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Posts posted by Godmur

  1. I am at work and I have been watching everyone one panic like a house on fire.  Been interesting all day with the theory's about the time its gonna hit.

    I report its gona be at the last minute... or in the next 30 minutes, who knows



    Well well well...Guess what? You don't know, i don't know and nobody knows. So why make another thread about it? 


    DE will tell us when its going to be out, so wait.


    DE is panicking atm, trying to do some work and fixes at the last minutes, trying to get U18 ready for deployment

  2. As much as i was excited for Saryn "rework", can't wait to see how DE decides to ruin rhino, well....not that i play him much outside quick capture or boss runs, feel bad for those who main rhino and actually like the way he is right now.

    Wait it can get worst? oh boy, and i though it was on a bad condition


    Pretty much this "rework" (this is more like a tweak on his abilities than a rework) will simply add some more use to Stomp and Charge, as they would be use to deal dmg instead of only using them to revive, Iron skin will be usable at late end games, and Roar... well, they havent touch anything on Roar apparently, that's all they have told us.


    Who knows maybe they have change some other stuff, but we wont know till U18 is deployed, so far this "rework" isnt that bad, and it doesnt change much

  3. Hi.

    About 2 days ago i won -75% platinum reward for 2 days. After I seen that it really works, example the $49.99 (1000plat) was just $12.50. The problem is: I couldn't buy platinum because my bank in my country was under maintenance and banned the online transactions. (It starts work tomorrow.) Did I lost my reward or can i do something?



    Anyway you most probably lost it

  4. They will come bearing gifts to woo us with exclusive shinies and weapons and cosmetics.

    NEF and ALAD will wilt before the light of their seductive power.

    Somewhere Ruk is laughing from beyond his starry grave.



    NO, not my Sargas Ruk, not my sergeant, he cannot die, i fought along side with him agaisnt Alad V and his not ethical Zanuka projects, he is the best of all Grinner a true warrior and a leader, he is my Sargy Ruk-kun D:


  5. Well, Dota 2 and LOL communities are pretty much the same

    Not really, it seems LoL community is worst that Dota 2's community, strange but it is true... and that's why i dont really play LoL, also on Dota 2 you just need to approach with good manners from the beggining of the game, and everyone will be in a good mood with you all the time, unless he doesnt understand english, those usually dont talk, or talk on his own language, like we were understanding him or something, on LoL you get rejected from the very moment you say hello team, this have happenned to me around 80% of the times.

  6. Wait what does she means with 6, like in 18:00 EST?? if thats so man, im not getting the update till tomorrow oficially, there is a 6 hours time difference, it will be 00:00 for GMT+1


    The status is: There is still one reveal left.


    Right so that should get revealed within this next 1 hour and a half, dude i wanna play the game now not tomorrow D:

  7. I've been playing since Vauban came out and I've only ever seen it once.

    Oh my god, will I see the mythical unicorn that is 75% Off?



    i get 1-2 75% discounts every week, usually i get them as a level 1 login reward, strange but true, i've never got any on level 2 and 3 login reward, always on level 1, and i'm not looking for anymore (ended up spending more than 50€ already cuz discounts)


    Doesn't bother me. I've been playing since closed beta, farming the plat discount login rewards since they were added and still never seen a 75% discount.

    I dont believe you

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