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Posts posted by yilmazdurmaz

  1. I thought you had fixed the issue, yet here I am with the issue.

    "blood relics" mission in orb vallis has no body for a 4th agent.

    or maybe it has no 4th agent at all, because most of solo mission are made to find few less things than usual public plays. though, I am not sure about this, because for each body, Eudico has something to say.

    anyways, I am playing solo and I just failed a mission because there way no 4th body anywhere in that yellow circle. this had happened before in the same area, possibly same named mission. mission area is around the "grow site".

    please check and fix the mission phase and/or phases in that area

  2. 38 minutes ago, (PS4)boilerhogbc said:

    there are several ways to find out what the size will be and many ways of communicating why you wont be on for a certain amount of time or whatever else.

    I will tell you the same : "I don't communicate anyone outside the game. try to think out-of-the-box before you even attempt to think to write an answer to posts".

    and by the first comment you wrote, you don't seem to play daily, nor I don't think PS4 gets updates so often as PC does. did you know we just get 2 updates within 2 hours with about 150MB in size?

  3. 4 minutes ago, Oreades said:




    you satisfied? if not , go find somewhere else, because this post is not for you satisfaction.

    or you can just stop acting. the sentence you quoted is still true, because otherwise you wouldn't try to tell me those things.

    with phone data, I play solo with daily average of 3 hours ~20MB and every new update has at least that size of fixed download without the update itself. launcher itself updates first ~10MB and then "checking new content" eats ~30MB, only then update itself comes.

    and more to that, in just 2 hours, I lost ~150MB of data to two updates. more than  a week's worth of play time lost only to updates. 

    besides, I don't communicate anyone outside the game. try to think out-of-the-box before you even attempt to think to write an answer to posts.

  4. 9 minutes ago, krc473 said:
    • When updating WF, TM did say there was around a 15 - 16 MB/s usage. This was slightly lower than what the launcher stated. But I put this completely down to the near instant download meaning I couldn't make a direct comparison. While searching for content there was no utilisation showing in TM, but the Resource Monitor did show usage. 

    I forgot not all players use phone data 🙂 my 3G/4G connection does around 1MB/s, so without a network limiter in your computer it is hard to see what I saw. it took around 60 seconds for me to complete update.

    if someone wants to try this, OpenVPN client (need installation) and one of freevpn.me servers  might do the job. they mostly serve at ~500KB/s

  5. not sure if DEs has read this post, but the newest updates (minutes ago) took place like this: launcher started first ~10MB of download. it was not in "processes with network activity " but in below panel ""network activity", then came ~30MB of "checking content" part and both launcher and warframe64.exe showed up in both panes. it is possible they fixed launcher, or we need to wait for another update to check again.

  6. 24 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    *I say sometimes because I have fast internet that usually gets it done quickly. I also almost always have background tasks that use internet (music streaming, other downloads etc) so it is hard to monitor.

    I don't use any stream you mentioned, so I am sure WF launcher is the only one to get high number of data in that interval. anyways, there is a new update. can you please try to check what I have experienced, as I will now do with this new one too.

  7. 11 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Your description is a little hard to follow (speeds not provided). But this just sounds like what it normally does. If you think there is a virus, run a scan. If you want to complain about wasted internet, don’t call it ‘virus like’. 

    if you couldn't "follow", why bother to write an answer anyway? my computer is free of viruses and I didn't complain about used data (I did it it the link I gave).

    every process to use network show up in resource manager, and if it does not then its behavior is "virus like",

    especially when you know there is no other program to use network actively at the exact moments launcher runs an update.

  8. hi DEs,

    let it either be slow networks or phone data, any new update means a panic for players in these categories.

    slow networks takes really long to get the update so the fun is cut half and maybe the plans these players have at that time slot.

    phone data users mostly get the updates fast, but the problem is the total quota they have.

    instead of warning players just T-5 minutes, you may try to warn about possible outcomes towards the end of your fixing process. or even delay the updates like T-15 instead of T-5.

    besides the timing, it would be really, reeeaaally, nice to know the size of total update (launcher, assets, and hidden/unnamed extras) before we hit that "quit" button, so that we may say "be back in a minute" or "farewell, see you next week/month" to our friends and clanmates etc.

  9. hi DEs,

    few days ago I posted about unseen update download sizes and impact on phone data usage.
    optimizing new content checking

    I had no direct answer but last couple updates had about 30MB, which is way better than old sizes.

    the problem in the title is about what I saw during the update. 

    I had wi-fi status page is open before I start launcher to see how much data will new update downloads. (good old control panel then network connections and double click on wi-fi)

    first part was ~10MB launcher update, then another 10MB of unkown update, and after that it started to check for new content. after about 30MB of checking, ~50MB new content is found. it is all good so far.

    then this happened: download is stalled down to 40KB/s, yet there was a constant stream of data. I opened resource monitor (task manager - performance -resource monitor) and expected warframe or some other program downloading something. what ş saw is the reason of this post: there was no activity from any other program that uses internet, NOR there was no warframe activity.

    i waited and watched as WF launcher continues to download the update. yet it was not there. it took about 2 minutes to get updated content, and there was no sign of warframe process on resource manager. hence the title "virus like behaviour". 

    oh , by the way, while launcher downloading that ~50MB update, there happened another ~10-15MB extra dat usage. maybe a broken data during the update when it stalled down to KBs of speed. I am just not sure if it was the launcher.

  10. I hunt them all kinds. hard times. and again!? NEVER. 

    their hunt can be fixed but don't know if some DEs ever care.

    how can their hunt be fixed? at least 3 ways exist.

    their lure points can be moved ON the high grounds of the leaves, which would  a very logical change for bird targets. why would a bird try to eat their prey, or find a mate, on the ground anyway!?

    or as all targets, they can come landing on the ground, not the leaves, and run away at slightest danger around. it is the second logical thing: they should move closer to their prey, or mate, wherever they are; in this case onto the ground.

    and last "or", their codes can be fixed so that they wont fall into leaves when hit by sleep skills of frames and also by tranq darts. I lost the count how many times my bird targets are just lost in to the ground. besides, guided arrows of ultimate hunter, Ivara, just passes through them. very annoying.

    in short, as many other things, take time and never go back once you have done with it. these things are the reason we also call the game "BUGFRAME"

  11. hi DEs,

    there are some differences in game mechanics between playing in public and solo.

    playing with Khora, I love to hop on these support capsules then cast the 4th skill. but trying to play solo in kuva survival, these capsules are just hollow and have no boundaries even to touch. they are like ghosts.

    can you please fix this issue!? 

  12. 2 minutes ago, Hobie-wan said:

    Hopefully it's something they can trim down somehow, but you are playing a game that's always online and frequently updates. It isn't as if it shouldn't have been expected from the beginning.

    the problem here is even the simplest updates takes a lot of data just to check what is there to update. it is plausible if you haven't played for many updates, but we are already playing the game's latest update, and it should not take that much to check what is new. 

  13. hey there,

    I am away from landline internet and I connect to the game over phone 3g/4g, I am recently having nightmares (!) because of this problem.

    every time you release an update to the game, small or large, this checking process eats away a large amount of data.

    yesterday it was about 10MB of update to download, yet it took over a 100MB of data to update the game. today about 100MB and over 200MB data was sucked by launcher.

    every time the launcher is on "checking for new content", it eats away 50-100MB of precious 3g/4g data.

    there is nothing wrong if you have a life of sitting at … your homes with unlimited internet access. but please consider those are not the only types of players playing this game.

    I will still need to find a large volume internet when big updates come, but please don't let the fun end because of this problem.

    DEs, please, don't let me down and optimize your new content checking algorithms.

    P.S: if you wonder, I don't play public/friend/invite mods because any of them means 10s of MB per mission, and being a host means over 100MB data upload to clients besides the connection between host and game servers, playing actively for a few hours means over 1GB of data transfer. So, I play solo all the time unless I need to do otherwise. that way 5-20MB transfer after a few hours of play.

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  14. I was playing solo long time when I began.

    I didn't care about eidolon hunts other than amps, so going with a team was no problem, mostly leeching. but no way for me to beat tridolon, nor rewarding to go after.

    then came profit taker. only to get parts required for weapons, and with a team. too many minion spawns. no more going back unless required.

    deck-12 is a bit better. it takes long with exploiter orb but at least I can kill and have fun doing that when I need some resources fast.

    this last boss, ropalolyst. I find joy fighting it. over 50 times 😛  ah no, not for boss, but for sentients at the last phase because of their spawn rates in Lua.

    yeah, and that is almost the whole list to annoy or enjoy lone wolfs. other things are no problem I guess.

    but the thing is, next big content update is a team dependent job and seems to annoy more.


  15. with hundreds of frame/weapons/companions etc, if you try to put more limits on game play it would take your whole life in the game. 

    so, it is fine enough as it is right now. just max weapons you will use very rare and forget about them.

    I only wish that some MR tests were switched numbers, because I learned some skills very late in a higher MR level, while some advanced ones very early

  16. I am not much of a pet guy, as I am attached to helios prime. but I also love playing khora and venari comes as package deal 😛

    we need an update for the pets in the game to be more flexible to choose in loadouts, just like robotics. but that is another story.

    while playing khora is fun, that took me to think about having male frame with a dog. it might be a redesign of current frames, or complete new frame with new abilities.

    nidus, for example, is a natural infected-infector and could use his own helminth charger. but his skill set is not compatible to do that. better to have another infection master for this.

    in my opening post, I used "hunter" word, but that is not necessarily required to be. it is a genetic modification era (each kubrow type is genetically modified) the companion might be the main aspect of skill set unlike khora. and skill are not for taming, but more of creating divergence. focused directly on killing instead of defending.

     … brain out of order ...

    😄 cant think of anything else at the moment 😄



  17. I love playing Khora, great defense with kill power. 

    just like her having own cat, it would be nice to see 2 new frame I describe in title: "A hunter frame that has his own kubrow" and "A tech frame that uses his/her own sentinel/moa". the tech one might be 2 separate frames, one to use sentinel and other to use moa.

    this is just a start-up concept to catch attention and to think about for future. so I don't have any idea about their powers. the main line here is to use their own companions.

    give your opinions and upvotes if you like the idea.

    (by the way, don't say "we have khora, why a similar new one?". we got many frames that use same elemental with different shapes of skills, like fire, sound, electricity)

    edit: with about 2 months interval for new frames, next being a male, and DEs probably having something else in mind, what I here wrote about would not be possible to see next 5-6 months, so no hurries 🙂 ideas need time to bake out results.

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  18. correction: there are also ash, octavia and wukong to play stealth, wisp is not that stealthy (need to be in air) and we got silencer mods for primary and secondary weapons which I use with Ivara already 😛

    I agree to have something else other than normal spy missions as I can do those mission with any frame at any difficulty after thousands of hacking now 😄 I would love to see challenging stealth missions

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  19. I like to see an upgrade to have different pets equipped in different loadouts.

    just like having all sentinels and moas switching freely with loadouts, switching pets without having to wake them up … that is what we need in this game.

  20. we need a common ground for item linking in chat, that anyone can see the same item linked in chat with their own language. when I use [axi k1 relic] link, a Turkish player could be able to see it as [axi k2 relik] link, and click on it to see what it is, or vice versa. 

    communicating between different languages is hard in their nature, but the thing is we are in a digital platform in which this could be made easy. I myself am a programmer and it is just a bit modification to match items to their descriptions in different languages. it is just like real life: one object has different names in different languages.

    English is common ground for programming, and having a single link to work in all languages would be really good to have to improve help between players playing the game in different languages.

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