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Posts posted by Data-Zero


     What a completely pathetic show of force.


     Now you've lost a whole relay. Innocents are dead. One of our havens in ruins.


     And what do we have? Tenno convening to whine and mewl about how there isn't enough in it for them.


      Way to be the punchline, Tenno. No, really. From my seat right now I can hear Stalker giggling like some anime schoolgirl stuck on 'dere' setting. It's truly something to see so many of you actually considering bending over and just taking it from the Grineer.


     This is me reminding you that Hek says you suck, but he likes the look of your Mum.


    Whopee bloody dooo.

    We already Doomed the civilians in Gradivus Dilemma, but noone gave crap about them then.

  2. Remind me again why we didn't just blew up the entire Ceres shipyards with those reactors?


    I think that would have put quite a dent into the production of those Formorians. A lot more than just destroying these reactors in orbit that's for sure.


    Lotus told us it was necessary to protect innocent workers or not to destroy the environment of the planet. Well according to what we see the shipyards were automated and the environment a toxic hellhole on a planet which is so small it shouldn't even have an atmosphere to beginn with.


    Also it's rather weird how we waited for months to attack the Formorians while they were rampaging through the solar system. Likewise why we sabotaged Corpus ships which were under attack by those Formorians. What the tartarus?


    Why did the Lotus witheld us those anti-shield devices for so long? Why wait until the Formorians are right on our doorstep?


    I surely hope the Lotus does not expect us to pay for replacing that or any future relays! And i hope she doesn't dare about taxing us for them. Those credits are reserved for Tenno poker tourneys.


    Have to agree on that.


    There are reasons why I do not trust Lotus. The Gradivus Dilemma told us to choose from 2 factions of scumbags to support. One to Save Tenno, doom everyone else and vice versa. That alone made a crack on the Illusion of Lotus.

  3. Love how you just devolve people against this idea to whiners. As if being critical is a taboo.


    It isn't. I've said this multiple times and I will say it again. 

    But just because its awesome does not excuse it from having logical reasoning behind it. 


    The kittag (so far) has only been held by Sprag (I think..) and the Tenno. 

    Sprag has cybernetic implants that can allow control while the Tenno have the strength to properly wield it. But even so, the weapon is highly impractical and you'd most likely end up spinning out of control.


    Being critical (or even nit picky) is not something "whiners" do.


    Then higly impractical would be the Fragor and every other heavy weapon as well. Gorgon is a portable minigun. And that thing can kick like a mule.

    I Enjoy a good criticism, But most of the critisism here translate to whining in D-minor of impracticality.


    Also Logical reason? That thing flew out of the window as soon as this game got released and earth ran out of oxygen in survival. I just roll with it, have fun and think new ways to take down waves of mobs.

    In the end, money decides. And i am willing to dish out cash for it.




    Thought Gorgon was Grakata............ Then again, i did pimp out my Grakata with 75% status and crit chance with5.6 multiplier to give it a badass status.

  4. Readed the topic.



    Whiners: Want something practical? Wrong game to seach it IMO. Try CoD or BF or any other game that focuses on practicality, ignoring the rule of Awesome. (Jat kittag, seriously, how practical is a JET ENGINE on a hammer?)

    Btw, that Sniper Scythe, I can work with it. Rather well i might add. (Nekros is Happy at the thoughts of that)

    Supporters: There will be BUGS. And Issues And Problems. And Whining. And time to GET that Awesomeness. We will get that Scythe

    Remember: The more awesome the item is, The longer it takes.

    My thoughts: If you equip this weapon, it takes Melee and Primary slot. Both use they type independent mods. Thats the thing that annoys me on the current gunblade.

  5. So thats why she has been happy most of the time.

    And not trying to rip my other warframes to shreds.

    Happy B-Day Valkyr. May your rage contine until your foe is vanquished,


    or turned to shreds

  6. There is no definite weapon set. Only how you decide to use your powers and mods.


    Strongest weapon is the weapon you mod right.

    Modding. Auto mod the weapon to get Serration and split chamber on it fast. Then proceed to change the build.

    You can solo 30 and above. Its hard but possible. Eats ammo though.

  7. Not much you can do really, certain frames aren't suited to melee only combat... All I can say is use frames that might work well...

    My list of frames that would work well for melee.







    Maybe rhino and frost?

    Maybe nyx?

    As long as you make proper use of your abilities to compliment melee a good chunk of frames can be good for melee...

    Like Loki and Ash for obvious reasons (invisbility, teleportation)

    Mirage is great cause of hall of mirrors (5 melee weapons creates amazing range and enemies shoot the clones)

    Hydroid cause puddle and high stamina (makes blocking better)

    Volt has speed...

    Valkyr cause valkyr (seriously everything about her makes her good for melee)

    Nyx has absorb and chaos which help take the pressure off...

    No excalibur? Really?

  8. Amatuers. Be afraid of energy weapons.











    I was always carrying 4 of them, wherever i was going.



    EDIT: God damn you two, i am going to replay Fallout for the 6th time it seems.

    I did do energy weapons as well as my main way of solving conflicts was a shotgun diplomacy.

    There is just something extremely funny and satisfying using a Minigun,

  9. Amatuers. Be afraid of energy weapons.











    I was always carrying 4 of them, wherever i was going.



    EDIT: God damn you two, i am going to replay Fallout for the 6th time it seems.

    Nothing is more satisfying than nuking your enemy to paste or turning it into paste with minigun fire.

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