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  1. The team has been doing amazing work tweaking the game these past 2-3 years. These ideas I've been getting because of all the QOL improvements and by my love for looters shooters like destiny, outriders, borderlands, the division, and upcoming 1st descendant.. - Dedicated augment slot, it would enable new builds and players to get to try everything. THIS IS REALLY MY ULTMATE GOAL FOR THE GAME. - New augment like being able to use styanax 4th on the air more than once like in the beginning - Being able to choose what finishers we can do (on basic enemies at least) - More combo support when on dedicated melee mode because I don’t see the point on having that mode. - More melee stances - Maybe slow down the combat by making slashing and shooting animation longer - Make kdrives relevant but being able to use them in any game mode so at least we have a reason to use them. I will never use them while I have the option to travel with archwing. - I know pablo said it was a trade on changing the hud whoever we want, but it would seriously make the game experience better being able to increase the map while keeping everything else smaller - Not knowing what parts I have crafted from a relic sucks. I can rant all day about this - Would like to kick people out from a team whenever we have made a team already instead of leaving the squad. - More commands to companions/specters. Good for solo misions. - Be able to send automatically or respond to an SOS like in monster hunter. We can help/carry new players that don't know how the recruit channel works. - Game modes should be until you can't no more like how the circuit is currently (the ones that apply) - Add a new status effect like dark/light with Jade 👀 - Smarter enemy AI like elite units, commanders, eximus, etc - Timers should be taken off. Nowadays, it stops players from playing the game, so it doesn't make sense to me that it would still be a thing in 2024. - More reactiveness to hits. Maybe the game is too fast, and everything dies too easily for it to be a priority. - Fusing normal weapons with their primes in order to reduce inventory and be able to pick stuff that we like, such as putting the og reload animation to the Corinth prime. - We can't appreciate our weapons look while in combat.. maybe rotating the camera while aiming a lil bit would help? I was thinking what makes destiny, borderlands, and the division so appealing for weapons, and this is what I came up with. - Legs don't move when ADS and rotating. Takes away the immersion. You guys did the sticky corner and now the neck thing so I can dream this will be fixed someday. - Put news of dev shorts in the ingame news. Youtube notified me, but there was nothing in the game even an hour afterward. P.S. Railjack needs some love
  2. I play Warframe on Steam and I have this issue only on my laptop (Asus rog g14 2022) when I try to type with a controller (Xbox Series X/s controller, Xbox One controller, and Dualsense) it seems like everything is functioning correctly except when I start typing nothing appears to be typed and then I have to use the keyboard for stuff like my password or just regular chat typing. I also play on a desktop PC and on my Steam deck as well, and this issue doesn't happen in those cases. I love playing Warframe with a controller without trying to get up and using the keyboard so please help. Lmk if you need some extra info, know of any way around this issue, or if there is any type of fix in the meantime.
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