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Posts posted by Data-Zero

  1. [DE]Drew picks up non dev version of warframe on 06 may 2014 and recognizes an issue people have been having since day 1.


    EDIT: Here's also a question: Why on earth do you have to claim the weapons/items/frames? Why doesn't the game just instantly put them in your inventory?

    I know what you mean,

    And i like it how it is.

    I do not have space for all that many ways of murder in my inventory (11 weapons are in the foundry, waiting for the pick up) so its good to claim some weapons you want to use right now and wait till you get more SPACE for others.

  2. Its a relly cool idea. but i think it doesnt fit tenno style. we are supposed to be ninjas not samurais. How are you gonna roll on the ground/wallrun or do thy frontflip with this. but yea real nice idea though

    We are supposed to be ninjas. And yet, we use shotguns/rocket launchers/Assault Rifles. Might as well get these babies, a katana and act like a Samurai.

  3. The Red Veil might be the manufacturer of Wraith weapons. All Wraith weapons are grineer weapons at the given time.

    So they must be from Grineer controlled systems.

    Considering the conflicts into the mix, i guess they might be funded by Corpus to cause chaos in the back.

    To avoid conflict, Darvo might be the benefactor of the organizatsion since he is not the typical corpus boxhead.

  4. Transmutation requires discipline, much like gambling.  When you go to a casino, you need to go in with the attitude that you'll gamble X amount of money, and once it's gone you're out.  Apply the same to transmutation, you have 5.5 million credits and you are only going to spend 500k on transmutation, after that you quit and do something else.


    DISCIPLINE!  Oh and luck helps.

    Luck helps a lot.

    I got 2 Decisive Judgements in a row.

  5. Well if that's the case then your blessing would last for 26.2 seconds which is already 7 more seconds more than mine which is way more than what's really needed but hey, to each his own :)

    Not really. It lasts around 22 seconds.

    Have not maxed my mods out yet.

    Some of them are credit and fusion core black holes. (my poor credit piggy bank T_T)

    Edited for typo*

  6. Exactly, why should veterans have to give up their exclusive items in order to please newer players, in other words nobody can ever have nice things if all you're going to do is whine about not receiving something. Like the players who whine about event rewards, I missed out on the Tethra's event but I don't go around forums making threads asking them to compensate me for missing out or ask them to completely remove the mods or ask them to add them into the drops.


    Also, I use Meridian as well since it looks a lot better than the Aura one. But a thing that you'd like to know though is that the difference between Aura and Meridian is 2.5 seconds of extra blessing, now whether you think that's worth it or not is entirely up to you but to me, it's not worth having if it's going to make my character look bad and with the -5% power efficiency, with max build you're sitting on 90% efficiency. Power efficiency caps at 75% so even with -5% efficiency, you'll still be sitting on 85% efficiency which is well over the cap so there is no negative effect from it.


    So really, Meridian imo is the way to go.


    I thought that as well. But i keep my energy efficiency on 50% on every WF i have. Its somewhat of a rule i have set for myself.

    And i have been killed just when my Blessing ran out. The 2.5 may not seem much, but its enough for me to evade a napalm strike.

  7. So I tried Bladestorm today for the first time and it left me thinking "wtf", seriously a cut scene animation? DE are better than this.

    Please rework to make it more fun!

    It already is fun.

    I designated my number 4 key to "F*ck You button" when playing as Ash.

  8. My opinion on the whole matter is this.

    Part of me, does not care.

    I like to use them for cosmetic purpose.  I like Meridian Trinity helmet more, but i am using Aura helmet because of the benefits and Meridian helmet has -5% energy efficiency, which is a no no in my book.

    But on the side where I DO care, it shows the amount of time I have spend on this awesome timesink. Why should the old players be punished for the supposed crime of "playing the game longer"? It would only p*** them (me as well) off.

    Also,  isn't this game mostly PvE? If WF main focus was PvP, I will understand the removal of stat helms. But it isn't focused on PvP so whats with the whine?

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