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Posts posted by iSmallfry

  1. Do people in this thread represent the whole players? I don't think so.

    I haven't placed my standing on any side.

    Either challenge/difficulty will increase or decrease I will adapt eventually as I adapted to the current state of the game.

    At MR18 I have almost all necessary tools for any changes anyway.

    No, rather than us the question would be whether YOU represent the whole playerbase.In this thread you're clearly overshadowed yet you speak of things such as the majority when you can't even show a single 1 supporting your stance.


    "Did you just blame high lvl enemies for their difficulties?

    I enjoy hard game though.

    Killed in one shot by lvl90 napalm? That's my thing."


    ^ Was 1  of your first posts in this thread and you keep pulling arguments like "ninjas aren't meant to be tanks" that are obviously in favor for that side out of your @$$.But yeah, you clearly have not taken any side.Keep trying it's entertaining to say the least.

  2. -snip-

    If majority still loves that "One-Shotted" difficulty, we can't do anything.

    It's funny how you have been speaking for a whole group of people for a while now.This time you even went so far as to speak of the majority.But what has the majority been saying in this thread so far?I can see that you have difficulties fully understanding a majority of the posts but you can easily tell just by looking at the distribution of upvotes.

  3. Because you run around in this game you can reposition yourself. Not high enough enemies DPS = you'll never die.


    As I said before what LVL should we capped to satisfy everyone? If you can answer this, capping will work.

    Someone might want challenge 1second death under enemies fire is favorable for them.

    Someone doesn't like difficulty 10seconds death under fire enemies fire is favorable for them.

    Hardcore people might want difficulty of one-shot death.

    You don't seem to understand the term hitscan.Yes,even hitscan mobs have an accuary rating but that's another scaling stat.At higher levels those hitscan enemies won't miss their shots no matter how much you decide to jump and run around to relocate yourself.That is why turbulence is useless at higher levels.

  4. Thay've got a point high lvl enemy take sooo long to kill why should thay be able to smear you in one shot? That combined with the horde thay send at you just encourages camping and mechanics abuse. 

    I dont think this would solve the problem completely but it would definitely be a great start

    This would definitely help tanky frames/certain abilities and mechanics find their way into the game/meta.

    But as you've said, it would indeed not fix other broken core mechanics.

  5. I do agree, that armor needs some tweaks.

    It should become more relevant a stat.

    I don't think it should become a thing for caster frames,though.

    It's not supposed to be a viable option, to build towards, for all frames.

    It's supposed to turn our "tanky frames" into meat shields.

    Sadly, it fails at doing so.

  6. Yeah, let's enable one of the things unique to melee to gunplay, as well.

    That way gunplay can get even stronger and undermine melee further.Great.

    Why not try to use the barrel roll to dodge in an epic manner?

    Nahhh, let's make it so I can go around rambo-ing stuff, while blocking all incoming damage.

    In melee mode, you wouldn't even be able to dodge that matherfawker with a barrel roll,

    since melee combos lock you into their animations, making you unable to dodge properly.

  7. I do agree that he's a strong stand-alone frame.

    In the end, that's all he is,though.

    I imagine he's currently one of the strongest solo frames.

    I doubt he's going to become a "meta frame" ,though.

    He doesn't bring along all that much to the team,after all.

    He doesn't have the utility/cc you'd want for a high-level run squad.

    If you were to mod for Exalted Blade (which is probably the best option, at this time),

    Radial Blind would become a rather negligible CC.

    And even if you decided to mod for Radial Blind, it would be limited by LoS.

    As for waveclear, I'm pretty sure everyone is aware that there are so many better and more efficient options.

    All in all, I'd say Excalibur is in a similar spot as Valkyr,really strong on their own but not providing much for their teammates.

    Then again, Valkyr can be abused for safe revives with her invincibility.

  8. Just make slash its only damage type and it should be fine.

    Those slash procs are quite nasty on bows,thanks to their massive damage per shot.

    Since Daikyu can easily reach 100% status chance, it'd be equal to a stacking DPS buff.

    A lot of players misunderstood Daikyu's tooltip ("Daikyu takes great strength to draw back, but provides added power and range to every shot."),making them believe, that it deals more dmg with each consecutive shot.

    This change would actually make that misunderstanding come true, which - I find - would be a funny twist.

    Not to mention, it'd allow some interesting builds in conjunction with viral procs, that'd make Daikyu draw its damage solely from status.


    EDIT:Forgot the main reason for that suggestion.It'd actually get rid of the monstrous rng that comes with so many different                                damage types.

  9. So? this is pure conjecture, the is no real info on it... yah anything tenno can be primed, so yah anything will sooner or later or not be primed...


    great tread... not




    since all snipers are also poop di doo, even poop di doo vectis prime will be poop di doo, no reason to hype.

    Stuff's been datamined.

    Apperently, Ash Prime,Carrier Prime and Vectis Prime is what's going to come next.

    Also, Yamako Prime.

  10. needs an buff in damage like 500 dmg.

    As i said before, while that definitely would be a way to fix the daikyu, I really don't want it to get a simple damage buff.

  11. What if Puncture proc actually made targets get more damage instead of deal less? By 30%.


    Then make Daikyu Puncture + SLASH  and let it rain poop on everything else. That would be glorious.

    Sadly, that's not how it works.

  12. I'm saying it should be based off the percentage of damage and that it shouldn't prioritize physical damage types. If someone wanted to do more slash procs then they could use fanged fusilade so it won't prevent physical status builds.

    Oh, my bad.

    I thought you wanted to explain how procs work, to me.

    The chance for a damage type to proc actually is based off the percentage of damage, already.

    That's why you usually get Slash procs rather than Impact/Puncute, on weapons like Dread.

    However, it's also differentiated between physical and elemental damage types.


    EDIT: If physical procs didn't take priority over elemental ones, it'd be really hard to proc them, at all.

             Thanks to elemental combos, you have a much higher amount of elemental damage than physical damage, normally.

             I mean, of course you could just decide to not go for any elemental combos, but that'd cripple your damage by a large


  13. Slash damage? really? On a bow? For realism, the bow should have zero slash damage and nothing but impact and puncture. They just need to buff puncture and impact status effects. I think impact should stun for a good couple of seconds. And puncture should reduce movement speed permanently and decease enemy accuracy. Because think about it, i think if you got hit HARD by an arrow, you would stagger quite a bit and then have trouble moving away. It also makes for a better stealth weapon that way.

    Not sure why you'd bring up realism as an argument,

    in a game that revolves around space ninjas with magical powers and the ability to defy physics and logic altogether.

    Slash was a suggestion for balance's sake, rather than realism's sake.

    Slash's proc contributes something to status-based builds.

    Unlike Puncture and Impact procs.


    EDIT: But yeah, it might be whole another story if they decided to rework impact and puncture procs.

             As it stands though, I'd prefer the Daikyu to have Slash damage as its only damage type.

  14. The status chance percentage should be based of the amount of damage each damage type is doing, it shouldn't prioritize physical damage over elementals. My daikyu does 3600 corrosive damage and only 1200 puncture so corrosive procs should take priority.

    Physical damage procs take priority over elemental ones.

    Which is why you still proc puncture/impact/slash a lot of times, despite having thrice as much corrosive damage.

  15. At this rate the grineer might as well make all of their weapons slash based. It would be superior against us, the corpus, and the infested.

    Sad, 'cause it's actually true

  16. To be honest, I'd like to see physical damage procs go.

    At the same time it would solve the problem of grineer getting slash procs all the time and ignoring your shields.

    I'd probably agree if i didn't like utilizing slash procs so much.

  17. If I was new to the game and saw this bow and the Paris. I'd think the DieQ would be the crit bow. 


    Anyways, the DieQ could be tweaked a little. Either with more damage or faster projectile speed etc.

    I assume you're referring to the looks, rather than the stats?


    Well, the projectile speed is already faster than other bows and unlike other bows, its arrows travel in a straight line.

    As for buffing the damage, yes, that'd definitely be a solution.

    To be honest though, i don't want it to be another face roll damage weapon.

    In my opinion, "power through status" would give it a unique touch.

  18. Don't be so inelegant.

    Impact and puncture just don't have that big of "damage" as much as the others. As of now Grineers are most of the ones that been progressed the most. When Corpus start getting their buffs and reworks we will need more impact weapons.

    I never said the damage types, as a whole, are not needed.

    It's merely their procs, that are not all that useful.

    If we only look at the damage those types deal, slash is probably worse than both.

    Well, weaker than puncture,at the very least.

  19. First of all, I love the idea of a non-crit, status-based bow.

    While I dig the concept, it's really hard to effectively utilize a status build on the Daikyu.

    Things get way too rng-reliant, seeing how it has 3 base damage types.

    Not to mention, they're Impact, Puncture and Slash, which have priority over elemental procs.

    I suggest giving Daikyu a single damage type.

    Preferably Slash, as it fits the status bow concept.

    'Cause let's be honest, nobody needs Impact and Puncture procs.


  20. Am I the only 1 thinking that it should overwrite animations?

    It doesn't have any i-frames,anyway.

    The fact that you can't cancel out animation locks ( melee combos,for instance) with this maneuver,

    makes it really hard to effectively use it to dodge incoming attacks.

    It feels way clunky,in my opnion.

    It's been bothering me for a while,as a melee enthusiast.

    Starting a combo and being locked in its animation for 3-4 sec,unable to dodge anything.

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