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Posts posted by (PSN)Shyuu-

  1. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)crashteddy03 said:

    Was it only the House versions that were converted?

    I had the lowest level of Hyperstrike pre-update. Post update, I still only have the lowest level of Hyperstrike (Sigma?), with only a single possible rank upgrade. This would only make sense if it was just the House (non-Sigma) versions of mods that were converted.

    Correct. You now have avionics belonging to one house only (with the best stats out of the former 3 according to the type of avionic) and the sigma stuff was untouched.

    • Like 3
  2. 4 hours ago, (PS4)xxav1xl6ivax said:

    But then again, I don't understand how prayer effects the ways by which technologies function or fail either.

    Are you always this literal? I just meant it's unlikely that DE will fix it themselves considering their previous response, so a little hope won't hurt. And yes, I am aware SS will continue for a couple days and the mainline update arrives today (updating as I'm typing this), so the chat will only be fixed if another hotfix drops and revert the changes made for SS.

  3. 2 hours ago, (PS4)xxav1xl6ivax said:

    That is something I never expected I'd see:

    Preferring to have been banned from chat, rather than having an issue with chat failing to connect when it SHOULD.

    "Additionally, we have a fix coming in the next PS4 update that may be the cause of issues for some of you:"

    (That is punctuated by a colon, not a period. That indicates it is setting up something which will be more completely described, defined or explained by what immediately follows).

    [The fix that is coming in the next PS4 update, will say]

    "Fixed outstanding issue on chat where you’d see loading spinner instead of 'your access to chat has been suspended' when banned.'" 

    So when players get banned from chat, the chat window is supposed to display a message (which is often preceded by the "spinner"), that says "your access to chat has been suspended." 

    Apparently, there have been cases when that message has not shown up, and the "spinner" has just run on indefinitely (the way it does when the chat box is unable to connect.)

    It has been a outstanding issue, because even though it is only in the minority of instances that an endless "spinner" is the result of a chat ban that fails to resolve into notification of suspended chat access, it is what players encountering the "spinner" are most frequently told is the reason for it (by other players), when posting a question in a public forum, asking what that is or why it's happening.  


    (That only becomes further compounded, when players encountering the "spinner" accept a "chat ban" as being the reason for it, often when it is not, become irate, and go on to further protest over public and/or private forums that they have been wronged by [DE] with a ban from chat for no reason. Then, seeing that, more players begin to further assume that anything which interferes with their ability to connect during log-in means that [DE] has "banned" them, and on and on ...)


    So, the "bullet point" (that followed the preface, which was punctuated by a semicolon), was further expounded upon, in these terms:

    "This by no means indicates that everyone currently having issues [with the "spinner"] is chat banned, simply that it may be the case for some..."  

    The post then concludes the topic of that "fix" by stating that "[it] will be [further] clarified with the next update[,] once that fix goes live."


    (Alternately, there have been, and will be players who accept one statement, taken out of context, or even a part of one, as a "promise" made by [DE], and if/when what was expected, because it was "promised," doesn't materialize, go out into the public & private forums to decry [DE] for "lying" or "breaking their promise.")

    While I understood your very throughout grammar review of the official statement, honestly, our best bet by now is waiting till Scarlet Spear ends and pray they'll revert the chat changes they made for the event. I believe one of the previous posts mentioned that SS uses a separate port from the usual ones (which is also blocked for a lot of us down here in South America), so I'm guessing that could be where the problem is coming from.

    Other than that, I'm honestly at my wits end. Good luck to you who decide to keep looking for a solution. We all know we aren't banned, so this aforementioned 'fix' won't solve anything for us.

  4. 4 hours ago, [DE]Danielle said:

    Hey guys - wanted to check in since we continue to see your reports of ongoing issues with chat on PS4 (predominantly in SA regions) and wanted to offer some suggestions. Since we are unable to fully investigate/test this on our end (being located in North America with Canadian ISPs), these aren't surefire ways to resolve the chat problems you may be experiencing, but we thought we might as well extend the following possible troubleshooting steps in addition to my original post about contacting your ISP: 

    • Ensure there are no firewalls blocking your connection. 
    • Ensure that chat ports (6695 - 6699) are open - you can do so by looking into port forwarding in your router manual (these are usually available online!). If the router was provided by your ISP we suggest contacting them to help if you are unable to yourself with the former. 
    • If none of the above works, please contact our support at support.warframe.com - The support team has been following the issue closely and may be able to assist you further. 

    Additionally, we have a fix coming in the next PS4 update that may be the cause of issues for some of you: 

    • Fixed outstanding issue on chat where you’d see loading spinner instead of "your access to chat has been suspended" when banned.

    This by no means indicates that everyone currently having issues is chat banned, simply that it may be the case for some that will be clarified with the next update once that fix goes live. 

    We know how important chat is to you, and know how frustrating it is to be unable to connect with others, especially given our current stay at home state. We're hoping that some of the above might help - let us know here if it does! I'll also be updating the thread here once that fix goes live. 

    Thanks Tenno! Stay safe. 

    Thank you immensely for this. Just discovered that for some godforsaken reason they decided to block those ports, and port forwarding from the router does absolutely nothing. Will have to ask someone from tech to come over and fix this, however, due to the quarantine, it might be a while. At least I know what I have to do now. If they refuse to unblock them, it's nothing a little legal threat won't solve - after all, it USED to work.

    Hope you guys are all safe and healthy back home 🙂

  5. Welcome to the ever-growing community of PS4 players without a working chat. Hopefully DE fixes it by the next main update; I've tried a bunch of different things and nothing solved it. Been that way for about a month now (for me, at least).

  6. Erm... you don't actually build syandanas. You straight up buy it from the store and it'll be available for use at the customization menu, like all cosmetic items. Are you 100% sure that's the item you meant? Cause Repala is a Tennogen syandana, much like many others.

    • Like 1
  7. If you're getting the "Failed to connect to chat server" aka infinite spinning wheel of doom, please reply to this post instead of creating yet another one with zero replies. As seen here on the forums, there are a bunch of others with the same problem, so creating tons of different posts saying the same thing isn't working. So please, send a ticket to support using this site and reply here so we can get an estimate on how many people are affected by this and hopefully bring it to DE's attention. My tickets were #2105650 and #2118806, and all I got was a generic answer saying they're looking into it and to pay attention to forums.


    (Se você também tá com o problema "Falha na conexão com o servidor do chat", envie um ticket pro suporte da DE através desse site e responda nesse post que você também foi afetado pelo problema ao invés de criar mais um post falando a mesma coisa. Precisamos fazer a DE ter noção da dimensão do problema, e fica mais fácil quando reunimos as postagens num só lugar ao invés de ficar tudo jogado nos fórums. Como podemos ver nos posts que eu linkei, somos vários com o mesmo problema, e acho que só será resolvido se ficarmos enchendo o saco hahaha)


  8. 1 hour ago, (PS4)f0l1v31r4 said:

    which means they not gonna do anything about it.... maybe after SS is over and they can return the irc port to normal number.

    Honestly, our best bet is everyone with this issue submitting one ticket to support reporting the same problem. So everyone who has this issue should send a ticket so they can get a rough estimate of how many people are affected. Maybe it'll work, maybe it won't, but I find that actively looking for a solution is better than doing nothing at all, but that's just my opinion.

    Just trying to be optimistic here

  9. If when you're talking to little duck shows that you have 6 energizes, it probably means you have 1 ranked and 5 unranked. So you can't upgrade cause you need 6 unranked for the last rank (so it should show 7 arcanes when talking to little duck). Confusing, I know.

  10. Just got an answer to my ticket saying they're aware of the problem and are working on a fix. Here's hoping it makes the next update. If anyone else got additional info, write it down on the ticket. I've summarized most of the findings written on this post thread on mine.

    At least they're acknowledging us!

    • Like 1
  11. Get in line, folks:

    Also spamming the forums with the same complain isn't bound to do much. You can say you're having the same problem on one of the bigger posts and try sending a ticket to support. A bunch of people have tried out different tweaks but so far no one managed to solve this issue - and support hasn't been helpful so far. Most of our findings are summed on that post I linked here. All we can do for the time being is keep trying 🤷‍♀️

  12. On 2020-04-08 at 4:52 PM, (PS4)GuKoma said:


    Which phone number did you call? I can't find a Claro/Net team more specialist just people without knowledge.

    I merely sent a complaint through their site cause I know exactly how phone support can be... less than helpful most of the time. Was supposed to receive a protocol # after 48h, but much to my surprise (not), I didn't receive one yet. Will wait a couple more days to send another message.

    On 2020-04-09 at 9:03 PM, (PS4)hugomacsan said:

    Had no conclusive solution until now, but found out that same problem happens whe I try to send a message using the companion app... But there I receive a more informative error - Connection Error: IRC 9.

    So, it seems that is a problem with IRC protocol. Don't know if this helps at all but for sure, seems to not be the ISP to blame for this mess.

    I'm already seeing players stoping playing the game due to this error, and I'm going to the same path. Pitiful that a great game like this will lose players for a "small" issue that DE isn't able to amend.

    Nice find. Tried doing that and when I try to connect to chat using wifi my app freezes and crashes lol Works fine when I use my mobile data tho

  13. 22 hours ago, (PS4)f0l1v31r4 said:

    PS: Believe me no one will get anything if everybody doesn’t make it happen together, I already provided a logic explanation. Now I just depend on you guys call them and pass that register number.but if not I’m still comfortable.

    Just messaged them and used your number. Here's hoping people will do the same and Claro takes the problem more seriously.

  14. So... anyone found a solution yet? This whole no-chat thing is seriously killing the game for me 😞 If anyone was successful, can you please post a step by step guide? If I could fix it myself, I'd do it, but asking the ISP to fix it for me is troublesome cause I can't even explain what the problem is exactly.

    • Like 2
  15. On 2020-03-31 at 10:13 AM, [DE]Danielle said:

    Hey guys! 

    Through some investigation, we've found that many Tenno using the Internet Service Providers, Claro and Net, are experiencing issues with chat on PlayStation 4. 

    Upon communication with the development and technical teams, we do not have any outages or wide spread issues with Warframe on PS4 at this time. This suggests that the issue may be region specific and with your Internet Service Providers. As a next step, we recommend contacting them for technical assistance as their tools allow to properly diagnose issues on their network. 

    We apologize we can't offer more support for the situation, thank you Tenno.

    This was honestly the last thing I expected 😮 thank you tho, time to see what I can do to fix it

  16. 5 hours ago, (PS4)OmegaSparko said:
    My chat has not worked since the 23rd after the update, 
    keeps loading forever

    Oh hey, mine too! Good to know it isn't just a problem on my end

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