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Posts posted by Dr.Tursko

  1. Or at least on Alad's behalf.

    We don't really kill these guys, as seen by Alad's return(s).


    Maybe a cutscene that shows them escaping or surrendering would do good, but right now it makes no sense that only Alad cannonically returns while the others seem to die, yet we have to fight them multiple times for parts.

    I get that the grineer clone and the infested multiply, but it just bothers me lore wise that only Alad has returned out of all the other villains. At least Vay Hek ran off, so he has a reason to still be an issue.

    • Like 4
  2. 1 minute ago, Kaotyke said:

    The Orokin were actually fugly AF.

    But, just like an anorexic person, believed themselves the most beatiful (in their heads). And went the extra mile to make everyone else think so too and it worked.

    Judging by Ballas that may be true. Contorting themselves in such ways they believe because of their uniqueness that they are higher than all others.

  3. Just now, Zilchy said:

    Only partially being an ass really, your comment the other day suggested you would know this stuff. Moving on, The 3 T4 nodes are the way to go. Interception works as well, sabotage is hit and miss and not recommended. Stick to those 2 nodes.

    Look at them, they come to this place when they know they are not pure. Tenno use the keys, but they are mere trespassers. Only I, Vor, know the true power of the Void. I was cut in half, destroyed, but through it's Janus Key, the Void called to me. It brought me here and here I was reborn. We cannot blame these creatures, they are being led by a false prophet, an impostor who knows not the secrets of the Void. Behold the Tenno, come to scavenge and desecrate this sacred realm. My brothers, did I not tell of this day? Did I not prophesize this moment? Now, I will stop them. Now I am changed, reborn through the energy of the Janus Key. Forever bound to the Void. Let it be known, if the Tenno want true salvation, they will lay down their arms, and wait for the baptism of my Janus key. It is time. I will teach these trespassers the redemptive power of my Janus key. They will learn it's simple truth. The Tenno are lost, and they will resist. But I, Vor, will cleanse this place of their impurity.

  4. 1 minute ago, Zilchy said:

    Hang on, you're the guy who said he's been playing for 1300 hundred hours and is confident he doesn't suck.

    And you need help farming Corrupted Vor? 

    T4 void missions, usually shows up within 5 minutes on MOT survival.

    No need to be an ass. I'm aware that hes only in the highest void levels but didnt know if there was a better level than Mot. I didn't realize until recently that I didnt have malignant force. 

  5. I dont expect this nor think it's needed but



    VR Support for Railjack




    EDIT:No moderator, I dont want to ask about VR Support. It was just a daydream. Dont make my titles dumb questions.

  6. 23 minutes ago, Circle_of_Psi said:

    I don't think this will be the case, cuz people will be asking for the other frames to have such, why Atlas should have the "First Sepical Treatment" of such is not really viable, as given the state of the PA itself, it will be a bold move.


    But more lore is always acceptable!, I wonder when they'll add the frames, one at a time or all at once?

    I'm only saying him first because his prime is finally coming out. If his prime was returning I wouldn't say to put him in next.

  7. Defection. Old Events. Old lore. The alignment medal. 

    All forgotten things people wanted to see better of. 


    It's easy to say that DE hasn't acknowledged them because they need to continue to make content, but this has been *years*. My only thought of why is that they are riding on the 'beta' tag as long as they can.

    Do you think it's a possibility that whenever they leave Beta, maybe with New War/ whatever the last quest will be, they will update old content?

    • Like 1
  8. Seriously, stalker should show up like normal in empyrean. However he should have his own railjack with his crew as the alcoyltes. You can drive him away when he boards, and when you do, you can choose to board him instead, giving a chance at taking down the alcolytes until your forced off, basically respawning back in space. 


    • Like 1
  9. 2 minutes ago, Akai-no-bara said:

    You don't look like a vet. People who have been ingame for half a decade have this natural cycle of quitting for like a year, returning for a month or few, quitting again. Those who claim to play nonstop for all these years are some sort of freaks tho.

    I'm MR 25 and have played the game for 13 months now. Not 'veteran' but very experienced. I dunno but this game keeps my interest even if it doesn't have any 'new' content at the time.

  10. I'm feeling hyped and have a general plan for my Railjack, but I would love to hear what others have planned!

    What colors are you going to use? What name? A theme going on? Maybe a specific crew?

    Let me hear it!



    EDIT:If you all are just gonna complain about Railjack and just quit for another year why are you playing warframe lmao. You are essentially just playing only to complain.

  11. 4 hours ago, Afterburner_X said:

    Combat Discipline: Allies gain 20 Health when they make a kill, but the aura bearer loses 10 Health when the bearer makes a kill. Mhh okay... Let's see what other Aura mods exists...

    Corrosive Projection: Aura mod that reduces armor for all enemies in a mission by 30%. Whoa... This one seems to be pretty good. 

    My conclusion is that I don't like that new Aura. It's bad. Or maybe Corrosive Projection is just too strong. ^__^

    CP is really, REALLY good.

  12. 5 minutes ago, sleepychewbacca said:

    So, my next question to you is why do you specifically care? Out of curiosity, this is. 

    If you like it, use it. Let those who want to hate it, hate it. 

    Everyone is happy ish. Life goes on. Nothing you'll say here would change anyone's mind if they already decided that they hate the thing. 

    I just hate to see everyone bash DE but at the same time I want DE to listen.

    I dunno. Me being over sensitive. Just ignore me lol 

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