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Posts posted by Data-Zero

  1. He had to have some nice accuracy because I was trying to go faster with my melee(don't ask) And I literally jumped around enemies at certain points

    Speaking of jumping around:

    Get crapton of weak enemies grouped together.

    Use Slash Dash

    And watch how you pretty much dash all over the place, cutting everything into salad.

  2. My sweeper prime did half of my kills during a 40 minute 3 man t3 survival for ash systems, I was using my d nikana, I was like holy carp, also somehow I have 183% accuracy with a melee weapon and a shotgun with max spread, logic?

    Multishot on shotgun tends to do that.

  3. Well. I got the dogs, but ended up consigning them to Lotus.

    Utility is there, but unless they make vacuum useable to everyone, Carrier (prime) will be more useful.

    Also, Sweeper.

    Properly modded that thing can keep your back clear and kill any stagglers who were left alive after wave of dakka.

  4. Another muppet with its OP blah blah blah.

    Most of is up to YOU TO BEGIN WITH!

    You modded it to be OP.

    You deal with the results.

    Want it to be weaker?

    Don't slap power mods on it.

    Besides, Excalibur is now goddamn asskicker that can deliver 3rd degree burns to everyone.

    Also, if he is OP.


    I have done many nodes, both in recruit channel and in pubs. Seen him once around 8 to 12 matches.

  5. As much as this idea is interesting I doubt relentless killers like the Tenno would show affection, especially in such a form.

    You never done 10 T3 void survivals straight? And RNGesus says "NOPE; NOT TODAY!"

  6. Using Abilities = Cheat

    Then might as well claim this


    Warframe = Cheat

    1.) Are you going to use 1-2-3-4? Never!

    2.) Have you used 1-2-3-4in the last five minutes? no

    3.) Do you frequently use 1-2-3-4?  no

    Then:  You are a true pro and everyone should bow down to you and play your way.

    This reminds me of TEI (The Elitist Idiots in short) in COD games who think everyone should noscope and only use theyr approved gear or GTFO and uninstall the game.

    All above aside.

    Why putting spoilers OP? DId you need flamewar to warm your bathwater or something?

    On my personal opinion, its the matter of perspective.

    A low level player with bad gear will be &!$$ed if a High ranking player will kill everything with 1 stomp. Have felt that stuff and wasnt nice.

    What was challenging to do was to beat him in % of damage you did and win with highest kills. Was awesome.


    But as a high rank player who finds Solo Survivals amusing, using only weapons will yield a net profit of 10-15 minutes of fun. Abilities can double to triple that. Also its awesome to use radial javelin to pin entire attack wave to wall.

  7. Multishot is less useful on primaries like launchers, bows, snipers and so on.  You're better off putting all of your damage in to one shot than potentially getting screwed and firing one shot instead of two.  There's also the fact that when you proc a multishot shot, neither shot will go straight down the center unless you have 100 accuracy.


    In the case of almost all burst and auto fire weapons it's pretty much mandatory, but there are exceptions.


    Vectis double tap to the head with 1 bullet = insta kill.

  8. No, the bigger question is how Grineer have laser dreadnoughts but no laser weaponry. It's totally off-balance. You can develop a laser weaponry for your dreadnought but not for your foot soldiers?

    Because making big lasers with huge generators is easy on a ship.

    Making it portable by a man is a diffrent topic all together.

  9. He showed up countless times, but some time ago, he just stopped dropping blueprints. No Hate, Despair or Dread, just super "rare" mods like Heavy Impact. Also, there are no blueprints at the "end of mission" screen.


    I mean, sometimes not dropping bps is fine. But he just stopped dropping them completely for me.



    Does he really not drop them anymore (bug) or am I just that much of a lucky person because of RNG?


    I know what you mean. I hunted for stalker around 5-7 times. No blueprint when he "died".

    It normal. He is a scumbag you know.

  10. Please comment I Appreciate feed back.

    If you want a proper Sniper duty frame, invest in claymores, tripwire mines. Enemy cannot get close to you.


    First.... I would say two of those abilities are useless (in the way I play the game). The third ability is dependent on the weapon the user is carrying


    If you really wanted to play a Sniper Warframe, play Mesa. Her abilities compliment long distance, accurate, single-shot moves.

    Use Volt. Wallrun to high point, cast electric shield and watch the headshots roll.

    Don't have mesa so no clue about her use

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