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Posts posted by (PSN)Shyuu-

  1. Hey Chief! Not that I'm doubting you or anything, but could you please write down what's the riven challenge and what are you doing? Sometimes we overlook stupid stuff

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  2. 6 minutes ago, MorphoPrime said:

    I did it with Ivara, tried 3 times now. I tried manually hacking all consoles, and I tried manually hacking only the data vault and using ciphers on the rest . I tried on 3 planets now, still not working. Every time, I've been able to avoid triggering any alarms but it doesn't seem to matter. 

    Do I actually have to unequip the ciphers? Because that seems like an extremely unnecessary requirement. 

    I got mine when using Ivara on Earth's spy. I don't have the Autobreach mod and had my ciphers equipped on my wheel, so I don't think that's the problem. What I did was fill up my energy and go into Prowl ASAP. I never broke it and manually cracked each vault. Mission was deemed complete as soon as I extracted. Make sure you're not triggering that white alarm that "alerts" the grineers mid-mission; seems like that also counts. If that still doesn't work, then yep, it's a pretty bad bug.

  3. Regarding your energy: the number showed on your build screen stated the MAXIMUM energy on that frame. The amount you start missions with is not related to that - in fact, the more mod capacity you use on your frame, the less energy you'll have at the beginning of missions.

    From the wiki"Warframes have a fixed amount of energy that they start any mission with, and also when reviving from death. This amount of energy is calculated based on the Warframe's free mod capacity and a base value specific for each Warframe (differs even between normal and prime variants). The formula followed is:

    Starting Energy=Initial Energy+5(Free Mod Capacity)

    When  Preparation (a mod you can get from the Arbitration Store) is equipped, the formula becomes:

    Starting Energy=Initial Energy+(5×Free Mod Capacity)+(Energy Total×Mod multiplier).

    Regarding the teleport bug, I've had that happen a couple times when I use my Operator and fall into a hole or something similar. Can you provide more details on how that happened?Were you in a grineer mission when that happened? Cause grinner commanders have an annoying ability that's similar to Loki's Switch Teleport and sometimes can make you even transpass walls and solid objects.

  4. Just crashed midfight for me. Not fun 😥 Tried with a pub squad and it lost host connection the first time loading into Orb Vallis, and got a hard crash on the second try during the fight itself, making me restart the game. When I tried to play solo, everything went smoothly.

  5. As per mentioned on the Raijack revised patchnotes, all House-bound avionics (meaning Lavan/Vidar/Zetki) were merged into only one variety, with the highest possible bonuses. Meaning the only bulkhead available now, for example, is from house vidar (I think?), but with the bonus from the former zakti one. Also all dirac you had invested into your avionics was refunded so you can reupgrade as you see fit. House-unafilliated avionics (sigma ones) were untouched.

    Everything was also unequiped from your Raijack, so remember not to go into missions before fixing that.


  6. Got a new error. The first time I try to load into a mission with a premade squad after I log in, I get booted from it and it says "Session not available". Truly an annoying error cause people think I'm dropping on purpose and I have to ask for a reinvite.

    After that it works fine, I think, other than the network errors already reported here.

  7. I've had this issue come up sometimes during a mission. Even though I use one forge and it shows the amount that was filled, when I jump to the next forge, it shows the unfilled bar (as if I didn't craft it) and I gotta do it again. Pretty annoying since this ends up using 2 forges for only 1 batch. Can confirm it happens on flux energy; didn't pay enough attention to the rest.

  8. It's honestly up to RNG: sometimes it helps you, sometimes it breaks you.

    I'm not good at maths, but according to wiki, if you do a radiant radshare with 4 people, you have around 35% chance of getting at least one rare part (which is volt's neuro iirc) whereas a solo radiant run gives you around 10% chance.

    My suggestion is to work around the parts' rarity and grab a couple more of the corresponding relics for the rare and uncommon parts and a few less relics with the common part. You probably won't need 10 relics for a bronze part, but if RNG decides to screw you, a rare part can take much longer.

    May RNG bless you, tenno!

  9. Ideal way would be with double boosters (resource and drop chance), grab a nekros/khora/hydroid (I prefer nekros) and a smeeta, reach any of the locations that drop them (spaceport, enrichment labs, temple of profit) and get up to lvl 5 alert so enemies will spawn more often.

    If you only need them for standing and don't have a booster, you can do exploiter orb, which drops a lazulite toroid worth 12k standing.

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