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Posts posted by Data-Zero

  1. ... to defeat the stalker? It is possible to damage him with you beam, I got through the shields, but then the whole thing took me too long and I didn't see any damage on his lifebar, so I finished the quest. Did anyone actually defeated him?

    Had excalibur.

    Just duked it out with him Melee VS Melee. Damn fun. But once he dropped to certain health level, he dissapeared.

  2. Everyone at DE


    I would like you to know that I feel Warframe is one of the best games to be part of over the last few years. It says a lot to me being a gaming vet how candid and transparent you guys are with the community. Being real people, M rated, in the real world of nerds says volumes in this world of political correctness. This has been a big part of why I support the game as much as possible and will continue doing so.


    So many games are ruined by greed these days. As gamers im sure you know its hard to pick up any mmo to sink more hours of your life into then we all would like to admit to have it flushed down the drain with a game breaking patch or money grab from a publisher. I take much more consideration picking out games these days.  


    U17 hit and has given me a ninja boner that has lasted more then 4 hours. I mean it is still up as I type. Parkour 2.0 (OMG @(*()$ awesome), more polish for warframes, PBR, and even arch-wing got to a playable state with more map which spread out the loot imho.


    Then one of the best thing I think you could have done is to continue to support and be inspired by the community. Great job on adding 30% commission on a steam workshop! Mutually beneficial all the way around. User Generated content is the future of sustainable mmo's imo.


    The U18, Just WOW! you guys have out done yourself's! From the score to script to MOcap!!! We love Warframe and we have an insatiable hunger for more LORE!!! What a beautiful start with the MoCap system. I am really enjoying the new Sortie missions, Stalker 2.0, and the Focus System.


    I also need to say I love the direction of the Conclave pvp. It was a wise decision to create a separate environment to balance everything out the best way possible. It took Worlds or Warcraft 12 years to long to figure that one out.


    "More Warframe" is a great way to model the game and not focusing solely on just "endgame"


    Year of Quality Achieved in my book!!!


    Thank you very much for all of your hard work and labor of love.


    With gaming industry delivering dissapointment one after another (paying more for less? No thx), it makes me happy to see that there is atleast someone out there who is intrested in delivering quality content to masses.

  3. When my Tenno said "My Warframe is so strong" i nearly cried not because it was ridiculous line but because Oberon is one of those frames that almost all laugh at so i disagree with what you say about a "kid" in back of the ship :P!

    As for Focus systems, we need some sort of trial to check and see what does what, not waste few days collecting points to see what fits our play style.... 

    I never saw problems with Oberon. I consider him to be decent with very good survivability if you go health+armor build and can keep teammates health up and running. I consider him a version of trinity.

    But i do have to agree, some lines are wierd. But i do wish she would say "STOP! Hammertime!" when i jump attack with Jat Kittag.

  4. To be honest, i always max power strength and efficiency and then work towards duration and then range.

    The end results are usually this (WF builder Link: http://goo.gl/eHJDkr)


    -19.50% power duration
    +75.00% power efficiency
    +85.00% power strength
    +45.00% power range

    You can swap out constitution or strech depending on your need to replace with narrow minded. I usually stay away from overextended for the drain in power strength.


    This is general build of my warframes, Specialist frames get diffrent treatment.

  5. Just what the system needed... Hooking Ordis with guns...

    Operator, the system doesn't need you anymore. "I have.. A FREAKIN LASER... Now."


    I had plans to jury rig some opticors i shape of a gatlin gun to ordis. Preferrably 2 on each side for maximum grond bombardment.

    *Those plans are just fiction of my imagination*

    But seriously though. Id love a ship that can ground pound the foe.

  6. Ah, yes, getting killed at lvl 75 by Hydras when the player went hostile and losing everything...


    I'd like the option to feel that rush in Warframe and just wonder what other players think about the Hardcore account option in Warrframe. Would you be interested in this option?

    To feel the rush and accomplishment of surviving and growing where death has true consequences...well?

    Honest answer:

    It opens doors for people to be coplete @$$holes.


    Theoretically i can get behind it for 5 minutes before deciding its not worth the additional migrane.

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