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Posts posted by Godmur

  1. 20:00 on Spain most probably... man what could i do till then?... i could take a nap... oh wait i dont take naps, i dunno i could make a cake... i dont have the stuff to make a cake... i could get done those exercises from the Teacher... meh, its not like they are gona ask for them, pretty much they dont even care.

  2. you should check the new highlight video for u18 c;

    I did watched The las Devstream, they said nothing about Orbiter's model, agian if they did:


    Clip or Fake

  3. I think this is more likely to be the lander


    The image TC posted seems to large to be a lander, it could be the new Orbiter but its a bit different than the original video / concept.

    Could be a Sentients ship or Lotus ship

    Edit: people are talking about guns on it. I'd rather if have blades so I can spaceship melee

    This is another lander, suposedly the one that, whe using the support call, shoots on the ground (well i mean that thing on top of it just looks like a heavy cannon for ground attacks)


    The older concept that was shown months ago was scrapped. That concept art was as old as the game.

    The ship on the teaser site is the new Orbiter, while your image is one of the future landers.



    Shut up

  4. Just what the system needed... Hooking Ordis with guns...

    Operator, the system doesn't need you anymore. "I have.. A FREAKIN LASER... Now."

    Operator, may we try the efficiency of the artillery with...  YOU...  some enemies?

  5. Well, if you wanna get super technical, he IS energy. He has transcended the mortal coil through the power of the Void and cannot die.

    Honestly, his condition highly reminds me of that of a lich. Though you may destroy his body, his soul lingers on, and his body will reform.

    I assume if one were to destroy Janus, he might actually stop returning to life.

    Technically talking if you were to kill him in the Void, as many times as i've killed him pretty much dead forever since the Janus key would have runned out of energy, cracked, or i would have just simply blow it up with one of my attacks, but cuz This Is A Game he have to kinda come back again, its like saying, there is time travel cuz we can kill Grinner bosses all the times... No, we can kill bosses over and over again cuz its a game, not cuz Lore.


    So yeah, that's that, if you dont like it apply


  6. I got all up until now. I mostrly redeem them 'round 7pm gmt. this is when the new ones usually update.

    I have a few ppl that i always join with, when playing Warframe, this days we have been coming together at the same hour, and reedeming the codes all at the same time... we cant have missed any, if it says there is 1 missing we shall send a ticket


    2235239898_100a56dacd_m.jpg [Tension Intensifies]

  7. I like the idea after a long mission we can go some where to chill but that's what's the relays are for they just need a update to make people feel more relax

    Trade Relay does looks like a nice palce to hang around, there should be interactive actions within the relay, such as sitting on a bench, or i dunno, touching the water from the fountain, stuff like that, to interact with the enviorement, and thus being more inmersive

  8. I think relays and dojos were basically supposed to be this, they're just horridly underdeveloped and nobody actually wants to go to one.


    ikr, Relay has a lot of room left for more stuff to be implemented in, also they should add a bonus for using relay to get a group together and do a mission throught it, that way more ppl will go to relays, and if they make it so when you finish you spawn back at the relay instead of your ship that would be pretty neat (i've done a few mission throught relay navigation, when you finish you pop up on your Orbiter which after 4-5 mission it gets annoying to have to come back to the relay)


    Dojo were supose to be the place where everyone on your clan goes to form groups, chill and get stuff from the lab, they were meant to be filled with ppl, but it doesnt have anything funy to do, dueling is a contest to show who have the biggest meele (which gets boring after a few tries) parkour challenge can be done in less than 10 seconds since Parkour 2.0 (damm i've seen score of 0.01 secs like wth) and you can chill on your own ship or talking on Region, on yo ship, so unless they make something in Dojo, and Relay that gives a buff on missions, or something more entertaining to do in this places, they are pretty much just a tool, rather than a place where you can be together with other Tenno

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