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  1. With this it helped me do it, not sure if its worth the effort LOL
  2. I use them A LOT and while it doesn't always happen, it does happen often enough to see it's a direct correlation with the specter spawning and someone dropping or me migrating out.
  3. Has this bug ever been reported or looked into? I use specters often and it happens often enough when i put one down it will drop a player or kick me from the host. It is specific to the warframe specters, clem and all the others don't cause the issue, neither does the on call railjack crew, but my Warframe Specter seems to cause it often enough. I thought maybe it was PS5 specific, swapped to PC with cross save and apparently it exists here as well. Was playing sortie with 2 clan mates both on PC, dropped the specter and it host migrated me to my own squad, I finished the defense, my clan mates did not... but my specter attached itself to the host and became his after I dropped.
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