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Posts posted by TheLexiConArtist

  1. Just now, DeMonkey said:

    Kinda reads like you were saying that we shouldn't prove DE don't know their own game because it makes them look bad. If that's not the case then how exactly should I read it?

    If you say so, completely unnecessary but whatever.

    Nah, I was saying you were right - DE aren't beyond reproach, the Feedback forums exist for us to unearth things they've done (or in some cases, haven't done) that are giving us players less than the best experience as a result.

    Or did you think I was the user you were quoting yourself, replying back?

  2. 7 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Because they're DE they're beyond rebuttal? That doesn't float my boat. As the one who made the main math threads I take something like this very seriously. If DE feck up then it is up to us to point it out, what difference does it make if it makes them look bad? They're only human, human's make mistakes and we move on.


    Also, more slowly? Are you serious? Slower. 

    Point prima: Absolutely correct. That's the entire point of the feedback forums. White-knighting isn't needed where the whole point is to expose dissatisfaction and mistakes.

    Point secunda: There is nothing wrong with the phrase "getting Focus more slowly". Not that 'slower' would have been incorrect either, it's one of those mid-length words that work both ways. Now, if it had been "more slower" I would've been right with you. If you're going to grammatically criticise, don't be overzealous.

  3. Strun's a status shottie more so than a crit one. So if you want to hit and proc more enemies, rather than hit harder, you could try pairing Seeking Fury (15% reload 1.2m punch-through) with your normal Tac Pump for a total of 45% reload and hitting crowds better.

    Or you could look for the Lock and Load mod from Sentients (or buy yourself one out of the Conclave), and get used to swapping out for your secondary for a few seconds instead of reloading.


    I dunno. Options exist, I guess.

  4. 1 hour ago, phoenix1992 said:

    I am going to ask again, since I rather enjoy people ignoring that :

    What will happen to the MODS we already did max?  To fully max serration is not cheap, easy or fast.  To gain Primed Point Blank and to max it even less so.  Please explain me how this removing this mods will be justified towards those players? 
    One more extra question since I am starting to get so tired of this way of thinking : Just because new players do not have the capacity the max mods, or old players do not want to do this, they should be removed? This is pretty much BullS#&$.

    Primed Point Blank is your only real argument here - others will get turned into equivalent cores or possibly a Legendary Core for our maxed Serrations etc., if DE is feeling extra generous. PPB has the additional ducat/credit cost associated (ignoring trading plat for now, that's your own choice) that would have to be compensated for.

    Real question is how far this will reach. We could see Point Blank being built into crit-oriented weapons (in which case, Primed Pistol Gambit is in question). Same for Crit Damage (and therefore Primed Ravage and Target Cracker are at risk). Nobody can claim those aren't mandatory mods on the weapons that use them - what's the last time you saw a Dread user without at least 100% crit chance? Or a Soma that doesn't crit?


    I'm reserving my judgement until we get more information on where things are going.

  5. 33 minutes ago, Spellcasterz said:

    As was said,bursas also utterly nullify some Frames,which if they are to stay with their current overwhelming spawn mechanics needs to change.

    Solo Nyx might as well leave as soon as an alarm goes up in a corpus sortie.

    It's not the strongest frame for dealing with them, as I found out when running a test on each frame for another thread, but she's not completely incapable. Mind Control is duration reduced, but does give you a chance to pump some free damage into the back panel (remember it does take the damage once MC wears off). Absorb damage just gets completely 'lol,  nope'd though, with that frontal shielding.

  6. I can sympathise. In today's Survival I had a player join and AFK at spawn, die, then lost one of the other two squad members to aborting, then the guy got up, fought a little bit, died, and remained dead for the entire rest of the run. The other squadmember left as a result of this.

    That all happened within the first 6 minutes. I had to then keep going for the remaining 9 on my own with much strain and stress, just me and the original AFK (still dead), trying desperately to squeeze out every little bit of life support from boxes and snag a capsule without getting murdered. I even managed it!

    Then once I'd done all the work and just barely succeeded the mission (with 2% LS to spare), having to play outrageously evasive to avoid those oneshots all the damn time.. the player revived and claimed his free rewards. Yeah.

    I'd say I deserve a Legendary Core for that performance, but that would've meant the freeloader would have gotten one too. I'm glad it wasn't anything special, just another Nezha piece.


    If I hadn't been playing Ivara and spending most of the time Prowling around and stealing the odd extra Personal Life Support (when I wasn't being exposed by 300 nullifiers and 20 Comba/Scrambus) I would've had no chance.

  7. 7 hours ago, (PS4)Crimson_Judgment said:

    Now just saying Before they buff the Gorgon... just think for a moment about the Heavy gunners

    Think of what happened to Corpus Techs and Scorches upon their Respective weapon buffs now just think about the Heavy gunners

    Regardless i do hope they get buffed but i can't help but wonder what will the Heavy gunners turn into

    There's no real reason for the enemies to get buffed 'accidentally' with the weapon buffs. It's a conscious decision on DE's part.


    They already have freely customisable properties.

    A regular Viper fires naturally faster than the Shield Lancer's does. Levels give enemies increases in damage. Bombards aren't susceptible to their own blast radius (and have homing rockets, which our Ogris doesn't). Enemies use RNG to decide when they have to reload, rather than actual clips.

    Enemy weapons only share properties of our weapons. They are not the same. Nightwatch Grineer Lancers used "enhanced weapons like the Karak Wraith", but really it's only a change to the model to justify stat tweaks that made the enemies stronger.


    You can still find some old relics of the past using outdated mechanics and weapons on certain tiles. Corpus Crewmen with impervious helmets portaling into Grineer 'dormitories'/barracks tiles in invasions, bootleg Grineer Troopers using their old weapon/stats showing up on some Spy vaults if triggered. No reason the enemies can't stay as they are independantly of our guns being altered.

  8. 21 minutes ago, (PS4)Tpaetznick said:

    the power creep is real

    this is a buff thread in response to that


    fu***** gorgons


    As someone who put a Catalyst in his regular Gorgon before the Soma ruined all hopes of LMG parity forever (and then got primed into the bargain)...

    Yes. Pls. Supra got a buff, Soma+Prime is still way out ahead, but the whole Gorgonfamily is left in the dust. That's criminal.

    I know my potato in the original is still wasted because the Prisma-G and G-Wraith exist now, but such is life.. at least I'd get to upgrade to bigger brothers, not its Timmy, Power Gamer cousin.

  9. 1 minute ago, IceColdHawk said:

    I was just asking since i couldn't really understand what herosupport was saying. But i totally agree.

    Ah, fair enough. Classic case of tone not carrying over to text.

    Having said that, the distance between weapon tiers is a little bit ridiculous as it stands. It's difficult to say whether a wave of nerfs or a wave of buffs is truly needed. Given the legitimisation of level 100 (and additionally augmented) enemies in Sorties, it's probably the latter. More things buffed up to be able to reasonably deal with the ridiculous enemies before they get their oneshots in. Or a total rework to that 'cheese begets cheese' cycle, but what are the odds of that?


    It's not exactly a new problem. When I started I got and adored the Gorgon. Think I even spent one of my few-and-far-between Catalysts on it. Then the Soma existed and it was better in every single way by such a ridiculous amount that no amount of mod-tweaking can bring it to a balanced power level. More damage, massively better ammo efficiency, more accuracy... Was the Gorgon given any love? Nah. They just released Soma Prime later instead. In the meantime we've had two alternate Gorgons that are still equally useless fodder in comparison to the Soma/Prime.

    Supra got a bit of a buff in U17 though. Chews through ammo like all hell but at least its base damage being increased by almost 30% made it almost compete, unlike the entire Gorgon family.

  10. 20 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:

    You actually want to have nerfed weapons back to their previous state? Is that what you want?

    When things like the Tonkor are allowed to exist unnerfed, there's no excuse for previous nerfs to remain in effect. You can't just nerf some outliers, then leave the new hotness being even further afield than those previous outliers were, without people starting to question it.


    Besides, the Brakk was heavily nerfed because of it outperforming primary shotguns at the time - it definitely deserves being brought back up at the very least closer to its original point, now that primary Shotguns have been generally buffed up significantly.

  11. 34 minutes ago, -BM-StormVanguard said:

    Then there would be no point to larger/smaller ammo pools. That is a very strong balancing point weapons have. You have plenty of ways to replenish ammo, a mod slot is nothing at all.

    We can meet in the middle. Percentage ammo gain is a bit of a bad idea for the exact reason you suggested, but how about my solution? I try to solve a few problems in there, such as the "special ammo max" getting messed up with Secondary Specials as well as trying to make the ammo pickups a bit more fair to high ammo consumption gear.

    There's already no point to larger/smaller ammo pools with regard to modding (What real point is there in having twice as much ammo in total when you're guaranteed to be relying on pickups soon enough anyway?) - so I even tried to make these mods a bit more useful while keeping the viability of Mutation as well. Nobody slots Ammo Drum, let's be honest.

    shameless self promotion go

  12. 57 minutes ago, Nyrue said:

    2 Corrupt mods, i like corrupt mods i do but lately it seems that there are few frames worth playing a balanced build with, and a few frames that just have no negative consequences for using certain corrupt mods  -- (i wrote this with frost specifically in mind i know i'm probably a minority, but i think he's too OP)

    You should've cited Loki's absolute lack of caring about power strength. Frost has downsides to every corrupt mod:

    Low range hurts every ability but Freeze.

    Low strength hurts every ability.

    Low duration hurts the Avalanche freeze time and the Freeze ability's debuff duration.

    Low efficiency is self explanatory.

  13. 13 minutes ago, KnightCole said:

    Actually, I did it with Rhino yesterday,  Iran into a few Bursas.  Stomp throws the thing wildly around, so even finding its back isnt possible, given how it lands.  THe Bursa cheats your Iron skin off with it's magic bubble of hacks, and drains all your energy at the same time.  1 doesnt even touch them......

    They'll splay out straight up into the air, so if they were facing you, just go to where you'd expect the back to be, relatively speaking. I had time to go around and land a good few shots in the back panels even with a low-duration stomp I forgot I still had equipped. I didn't use my Prime variants and I haven't used regular Rhino since Stomp stasis didn't care about positive or negative duration either way.

    It was enough to fight off the onslaught of three Bursas long enough to knock the pack down to one unit, with an unpotatoed and unmaxed Strun Wraith I happened to be levelling at the time.


    I'll grant that I didn't test against Isolators (Denials were quickest to pick from the Simulacrum rollout) but most of the victory conditions are more about the CC, which the null grenades don't really prevent, the anti-knockdown self buffs that those screw over are more of a value-added kind of benefit.

    Even Nezha was more about the staggering and proccing from Halo/Firewalker stopping any of the Bursas from doing basically anything until victory, including throwing null-'nades. Invisible frames wouldn't get them thrown out either.

  14. 1 hour ago, EvilChaosKnight said:

    So out of your entire list there are 3 frames which you can get and 1 which you can only pick at the start without meeting Bursas and/or insane amounts of grind (Ash). Not this many options, eh?

    AND all that trouble to counter ONE enemy type. Yep, totally fine game design.


    All experimenting done against 3 level 30 bursas using mediocre at best loadouts.


    Ash - already covered - invisibility and free backstabs!

    Atlas - Landslide annihilates them. Walls help. Rumblers divert aggro allowing you to circle around and hit the squishy parts without too much trouble. Don't try to Petrify though. Knockdown resistant!

    Banshee - Trouble fighting. Sound Quake permanently staggers (coop friendly) and got some mileage out of the Silence stun, but ultimately died.

    Chroma - Very basically speaking, the usual Chroma tactics: Beefing up with Vex Armour and Elemental Ward for a straight fight, or slide in and use Effigy to hold attention while you backstab them. Probably more tactical flexibility with the different elements, but I didn't try. I think I had Cold on, which helped with the Effigy strategy (slowing them down to give more freedom to act). Reasonable difficulty.

    Ember - CC from Heat procs, Accelerant stuns and WOF auto-targeted damage made the fight a total non-issue. I was expecting worse!

    Equinox - Rest/Pacify handles them pretty well as generally works with special threats. A reason to use Night form for once!

    Excalibur - already covered - Blind CC and EB punchthrough work fine.

    Frost - already covered - lots of slowdowns to help space out knockdowns, attacks, and decrease turning speed for close quarters combat.

    Hydroid - Weak capacity to deal with them. Best bet is to throw tentacles and try to pick off at range. They escape Undertow for some reason.

    Ivara - Sleep Arrow god. Sit them in place, stab them in the console with that sweet stealth multiplier and laugh.

    Limbo - At least you only ever have to fight one at a time. Rift Surge can help make those potshots in the back count.

    Loki - Some Invisibility still makes the fight a nonissue. Decoy can help, but does tempt out the knockdowns.

    Mag - Not the best time, but her abilities all help pretty well. Shield Polarise if with allies, Pull staggers. Bullet Attractor can make shots in the back easier to land.

    Mesa - Couldn't find a good way to fight solo. Staggering them with Shooting Gallery while you Peacemaker them down seemed to be the best of a bad situation.

    Mirage - Hi, I can blind for days. Gief streamline, enjoy fite.

    Nekros - Terrify even turns them around for you. Shadows would also work (presumably, I didn't bother adding mooks to kill so I could test the obvious)

    Nezha - Warding Halo blocks knockdowns. Literally able to cast WH and run circles around them with Firewalker to stop them attacking while I blasted them.

    Nova - Prime them and they're too slow to stop you shooting them in the back. Or just pump some damage into an AMD from a safe spot and circle it down behind them (but careful for rockets. Safe spot!)

    Nyx - CC resistance is a pain here but you still have some time to Mind Control or Chaos and pump a few hits into the back panel before it wears off. Absorb damage just gets blocked, don't bother.

    Oberon - Carpets stop you getting knocked down, and using Radiation procs from Smite/Reckoning to make Bursa fight their allies is somehwat useful. Not great.

    Rhino  - Iron Skin protects from knockdown. Stomp gives you free reign to shoot them in the back. Roar for more damage too. Not too much of a problem.

    Saryn - Stack damage over time until they succumb. Miasma can stagger. Molt can provide a distraction to allow backshots.

    Trinity - The goold old Well of Life -> EV trick works a charm, especially since Well is reduced in duration so you can execute it quicker. Link for defensive and anti-knockdown purposes. Easy peasy.

    Valkyr - exists.

    Vauban - Bastille has... interesting issues affecting the Bursas. Sometimes it holds them dancing up and down like you might expect, sometimes they go up briefly then ignore it. Possibly something to do with catching them on the edge to refresh the effect. Still, some CC gives you a good chance.

    Volt - Use outrageous melee speed from Volt's speed ability to your advantage (build combo and damage/procs even from the front) OR stand back with an Electric Shield and take potshots (albeit weakened). Overload stops the Bursas attacking (but not from turning) for a small while.

    Wukong - Some success just wailing away with Primal Fury, but knockdowns and staggers all day can ruin him. Cloud Walking behind Bursas gives a couple free shots, nothing special. I'd put him in the weaker cateogry for dealing with them.

    Zephyr - Weak capacity for dealing with Bursas. Best bet is to throw Tornadoes at them a couple times with energy restoration/efficiency and hope you can just damage them down that way, since the CC doesn't do anything.


    So 14 bolded names of 'easy victory' out of 28 frames, with several more being capable fighters. That's not too restrictive, really. And that's testing against three Bursas at once, with deliberately subpar loadouts. A single Bursa is hardly that problematic in comparison.

  15. 3 hours ago, sappinmahsentry said:

    Only way that would be acceptable to me is if they remove the instant stealth kill for dual daggers. Why? Because dual daggers aren't exactly stealth weapons, and gnashing payara has a hit where you deal 575% damage with two strikes. Oh yeah, not only that, but the other comboes also have glorious damage multipliers. Not allowing daggers to instant stealth kill with covert lethality will allow players to choose between a weapon for killing single, very high level enemies. Or killing many enemies without as fast as a kill on single enemies. 

    At that point you've removed the point of Covert Lethality and just buffed the base damage of the dual daggers.

    Which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it's not something that needs to exist on the CL mod itself.

    In fact, I'd suggest removing the +base damage from CL entirely and applying it to all daggers and dual daggers. They could use the love, and it'd free up the heavy mod drain from CL in situations where you're definitely not going to be able to use the actual covertly lethal part.

    Maybe reduce the drain of CL as well as shifting the base damage, making it strictly a cheap-ish utility mod you slot to make Finishers finish things. It's practically a mandatory mod on daggers as it stands.

  16. Truthfully the answer is yes. As an entity that spawns at complete random, having shields and invulnerability phases to allow said shields to regenerate in addition to extreme damage resistance is completely broken.


    At least with Sentients, if you can avoid getting blasted by them, every bullet counts. Even when they're fully resisting the weapon, you're scratching single digit numbers against finite health - and those are units you know exist and will attack on their respective nodes.

    The stalker has none of those graces. Shield means that you have to do a certain amount of damage before you're making a lasting mark - between invulnerability periods - and you can't simply avoid his spawning nodes while you're not using a loadout that can combat the damage resistances. There's a failure state completely independent of player action; no matter how skilled you are at fighting, you can be in an impossible to win scenario.


    That's good as lore (assassin targeting you at your least prepared), but terrible as game design.

  17. 5 hours ago, Bloodskll said:

    polarity slots don't match

    forma is wasted

    6 hours ago, ashrah said:

    need reforma wepons again

    6 hours ago, Faustus said:

     well that's a lot of wasted formas. 


    See solutions here and here for Forma/Polarisation reworking, to allow a player to never be in a position where they've wasted Forma. Ever again. No matter how many new mods and balance changes happen, your Forma will only ever improve your options. No more 'overwriting' and therefore wasting existing polarities.

  18. 31 minutes ago, Wolfglaive said:

    Look, I'm not going to bother with you anymore. Clearly you've missed the point. Grakata and Twin Grakatas ARE treated differently, that's the thing, they use different mods. Phage needs a buff, sure, it got overlooked or outright ignored. Shotgun-like secondaries DO deserve to be reworked or buffed or whatever, but you pointing out that the flavor text says the Bronco is a shotgun doesn't mean they're considered by DE to be in the same bucket shotguns are, and frankly, while they desever their own rework, they should NOT get the same treatment in a sweepingly careless way as you suggest. Have a nice day.

    I'd miss the point, but my problem is that you appear to be lacking one.

    When the Brakk was given enhanced drawbacks in line with shotguns because it was a secondary Shotgun outperforming primary Shotguns, there's an implicit need to reverse some of that when its primary-slot rivals are improved, surely.

    So if you agree they need quality improvements, then your issue is what? That the OP phrased it such that DE 'missed' weapons, which they obviously didn't because <reasons>?

    I mean, that's just sad, if so. DE doesn't need white-knighting for. That's why these forums exist. To give feedback and help point them towards things they are missing.


    I may have gotten a little venomous out of sheer incredulity. Apologies. That aside. The secondary shotguns deserve a correctly proportioned improvement similarly to those that were afforded primary shotguns, and I'd say the exact same of every weapon category:

    Ammo economy for high consumption automatic pistols could be looked at as an equivalent to Light Machine Guns getting theirs improved if they needed it. (for instance, an ammo rework to better cope with high ammo consumption weaponry)

    Self-damage for secondary launchers should be metered down to something relvant but not suicidal just as should be done for primary launchers (and Tonkor brought up to that level).

    Primary shotguns getting tightened spread and reduced damage falloff should see an easing on the same restrictions that are applied to secondary shotguns.


    Secondaries aren't some unique and beautiful snowflake land of special cases. They're handier versions of their bigger brothers you can use as a backup if you can't keep said bigger brother around. I'd equip a Hek in my secondary slot to go with my primary bow if I could, but instead I have to use a smaller cousin.

    So DE should be fair and give the smaller cousin a smaller-scale version of the buffs. That's all.

  19. 4 minutes ago, JoeLorodeath said:

    I don't think it's wise to balance the game around people who already have every conceivable item and a forma stash from back when the void was utterly cluttered with them. Going forward, where I've already noticed less bps, with new players and ever more weapons and frames (which all need 2-5 forma and may need more for the right elemental combinations with my suggestion) will quickly eat through that backlog you have and discourage the kind of variety we are both after.

    Also, as a side note, the UI to do the polarity bank would have to be developed and the system to move those objects back and forth from the weapon to the bank, but I'm sure that wouldn't be too complicated even if it's slightly more work and memory load than mine. The only reason I bring this up is because recently DE Reb stated that they weren't concidering mod rank customization (the ability to reduce the rank of fully ranked mods temporarily) because it would be "too big a burden" on their servers. I'm sure this is a bigger issue with each player having 1000s of mods, but good to consider anyway. 

    Long story short, any of these systems would be better than what we have now. I hope this thread can get DE's attention, maybe we can all send this question in for the next devstream. 

    To be fair, I did play for a while in the infamous Age of Jigsaws, when literally every drop from the void was bugged into being a Forma BP. A couple of endless missions before they fixed it may have bloated my reserves a little. That's why I said it depends on what DE is willing to do with Polarising as a system. Yours is better if the increased value of Forma is acceptable, absolute minimal storage added, but if they want to maintain the status quo of Forma value then something like mine would be the best path.


    With regard to server load, there's not really any at all involved in my suggestion - no more so than switching around existing polarities already does. The client side could handle the calculations for displaying X / Y on the information stored on the object - those 3 to 5 extra bytes along with the existing (assumed) bitmasked 8-10 that identify what polarity a slot currently is. Once you know what polarities are used and how many of each are available, the maths can be done client-side to allow tinkering around, which will be validated just as simply server-side when a polarity loadout is saved. No exploits from bad data there - server knows what polarities are available, so if there's an overflow of a loadout using more than it's earned of a given polarity, it can be rejected.


    Yes, any improvements are good improvements. But if we stop debating the finer details, then the thread does the same as mine did, a moment's interest followed by falling off the board's first page(s). I would've sent the question in last Devstream with my thread, if the forums hadn't been down at the time!

  20. 25 minutes ago, Wolfglaive said:

    I'm not arguing that they aren't shotguns mechanically, nor am I arguing what they should or shouldn't be referred to. What I am saying, is that the game itself, and by extension, DE, do not classify them as a shotgun type weapon. They are secondary weapons, which use pistol mods. OP was asking for them to be buffed due to mechanically being shotguns, and while they do need some kind of touch up or buff, DE won't do it as part of a shotgun rework/buff because they don't consider them to be part of that group of weapons. They're just secondaries with shotgun-like properties.

    24 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

    -largely the same-


    Phage then? That fits all the semantics. It's a primary! Uses shotgun mods! Ammo too! Still no buff.

    It does not matter what you call them, where you equip them, what you slot on them or what magical coloured boxes makes you able to shoot them more.

    If it has been balanced in the past with the same mechanics as Shotgun primaries, then when Shotgun primaries are improved, they should also be improved to be kept in line.


    Shotgun Secondaries deserve Shotgun improvements. Maybe not to the exact same values. I'm not exactly saying the Bronco should do more damage more efficiently than the Vaykor Hek here.

    But if DE acknowledged that their previous balance point for "short ranged pellet weaponry with spread and damage falloff over range" wasn't appropriate, then the alterations should be applied to all instances of such weaponry.


    Grakata/Twin Grakata? It's two primaries wielded together... now in a secondary slot. Uses pistol mods instead of Rifle ones, now. Aren't they still equivalent entities? It's two of the same thing!


    I'll quote the Codex entry for the Bronco again.


    The Bronco is a small-scale shotgun that can be wielded with one hand. Only effective at close range, it has a limited clip size.

    How can you not call it a shotgun? It says it right there in DE's own text.

  21. 3 minutes ago, JoeLorodeath said:

    While the above system relies on a new "bank of polarities", the following example, while more work for the player, only takes 1 additional stat added to each mod slot which is if it is "unlocked" or not (only 1 bit required). Also, never need more than 8 forma on a weapon again. 

    Okay, that's true enough - you need 2 new bytes per item to store that information (bitmask locked/unlocked for each of 8 general slots for one byte, and an additional byte on top to mask any additional 'special' slots such as auras) versus 3 to 5 in my suggestion.


    The question is whether DE thinks it's acceptable to reduce the polarity burden that far.

    My suggestion and OP's suggestion (sorry, I'm pushing my thread in yours, because I'd be repeatedly bumping mine without actual responses otherwise) already reduces the burden, with almost no more worries about detrimental cross-polarity drain. However, each individual Forma is worth the exact same as it is now, with the added benefit that there is no longer a downside to Polarising if you're willing to do the relevelling legwork.

    This would improve Forma usage (and potentially sales of prebuilt Forma) with a functional cap of some 40+ Forma on any given item that only ever increases a player's options.

    Your suggestion makes Forma five or six times more valuable than it is now, and instantiates a functional cap of 10 Forma on a warframe, 9 on a melee and 8 on a primary/secondary.

    People with a lot of Forma available at the moment could pretty much cap half the game. I have 200 lying around myself between built and BPs, that's 20 Warframes polarised to the absolute maximum in your suggestion - a majority of those available. That might not account for weapons, but still. We're talking about systems to make items never need to be improved again, only modded and used. I don't regularly use 20 different warframes. Doesn't that take a little away from the prestige feeling for people who do main some of the ones I utterly maxed out just because I could with my 'spares'?

  22. 42 minutes ago, CommanderSpawn said:

    What he was trying to say is that these weapons are not classified in Warframe as shotguns. Sure, they do act like that, but the game recognize them as a pistol or a sidearm. These are SIDEARMS, which means that they held and managed like pistols. The Corvas is a shotgun, but once again, the game see it as an arch-gun. In this case, why would DE make an arch-shotgun weapon category if there is only one like that in the game?

    If going by your logic, the Phage is a laser rifle and not a shotgun. I can agree on a buff for it, don't get me wrong.

    About the other type of weapons: the same deal.

    DE have a list of their weapons, they didn't forget to improve the Brakk and the Bronbo/Akbronco, it's just not on the category of shotguns and not classified by their side as shotguns.

    You are arguing semantics. It doesn't matter what mods they use, it doesn't matter what ammo they pick up, it doesn't matter what slot in a loadout they fill.

    If it uses shotgun mechanics, it deserves the same improvements afforded to other weapons using shotgun mechanics.


    The Phage is a debatable case for throwing it the buffs others got. It's a strange beast. An attempt at a 'continuous shotgun' as it were. It does work differently.

    But the Bronco series and Brakk can't be claimed that DE "don't classify them as shotguns". DE gave them their mechanics - shotgun mechanics - and DE gave them their descriptions. "The Bronco is a small-scale shotgun that can be wielded with one hand."


    In fact, the Brakk had its 'shotgun tradeoffs' added and magnified from its original incarnation. Surely it deserves the same lifting of these restrictions that was afforded the primary shotguns? Even if it doesn't get a damage buff (or a damage rebalance back from its horrible change to impact weighted IPS), it should at least have the increased spread and heavy falloff reduced back closer to what it originally was.

  23. 5 hours ago, (PS4) FriendSharkey said:

    Self damage on explosive weapons needs to be removed in general. Nerfing the Tonkor would be a mistake, that weapon is truly fun, unpredictable, and rewarding all at once.

    No, the Tonkor should be balanced down from where it is now because it does over ten times the damage of its counterparts while having effectively zero comparitive risk.

    Who needs bullets when you can just hold a grenade in your teeth like a romantic's rose and kiss the nearest Heavy Gunner to instantly annihilate them while all you get is a bit of debris bouncing off your shields?


    There's a middle ground between no selfdamage and suicidal selfdamage. That's where all explosive weapons need to stand. Don't kill yourself if you get so much as grazed by the edge of your blast radius, but feel like you made a mistake if you're at the epicentre.

    The whole 'lol rocket jumping' excuse falls flat when you realise that explosive-propelled jumping as a mechanic elsewhere still has risk/reward most of the time. Look what's on the first page of Google results!



  24. 7 hours ago, Wolfglaive said:

    Not with regards to Warframe. Pocket-shotguns use pistol mods, and are balanced differently. Arch-guns do the same, although the Corvas is pretty much trash. Only weapons that use shotgun mods are classed as such by DE and the game itself. You can't bring a Brakk on a Shotgun-only sortie.

    You can bring a rocket launcher (Ogris) to an Assault Rifle sortie.

    You can't bring a rocket launcher (Angstrum) to an Assault Rifle sortie.


    Yep, seems like this is the guiding hand that should decree what is or is not a certain weapon category.


    If it shoots its damage in separate pellets like a shotgun, gains additional pellets from multishot like a shotgun, has damage falloff like a shotgun, and spreads over distance like a shotgun, then it's a shotgun.


    DE already has several categories of mods under "Primary", including Shotgun. The mods not being usable on the Brakk is most likely just a limitation on the system of primary/secondary weapons as a whole.

    Are there any mods you can equip on a primary AND a secondary? Let's look at an example: You can't equip Firestorm on explosive secondaries or the Embolist. You can't equip Thunderbolt on a Ballistica (but you can on the Attica, so the autofire is not the balancing factor).

    Clearly the logical path would be to allow a secondary rocket launcher to use a blast radius mod just the same as the primary rocket launcher can, if it were possible system-wise. But it can't. So all secondaries generally use Pistol mods or have their own equivalent versions of the same 'special' primary mod.


    If you don't believe the Kulstar or Angstrum are explosive ordnance weapons because they use pistol mods then I invite you to wield them, look down, and click LMB a lot.

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