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Posts posted by TheLexiConArtist

  1. 42 minutes ago, Schadenfreude11 said:

    Meanwhile Scorches just completely ignore the Snow Globe (i suspect this may be an oversight from when the Ignis was reworked)

    You should bear in mind that buffing Scorches along with the Ignis (and Techs with the Supra) was almost assuredly a conscious decision on DE's part.

    It's possible to find enemies with obsolete mechanics still dotted around; the visual model of an enemy (and its weapon) doesn't intrinsically affect functions and statistics.

    It would be bad design to make it this way - removes potential balance levers for tweaking enemies individually from players


    That aside, SpaceNinjaMasterRace having inferior bubbles to the grunts of our opponents feels bad, man.

    Take my ↑.

  2. 3 hours ago, phoenix1992 said:

    I do remember my Clanmates made me sponsor the Mios research, and I did use around 100k on the fomorian event.

    Okay, I suppose that research would deal a sizable blow if you're in a Mountain or Moon clan. It's just odd to see someone run dry on something I view as the runner-up to the ever superfluous Alloy Plate.

    42 minutes ago, hammerheathen said:

    stockpile pancakes and spectres, then use them to help your team?

    Define helping. Do you mean assisting when needs are dire or throwing them down ad infinitum just for the sake of it?

    I always keep a complement of restoration pads on hand. I just don't feel the need to use them every mission. Communication brings rewards, I'll happily throw down ammo, health and energy in latter defense waves and the like, if someone takes the time to mention they're running worryingly dry.

    At the risk of sounding 'get good'; if you do use pads and spectres every single mission without fail, it's probably a crutch and you should probably re-evaluate your build choices.

  3. 20 minutes ago, (PS4)shadowwraith_666 said:

    ferrite should be placed on a corpus planet, since it's a corpus resource.

    A Corpus resource?


    Alloy pellets used in Grineer manufacturing.

    The Grineer are literally clothed in the stuff.

  4. For the record I did the Corpus sortie before it ticked over to today's Infested missions and got to experience the Infinite Bursa bug myself! In the assault-rifle only exterminate mission, which did a lot to counter my usual stab-them-in-the-back style.


    Still cleared the mission anyway. I let the Bursas do whatever while I worked on killing off all the additional Corpus units, then slowly worked on knocking the Bursas down with my suboptimal rifle (and a little bit of Artemis Bow, despite the 40% power strength on my Ivara build, when I ran dry of ammo).

    Sounds awfully similar to what you did. It's amazing how a little perspective can change the outcome. Worked fine for me, and my rifle is in dire need of some Forma love to actually reach truly competitive levels. Bless my poor little Amprex.


    Oh, and for the record, sources suggest that the Tonkor wouldn't actually have helped you much at all - the hit location for explosions on a Bursa doesn't seem to be their actual weak spot (probably the ~60% resistant frontal exposure), judging by someone posting in another thread. You made a better decision using the Quanta, since you can aim its damage at least.

  5. The damage isn't from the Dargyn itself when you melee - Contact with its shield has a chance of inflicting an Electric proc that deals 300 damage, seemingly unaffected by the Dargyn's level in my experience. Bouncing against them for a few melee strikes can get you multiple such hits in a short time, which is probably where your 500 shields went (2 procs).


    Why that was added along with making the Shield impervious from the front to all Archguns except the Fluctus (rather than the damage reduction it was originally if memory serves), I don't know.

    Your options are to use the Fluctus or die meleeing them, because you can be damn sure they turn faster than you can jet around them to hit them in the vulnerable bits. Ugh.

    Strange how in space the roles are reversed and it's the Grineer bringing all the denial mechanics that make you want to avoid the faction entirely, like the Corpus do on foot..

  6. More ammo max doesn't ever matter. When it becomes relevant, it's also immediately irrelevant because you're relying on pickups from then onwards.

    Gorgon family does need more damage. I say that as someone who mained the original Gorgon for a long time, just as you did. It has a Catalyst in it. Then my buddy who I joined with got the Soma and it was basically what's the point from there because it did more with two mods than my Gorgon did potatoed and stuffed full of mods. With a better ammo efficiency, accuracy, reload speed and everything else to go with it.


    I took my Prisma Gorgon to an exterminate alert yesterday and couldn't even get through half the mission before it was out, the damage is just too terrible. I mean seriously. If a special weapon it took a few hundred Ducats and a few hundred-thousand credits to acquire can't even handle something on the star chart on its own, what's the point?

    The Supra got its buff in update 17:

    • Buffed reload speed to 3 seconds.
    • Increased ammo capacity to 1080.
    • Increased clip capacity to 180.
    • Increased base damage per shot from 35 to 45.

    Whereas the Gorgons are still lacking:

    • Normal Gorgon 4.2 reload, Prisma/Wraith same at 3 seconds
    • Ammo cap 540 base/Wraith, 840 Prisma
    • Clip cap 90 base/Wraith, 120 Prisma
    • Base/Prisma 25 base damage, Wraith 27 base damage


    It's pathetic. The Supra struggles to match up to the Soma, much less Soma Prime. Even the 'advanced' Gorgons don't come close to any of them.

  7. The issue comes with the catch-22 content DE brings us - massively buffed Sorties, ridiculous Raids.

    It's a vicious cycle of cheese begets cheese. We cheese (Blessing), so the enemies cheese (enough damage to be oneshot from everything), so we cheese (Blind Mirage), so the enemies cheese (Nullifier spam)...

    The two are intrinsically linked, we can't really approach either individually. If player cheese was destroyed, Raids and certain Sorties would be practically impossible. Trying those Earth Interceptions with elemental buffed level 100 Grineer is frustrating at best without a cheese mechanic. If enemy cheese gets reduced, content becomes boring and faceroll again.

    Still, I for one would prefer boring faceroll to frustrating impossibility. Obviously I'd far prefer the middle ground between the two, as is the ultimate goal of course, but if I had to choose an extreme, I'd rather be able to succeed dully than not at all. Human nature.

  8. 9 minutes ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    Have you ever used the liberty launcher in tf2? Its a gun based entirely around rocket jumping, And guess what? It still deals damage to enemies.

    It still deals damage to yourself, albeit lower. It deals less damage to enemies than the basic Launcher, funnily enough, directly correlating with the reduction in selfdamage. Imagine that. Risk reduced, reward reduced.

    The tonkor came before Parkour 2.0 so your points are invalid as the tonkor was an actual bullet jump, Or a grenade jump. The Line telling you where the grenages go are a rough estimate as the accuracy on the gun is absolute trash. You actually watch where the grenades go and they just go in the general direction.

    The Tonkor came out in U16.4, at which point Parkour 2.0 was already well into development for its U17 release. Irrelevant. 3 months of grenade jumping before it became unnecessary is not worth the complete obsolescence of all other launchers.

    Tonkor vs secura penta

    Tonkor Low accuracy vs penta perfect accuracy

    Tonkors 2 mag clip vs pentas 7 round clip

    Tonkor grenades can miss an entire target completely and do no damage vs the pentas press secondary fire to detonate so even if you miss you can still kill people

    Tonkor grenades still exist when they miss. They're not as reliable as the Penta manual detonation, but it's not like they despawn on contact with a surface.

    If the accuracy is so bad, why do I see people throwing Heavy Cal on Tonkors? Surely an already terrible inaccurate weapon could not stand being reduced even further in such a way.

    Tonkor's 325 damage vs Pentas 375

    The penta tonkor being a crit weapon loses modding options. You can easily put every mod you could want on a penta.


    Tonkor is the vectis prime of launchers. If you hit and if you crit you do a lot of damage. The Penta does roughly the same damage per second but isn't as ammo efficient. A Penta's 7 slot magazine and base damage gives it the edge over the tonkor as you get over 3x the shots as a tonkor. Every shot is almost guaranteed to hit an enemy if you have multishot on as you can detonate the grenades whenever you want without worrying about missing. Oh and you can land headshots much easier using the penta. On console the tonkor almost never headshots while the penta headshots constantly if you detonate it before it hits the ground

    If you hit, which you likely will with an aim guide, and if you crit.. which you will. Point Strike and Argon Scope (or even just Crit Delay) gives you >100% crit chance.

    Every shot is a headshot anyway, at the very least on humanoid targets. Unmodded Tonkor already deals more damage as I proved. Crit mods amplify all other damage mods on a weapon. What 'every mod you want' are you even talking about? Your extra mods fitted to the Penta are probably going to be additional elemental damage anyway... and still won't come close to matching the Tonkor thanks to headshot-crits (5x damage baseline).

    Don't forget that the Penta doesn't play too nicely with multishot either, if you're laying them down as traps. Tonkor doesn't care.


    So go ahead and ignore how the penta is equally as good as the tonkor and better in everyway except for crit damage. The damage a tonkor deals in self damage is worth the distance as the main point of the game is killing as many enemies as possible. I can bullet glide to reposition myself for 0 self damage. In Tf2 rocket jumping is an alternative means of killing people which is something you don't understand. People rocket jump to move around and there is no other way to make that kind of mobility fair in a PvP game ( Try conclave out, Hope the enemy team continually bullet jumps away from you). The tonkor on the other hand is just for fun at this point as no distance is worth the damage with parkour 2.0

    Ad nauseum in defiance of all the evidence. Crit damage makes all the difference, especially when you're doubling it thanks to headshots. What does it matter that you have 250% extra shots per reload when it takes you 3 times as many to actually kill your target and becomes useless when the target is close? What does it matter that you're better in every way but crit damage when it makes everything else more effective?

    165% Serration becomes 412.5% on base crit damage multiplier. Add Vital Sense and it's now 907.5%, with Point Strike you're hitting that 87.5% of the time instead of 35%. 87.5% of the difference between noncrit and crit (742.5%) is 649.6875%. Please tell me what two mods you're using on the Penta that give you just shy of 650% additional damage, because I want them. That doesn't even account for the double crit headshotting. What two mods plus Serration give you 1300% damage?

    I wouldn't even mind so much if you could crit yourself with that flat damage. It'd still pale in comparison to every other launcher's self damage capacity, but at least you'd eat something a little more appropriate than 50 damage. 125 normally, 275 with Vital Sense.. hey, maybe you might stop cuddling up to your targets.


    If you are killing yourself with a penta... Might I recommend getting good? If you think the tonkor is op i suggest you try putting a forma or 2 on the simulor/penta

    Nice ad hominem bro.

    I have a hilarious Ogris build with Ivara Navigator that I use if I'm feeling bored enough. 15* damage Ogris rockets that I can make not annihilate me? It's almost as good as a Tonkor without any warframe power augmenting it.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Faulcun said:

    FYI, using a standard elemental mod in place of hammer shot will deal higher damage both on non-crit, and critical hit. Hammer shot isnt what it used to be.

    It was more about the status chance and the drain amount. Between everything else and still only having a 50% critrate, the damage part is negligible, and I had exactly 9 mod power left over, all maxed mods fitting perfectly to make a nearly 100% status sniper rifle.

    Which is useless if you're looking to really minmax (status on slow ROF is pretty limited, mainly for slash procs, hi Dread) but it's a good serviceable and entertaining build with no inaccessible mods.

  10. 32 minutes ago, NogginMasher said:

    Way to sound like a total d-bag.

    Personally I have not tried using AOE weapons on bursas or juggernauts, but I can see how you would be stuck in that situation with a rifle only modifier. High damage line of sight weapons are the way to go for those guys.

    I take what small victories are afforded to me. I'm no less of a d-bag than the hallway heroes using those weapons are, when they don't even let anyone else get a chance to shoot at anything.

    Some people derive greater fun from using the most blatantly broken options available and facerolling through literally everything they encounter.

    Others, like me, find that makes things less fun for them, not more so. It's just nice when our choices get vindicated.


    Technically, I would expect a rifle modifier should preclude launchers anyway - but with launchers being spread across primaries and secondaries, with no system support for crossing that boundary, they have to be grouped away with other things.

    Having said that, there's nothing that would prevent the units that deny explosive damage from spawning when the modifier happened to automatically generate, so the issue would still crop up even if there was a launcher-only sortie mod. It's not in the same league as "infested can't cap interception points at all ever".

    12 minutes ago, HaxBox said:

    People here are very sensitive, so I highly suggest making typical statements instead of bashing someone. I got one major fraction that never expires and my posts are always pending by a moderator for approval.

    "BUT I BROUGHT A TONKOR" just begged to be shot down. Plus I did at least give constructive commentary as to why it might have actually worked against them (along with my anecdote that was completely agnostic of the quoted player, since he wasn't in the jugger group I referenced).

    Besides, I'm tired of pointless Bursa complaints. Too much QQ just buries the legitimate criticisms. Both of you fullquoted me as well, so I can't even go back and edit it before the person I quoted sees it and potentially gets offended. If your concerns are legitimate, edit yours to an emptyquote and I'll fix my tone in the original.

  11. Stop using your Tonkor and use a weapon you can actually aim with? Odds are you just couldn't apply damage to the Bursa weakspots with your AOEs.


    I don't know where the auto-hit location is for explosives and Bursa units specifically, but I find it hilarious every time something with specific damage locations shows up and those of us that use more reasonable, earthly weapon options have to show the others with their broken AOE weaponry how it's done.

    Being the only one who could damage a Juggernaut the other day with my sniper because everyone else brought a Tonka toy to the affray was a blast. Worth the price of admission.

  12. 2 hours ago, Magneu said:

    My Vulkar Wraith was OHKO level 120 gunners to the head, dunno why people hate it. Argon Scope makes it rather dependable for crits, and Lasting Purity bumps the already good base damage even higher.

    EDIT: My OHKO on Vulkar Wraith is due to the combo counter; pretty reliable, but the slow reload can hurt sometimes. Would slot Primed Fast Hands, but VW is reeeaaally tight on mod space.

    One of the best things about the Vulkar Wraith is that you can get a solid build from just the innate Madurai polarity and Catalyst it came with.

    It's nothing godly, but as just something to use when I fancy sniping, I can't fault the build that gives me a 95% status chance between all the element/status mods and Hammer Shot, along with some solid base damage (Lasting Purity and Serration) with a reasonable 50% crit rate to make use of the Hammershot critdamage buff.


    Plus I set the elements for corrosive/blast. Blast ragdolls based on damage dealt, do you have any idea how fun it is to ping enemies off into oblivion with every shot you take? Sod the damage viability, it's hilarious.

  13. 13 hours ago, (PS4)UltraKardas said:

    Riiiiiiiight. So why bother have enemies shoot at you when you will practically kill yourself? You do realize this game is a horde shooter right? Self Damaging yourself is fine in TF2 cause there are health packs everywhere as well as different items that can heal you as well as a whole class dedicated to healing.


    Rocket Jump to kill somebody? You can heal yourself with a black box or by grabbing a medkit. Warframe is a horde shooter. Doing any amount of self damage to kill enemies is stupid as new enemies will spawn after you kill the last guys. The tonkor was made to be a fun weapon and having the jump is fun. With bullet jumping costing a whopping 0 health per jump, it would be ruin people's fun if it took away half their health everytime they made a jump.


    You can reduce self damage of all explosive weapons as much as you want. I don't see bombards or napalms damaging themselves as they shoot my chroma at point blank. Why should our explosive weapons hurt us? But don't ruin somebody else's fun


    (tonkor also doesn't even do that much damage until you put a significant amount of forma into it. A Penta does more (base) damage while being 100% accurate with a larger clip and offers more control then a tonkor. You miss both shots with the tonkor's low accuracy? You are out of luck with a slow reload speed. You miss both shots with a perfectly accurate penta? (really? How?) you can still detonate the bombs whenever you like, and you have 3 more shots. The Penta and the tonkor do around the same amount of damage when they have the same amount of forma in them. ( A 0 forma secura penta will outdamage a 0 forma tonkor. A 5 forma-ed penta will do the same damage per second as a tonkor or even more as a penta is difficult to miss shots with.) 

    I'm all for removing self damage but the tonkor is fine where it is. It already has too many flaws ( trash accuracy, tiny magazine, long reload, and forced into a crit build for damage)

    Tonkor apologist ITT.


    Rocket jumps aren't for killing, they're for repositioning. Note the image I pulled from first Google page. Distance worth Damage. Parkour already covers more ground faster and easier anyway, the whole "Tonkor lets you grenade jump" is a thin excuse for not having self damage.

    Funnily enough, TF2 has no-damage jump weapons too. They just don't hurt anyone. No risk? No reward. Games are driven on risk and reward.

    The point of using explosive ordnance is having the common sense not to hit yourself with the backlash, like every other player-wielded example in Warframe other than the Tonkor and (arguably) Simulors.


    Sure the Bombards don't friendly fire, or self-damage, but since when do enemies follow our rules? They use the same visual models as weapons we have available, but that doesn't mean they are actually using that weapon mechanically. My Ogris rockets don't home in on targets.


    The Tonkor's "bad accuracy"? You have a tracer line showing you where it goes. Bad base damage? You have 25% more base crit chance than a Penta... which deals double the base crit multiplier because explosions mostly always headshot. Secura Penta deals 750 on an autoheadshot enemy with a 10% chance of dealing an additional 2250 (+100% for crit, *2 for crit headshot). Average: 1000 damage. Tonkor deals 650 on an autoheadshot enemy with a 35% chance of dealing an additional 2600 (+150% for crit, *2 for crit headshot). Average: 1560 damage.



    Crit builds always outstrip straight damage because you multiply mod damage as well. Serration in a 0% crit weapon is worth +165% damage. Serration in 100% crit is worth at least +330%. Add crit damage multipliers above 2x to that and it gets even more disparate.

    Because the Tonkor uses a crit build, it effectively deals 10 times as much damage at peak build as its counterparts, with no risk to the user.


    Your arguments are flawed to a fault.

  14. 10 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

    Thank Lotus for that.

    I miss the point completely on why do you think testing something in simulacrum will reveal all the problems with actual missions.

    You don't have infinite spawn bug in simulacrum as far as I know. You set the level on which something spawns. And so on. And you even can't exit the simulacrum any other way than abandoning mission. The very thing that irked me the most in the first place. :-)

    And no one that advocates difficulty seems to understand the simple truth that experience counts. You can't simulate the frustration a new player would feel when first faced with the bursa. It has all the markings of a boss. Special attacks, directional immunity to hits, a ton armor, health and shields. More that some of the actual bosses, in fact. And it's a common enemy that can spawn in pares and more.

    I did the Sim testing for another thread - one bemoaning that it was impossible for most frames to handle a Bursa - it's just partly relevant to what you were saying as well, in sheer terms of whether a new player would have the tools to defeat the units as found on Venus or Jupiter. Gimped loadouts and added challenge of triple-threat at level 30 to combat the experience and power advantage I have as a long-time player.

    I might not be able to simulate a new player perfectly - but the fact that a new player chimed in to say "Yes, it was tough, but I used a bit of initiative and came out victorious with some teamwork" speaks more volumes than any amount of testing I could do.

    10 minutes ago, Flirk2 said:

    If you operate under the assumption that I am against any new enemies on principle, you are wrong. I leave it to developers to do what they think best. But I'm really tired of pointing out that the missions that are low level should stay as they are.

    New enemies should be added on the new missions. Higher level missions that no starting player in their right mind will go. Similar to the batalysts and conculysts that appear only on tiles that you have to complete the Second Dream quest to even see.

    But even then extermination that can get infinite number of enemies is a broken thing. It it not supposed to be this way. And it is not this way with juggernauts. You don't have 10 juggernauts spawn one after the other, do you? And you don't even get one juggernaut on any dark sector infested missions as far as I know. Not on Uranus, that's for sure. And not even on Ceres. What's more. I did not see a juggernaut spawn on an infested defense sortie. But that was probably before the bursa.

    You have some valid points, as do most topics that complain about the Bursa, but you're presenting them in ways that harm your argument by making it 100% criticism. "These are wrong at every level, remove them" is not really helpful.

    Now, saying that they should be level locked - like their Grineer equivalent - that's valid. Their tendency to chain knockdowns, especially in groups - that's problematic. That repeated spawning bug, known and being looked at as far as I'm aware. Valid points, but lost in a sea of salt.

    I'd venture that a new player would be capable of handling a level 10-16 Manic were they presented with one, even though they have just as many quirks that make them better than some bosses. (For the record, Ambulas is old news and long overdue for a rework anyway.) They just don't have to - and without tanky mods fitted, or allies to pick them back up, that tackle and beatdown move the Manic has would be just as threatening to a solo player.


    Like the other user said - Juggernauts are enormously more difficult to deal with than Bursas. 90% damage reduction except for small windows in between large AOE bursts of damage and poisoning of a sizable zone, and a tendency to hide their weak spot with many CCs instead of exposing it. They're also appropriately more avoidable, especially in solo - you decide if you want to let them spawn or not.

  15. 2 hours ago, Flirk2 said:

    This one made me laugh so hard....

    I do hope I misunderstood. Please tell me that you are not talking about what I see on that screenshot you posted as a deliberately gimped loadout.

    Maxed vitality and redirection on a level 30 ember prime, max vitality carrier prime, level 30 vulkar wraith with a syndicate mod on, and whatever else you have as secondary and melee there do not a gimped loadout make.

    Even if you don't have anything for melee and secondary there, it's still far from a gimped load out for a 10 wave Jupiter mission. Bursa or no bursa.

    Don't worry, you misunderstood. That screenshot was strictly done as an afterthought to check on what level the Bursas actually spawned on the tenth wave. Maybe at 15 it would have been the 22-23 you suggested, though. Weapons would be completely irrelevant anyway, I mean, it's Ember in low level content. Even the Bursas die to a little dancing-around with WOF running.

    The tests I mentioned were all done in the Simulacrum, so with maximum enemy grouping of the trio (which definitely works in the Bursas' favour) and no capacity to split them up or retreat tiles away. Weapon used, a Strun Wraith with 25 mod capacity, didn't even have Point Blank in it because I wasn't paying attention while levelling it up at the time I decided to run the tests.

    I used no corrupted mods, no Prime warframes, no mod drain over 30 to account for new players' lack of potatoes to go around. It was a waframe ability function check more than anything, but it would be a pointless excuse of a test of what advantages abilities can give, if I were using something that could oneshot the Bursas with a single clean chance at the hack-panel.

  16. 2 hours ago, Maicael said:

    And isn't that why Depleted Reload became a mod to be used with Vectis Prime?

    Well, Depleted Reload was a thing with the Vectis Prime because it brought the mag size down to 1 for the purposes of charging and priming that chamber, while also boosting the reload. In that one specific case, the "tradeoff" of less bullets in a mag actually became more of a benefit.

  17. 2 hours ago, Himodor said:

    low level new player Bursa story

    See? A new player had the initiative to think and try a different approach, and found success.


    I'm not going to say the Bursas are the epitome of fairness. When you get three or more together and you have no way of stopping them using knockdowns, your only bet is range and patience chipping away at the partially-vulnerable exposed part at the front. But there's your proof that they're not the complete blockades to player progression people are making them out to be.

    Turning speed could be dialed back a bit (same with the Shield Dargyn archwing enemies, come to think of it) and the knockdown spam is a bit ridiculous if you get stuck with a group of them. Otherwise they're tough, but manageable.


    Good on you, Himodor. Volt's not an easy frame to handle them with - Overload only stops them briefly, and your other options are sitting back with Electric Shield or going full ham with Speed and melee (assuming your weapon takes priority in its swings over a knockdown) to brute force it.

    Going deep into a defense solo can practically require specialised loadouts or at the very least to be overgeared, so you can handle the threats from all sides without losing the pod to chip damage. That's why you can exit at 5 waves, though. You'd be expected to be in a party or to know what you're getting yourself in for if you're pushing for B and C rotation rewards.

    9 hours ago, Flirk2 said:

    Did you read the post, I wonder? I'm going to quote your post here in all it's glory just for the shear irrelevance of the major points.

    Level 10 bursa? Where did I say they were level 10 on Jupiter? They were level 22 on wave 10.

    3 bursa? Try infinite spawns. Infinite. As in they keep spawning no matter what you do. On an exterminate mission of all things. Deal with that with any load out.

    Yes it was a physical enhancement sortie mission. So? How are endless spawns in an exterminate mission fine?

    And the going through star chart is easy comment... When did you go through it? If before the bursa got added to Venus of all things, then I"m sorry, but your opinion is outdated and irrelevant.

    I was looking more at Venus when I mentioned level 10. Still, wave 10 isn't necessary for progress - and like I said above, soloing a Defense past 'progression' puts the burden of do you understand the risk right there in the "Extract | Battle" prompt. Any single ally, even a public random player, makes a Bursa easier to deal with by far thanks to being able to flank it. Oh, and about those level 22s at wave 10.



    I fought three Bursa units at once, with deliberate loadout gimping. Them being spread out a bit wouldn't be a problem, nor would using a reasonably powerful weapon. I mean, your issue happened in a sortie - and while it may have bugged somewhat, the ease with which your loadout should be able to pick off any number of Bursa pretty much as they spawned should have allowed you to push through the rest of the 'expected' enemies and get Extraction to be available between a Bursa kill and the next spawning in.

    Also, I specifically said that I went through the starchart a while ago if you cared to actually read, instead of making pointless rhetoric questioning me for an answer that was already present. Fact remains that you can beat the star chart with starter weapons. Bursas, Nullifiers, Combas and all. Do you know how much of a faceroll it used to be? I camped Vor on Mercury until I had a level 30 weapon then pretty much did the entire map in sequence. Using a Braton, Lato and Cronus. I barely had any damage mods. No damaged Serration tiding me over until the real one appeared.. God forbid you get a little fun with something that makes you do something other than W+LMB all day.

  18. OP was playing Ivara and somehow had a problem with Bursas. Ivara, who can always easily deal with them with a sleep arrow and a few quick-melee strikes in the back. Stealth multiplier wrecks everything.

    For another thread I tested every unique Warframe with mediocre loadouts (no potatoes or corrupt mods etc, using an unpotatoed and unmaxed weapon) against a team of three level 30 Bursas and 14/28 of them had the means to make the fight pretty easily manageable. Most of the rest had a weaker but relevant capacity to handle them with some CC or other partially helping the effort.

    If you couldn't handle a lone level 10 Bursa with a little time of paying attention and trying, I don't know what to say.

    Needing Mods from rotation C rewards? I didn't have Split Chamber until I got one from the Void one day, and Barrel Diffusion evaded me even longer (jumped out of an ODD run early for it when Defenses only let you have one reward). Still got through the Star chart just fine - although a lot of changes and units have happened since then, it was still the entirety of non-void content.

    It's not that hard to get through the star chart... and if you do hit a stumbling block, just opening yourself up to public matches will take care of it. That'll get you through a few planets to access some variety in warframes - and you have access to every basic resource except Control Modules once you've gotten Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn unlocked - all enemy levels 20 and under, at which point you can upgrade to a good weapon and start to walk through everything on your own again.

  19. 18 minutes ago, DarcnyssWolfe said:

    Just like to point out the correlation between the Ignis buff and Scorcher "Flaming" on the forums. Not all their stats are the same (Else we'd be insta-gibbed by any mob with a fully modded weapon, see conclave 1.0) but some stats and properties are constant between the tenno and mob version of weapons.

    Same deal with the Supra buff and the Techs being viewed as stronger. Doesn't mean it's not possibly just a case of confirmation bias; definitely doesn't mean it wasn't a conscious decision from DE to apply the stat buffs to those units. Both are 'expensive' units and should be just as strong as their heavy brethren.


    Again - Last time I used my Ogris, its rockets didn't home in. The Shield Lancer uses a Viper with a smaller-than-base fire rate. Damage modifications are all over the place (those Seekers and their outrageously high Kraken damage for one).

    You can see enemies with outdated weapons/stats still left in the game in places, including Crewmen with their old invulnerable helmets. Stats and effects don't have to be intrinsically tied to the model used.

  20. 34 minutes ago, (PS4)ShiroPhyla said:

    Don't Bombards use Orgis launcher? Pretty sure that thing has a lowwww fire rate to balance the big damage. Yet if you are even 35m away from a bombard, you can watch it fire 3-5 more missiles at you befor the first one reaches you.. Yeaah, high damage, aoe, -and- rate of fire. Cuz thats not durpy. 

    Also, Napalm fireballs are not deflected by Zephyr's Turbulence

    No, Bombards use the Ogris model. Actual statistics are completely irrelevant, every enemy just has stats, an assigned model, and assigned effects.

    Fire rate nothing, when was the last time your Ogris rockets homed in on their targets?

  21. 37 minutes ago, Herosupport said:

    ^ what they said. only in the state that they are in with the exception of the Soma's they don't live up to their intended role. 

    In the light machine gun role you got the Gorgon's (needs changes) the Soma's (just fine) and the the Supra (needs a buff)

    The Supra already got a buff in update 17. It's far from bad if you build it right. Maybe not Soma Prime godly (crits always win in damage despite the lower base) but it's far from unserviceable. If the Entropy Burst mod's "base" status chance could actually be added before multipliers from other mods it could become something truly impressive, but even as it is it's a good 'bodyshot' LMG for slamming through crowds with some punchthrough.

    That's a standard (albeit clantech) weapon. The Gorgon Wraith and Prisma Gorgon variants should bring them to a competitive level... but they really don't match up.


    As far as OP's desire for a heavy machine gun goes.. well, the Grineer units are Heavy Gunners. Maybe a Gorgon buff and model do-over to give them the full minigun feel wouldn't go amiss.

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