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Posts posted by Etzu

  1. ....- ----- .-.-.- --...
    ..... ...-- ----. --... --
    .. -. ..- ... --... ...--
    .-.-.- ----. ---.. ...--
    ----- .----

    ...-- --... .-.-.- --... ....- ----- ..---
    ...-- -- .. -. ..- ... .---- ..--- ..--- .-.-.-
    ....- ----- ----- -.... .---

    4 0 . 7
    5 3 9 7 m
    i n u s 7 3
    . 9 8 3
    0 1

    3 7 . 7 4 0 2
    3 m i n u s 1 2 2 .
    4 0 0 6 1


    40.75397 -73.98301
    37.74023 -122.40061

  2. So here is the promised synthesis of all the "suspicious" messaged during the open comms yesterday:


    To be honnest, I doubt there is anything usable there to solve the riddles, lots of the screened messages are probably just tennos making fun.

    I'm not a discord expert, but I doubt it's possible to pre-script a channel to auto-replace the text of some messages to some pre-made messages (like the message number xxx will get wiped and rewrited to be "TENNO" by a bot). I know that kind of thing is possible when you're the one doing to code behind but I doubt a discord server admin can do that on a channel.

    So take all of that as just coincidences and a really cool roleplay moment.


    Another thing, the first time I saw the numbers, it made me thinking of potential coordinates, but I did not manage to turn it into any kind of space location irl. Can be totaly crap too. (and I really doubt we need to find something INSIDE the game, except if they placed it already during the update when we get the solaris guy and the corpus in cetus, was with chimera if i'm right)

  3. I just spent some time scrolling up the open comms channel to screenshot everything looking suspicious before the comms get wiped, I'll do a synthesis of the pics after lunch.

    And by the way if you guys want to laught, just spend time in reading all the mess that happened in 4 minutes on that channel yesterday xD, some messages are hillarious !


    But don't get misleaded, I doubt there was anything really usefull in all the things I screened except a nice roleplay scenario made by DE to give us the actual riddle.

  4. il y a 4 minutes, LeFallenPhoenix a dit :

    I have no idea if this is relevant but the suite of number from the live and from the error file have common numbers

    From live: 1 1 22 23 24 58 48 5 103 142 143 146 161
    From error file

    In bold text are the common numbers and in italics two inverted numbers. To me it is not a coincidence to find the same numbers in the same order but i can't find a way to use them.

    your live number is not correct, it was "11222324658485103142143146161"

  5. à l’instant, Histarium a dit :

    No idea if this means anything, Data.txt was already supposedly solved, got the password etc. but when running it through Base64 with an ASCII alphabet set I got: 

    In the first paragraph. Is this anything or is the decoder just giving me an error? 

    This is the header html code of something, compare it to the sorucecode of your decoder ?

  6. Il y a 10 heures, o0Despair0o a dit :

    I'd like to, but... I gotta work tomorrow, I need to get up at 6:20, and it's 5 before midnight.... and I'm the kind of person who sleeps 12 hours straight if I'm tired.

    Well, I slept too, but now back to the shenanigan.

  7. à l’instant, XenoBoyBG a dit :

    Curious, but all other evidence says otherwise. First week of November (the 7th) ; updates are typical on Wednesdays (the 7th is a Wednesday) and there will be one more server update on the 5th, meaning the 6th likely will be double-checking if everything is good to go, and the 7th the release. Assuming DE doesn't release it beforehand. 

    Also remember that the end date for Sacrifice Statue ordering is on the 9th, could be also tip for the earliest possible release date.

  8. Tenno,

    We just lost the signal on our communication array with the Solaris. While some of our forces are working hard on deciphering the strange message we received, we should work together as a Strike Force once more, as we did on V-Prime last night.

    Our goal now is to disturb as massivly as possible the corpus communications arround Venus, by intercepting as many secret messages as we can.

    >>> Target: Venus - Cytherean <<<

    Join the battle for Solaris.


    PS: this is a 100% player made roleplay call, with no guaranteed result on anything, for anyone wanting to pass time before fortuna arrives. Feel free to pass your way if you're not interessed.

  9. Tennos,

    Corpus are scrambling the communications with Orb Vallis.

    Let's counter-attack, we must raids the corpus orbital fleet to melt down their signals. We must aim for doing sabotage on their communication array >>> Target: Ishtar <<<

    Spread the word, join the effort !


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