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Posts posted by 9tailboy

  1. I once entered an ODD, which suddenly after a few waves, a red screen blanketed my computer, caused a shrieking noise, and forced me to manual shut down my computer, my computer took quite a while to recover from it.

  2. I feel like alad V would be a better replacement than nef anyo, tyl regor and alad v both want to research tenno, they both are scientists, they've put interests into the infested, they even made their own special weapons(manics and zanuka/juggernaut).


    I got a good idea! WE SHOULD HAVE A PINNED TOPIC IN THE WARFRAME FANZONE! CALLED DISNEY FRAME! A place where all disney songs parodied into warframe will go!

  3. We should have a concept/feedback idea in warframe "Can we choose which ally abilities to affect us?"

    Example: I can choose in options of abilties in the arsenal to select which abilities that affect teammates affect/not affect me, like a toggle option.

    Next time a loki chooses to switch teleport you, the UI on their screen should say "Not affected", take that to the trollkis >:D

  4. I didn't see your comment, but if you'd like to post it here that'd be helpful.




    We're talking about resource grinding, mainly.

    Resource grinding is essentially called farming, just to let you know about our "warframe" dictionary of terms.

    But yea, U17 has brought a TON of good stuff(and bad stuff), but what makes this update bad is because EVERYTHING is RNG/Grind based.

    Want new quest? Be lucky to have a scanner pop up and select you!

    Want new warframe? Well guess what? We pulled a twist and doubled the amount of drops it takes for you to craft it!

    Want new weapons? Well you don't have to be lucky for that! But you certainly have to have the riches to pull all those off!

    Want new mods? Haha, you thought you could get them free and easy!? Too bad! Mods drop the same way they always do! Kill a ton of enemies hoping it drops, or endlessly play the same mission over and over hoping to get one! >:D


    Seriously, despite how good U17 might have been, its probably overwhelming for the casual, average players of warframe, none of us will probably get everything within the first week, or month unless(wait for it), you have platinum! Thats right! Only pros shove tons of cash into this game to have all exclusives(take it from AGGP).


    I'm actually about to quit warframe now because my time in real life and this game is going to be too much for me :(

  5. Yea, sadly exilus slots take up mod points on a warframe, which means you need to forma to get the energy cost to support an exilus slot, in fact, it would take at most 5 polarities on a warframe to be able to cover the most expensive build on one.

    Not just that, but exilus exclusive mods can't stack with others(I.E. You can't use firewalker and lightning dash at the same time), so it does make using one a debatable issue.


    Personally I find exilus slots to be useless at the moment unless you primed or formaed a warframe a lot. Don't forget that not only do you need to forma your warframe to get the points for an exilus mod, but exilus slot blueprints take 2 formas to cast. 3 formas or more on a warframe just to input a mod? I definitely think it needs a fix.

  6. Thx for reports. Now that u17 is out we will have more time to look at these issues.


    Not only to confirm this issue too, but I also want to add when I fire prisma grakata invisible, it freezes my game a bit and breaks it! I can't use my prisma grakata and loki prime at all now :C

    Please fix and thanks, but I really hope you guys keep the original prisma grakata sound effect, its much more pleasant!

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