit. Reopening the game returns the UI customization options to default
  7. It would be a great QoL addition. As a former active Eidolon Hunter you have my support.
  8. iPad is running iPadOS 17.6.1 (I may update this list from time to time) and playing with touch controls. Unable to configure weapons on Teshin’s cave despite having repeatedly tap the button multiple times. Unable to close Albrecht’s story diorama on Loid’s Room. Unable to view “How To” on Nightwave acts. Drifter intrinsics not applying on The Circuit after Host Migration.
  9. This could be the reason why they “table” the Mac sideloading. Can you imagine the player frustation that the game they just downloaded won’t work with the mac’s keyboard?
  10. What I dislike about the Requiem grind is the fissure is only available in one region (Kuva Fortress). Seeing the same tiles over and over again made it dull and repetitive very quickly. Requiem Fissures should be available in more regions.
  11. DE will make something up to get that lucrative Prime Access money.
  12. Lore takes a backseat when Prime Access revenue is concerned. All frames will get primed, especially Xaku due to its high pick-rate.
  13. DE has embraced the “braindead power-fantasy” playstyle. DE only shut down things if its either. : Too disruptive to others. Come to think of it, I believe DE will address the Wukong Slam issue like they did with the Kuva Zarr twin spam. Automates the game too much. I gave up on hoping DE to add meaningful challenge. The challenge-phobic casual majority are their cash-cows. DE, at the end of the day, is a company. They are not our friends, they want our hard-earned money. If you want challenge, create one for yourself. Warframe’s freedom of player choice makes it possible.
  14. They don't want you to finish content in one go. These things are "little nudges" that frustates you enough to throw money at them to skip it.
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