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Posts posted by -Sentient-

  1. 5 hours ago, Scruffel said:

    What's even the point of this thread? Like seriously, it just seems like a pointless conversation because there is no 'ugliest' frame. It's all based around personal opinion. I bet there are people that absolutely hate one Warframe but love the design of that same one. I really don't see the point of trying to point out design 'flaws' in a Warframe, because those are just really design choices. Every character in this game has a design for their theme, gameplay, general aesthetic and design; and of course it's not always going to please every single person. I think all Warframes and even Primes look good in their own right, and it feels silly to try and determine which one is the ugliest because there is no true equalizer to determine it. For anyone who does think that a Warframe does look ugly, I have 2 things to say to you. 1: There's always someone that can think that your favorite frame is also the ugliest, son of a female dog that has ever existed, and 2: There are many ways to fix the design of a Warframe you don't personally like (color palette, skins, alternate helmets, etc). I know it seems like I came into this thread for no reason to complain about a silly topic but honestly I am just trying to remind people that you shouldn't feel bad for liking a Frame's design, everyone just has their own special opinion. In general, there is no ugly Warframe, and you shouldn't feel bad for liking 'something ugly', because there is no right opinion on what is ugly in this game. 




    Anyway, Oberon Prime has the worst design ever, screw him and his angelic LEGO pieces on his shoulders. ⋅


  2. 8 minutes ago, MirageKnight said:

    Now now...he's done some really nice UI work for Warframe. Just keep him doing what he does best and away from everything else...including social media.

    I think that what DE really needs to do is hire someone that's dedicated to helping keep weapons and abilities balanced and fun while Steve and Scott concentrate on brainstorming and creating and improving content.

    White Knighting much? As has been said before, Minelayer is a needlessly convoluted mess that needs to be replaced with something that's simple, effective, and fits Vauban's theme as a combat engineer and tactician. 

    With regard to Vortex, I realized that its "pull" range is all but useless in Open World scenarios and simply too restrictive in all but the most closed in areas. In addition to the 50 Radiation + 50 Magnetic DoTs I mentioned earlier, Vortex needs to have an AoE of at least 12 m (affected by Range mods of course) to be even remotely useful and competitive with other ults.

    I Didn't said that, just a comment in the game by a peep.

  3. 1 hour ago, Genesix6 said:

    What? Why. His half of his kit is already bad enough, and 3 is just the opposite of 4

    Why would nerf something that is already bad. This reminds me of when DE nerf hind, a weapon that is bad (better than krake at the time), has decent crit chance then nerf it by lowering the crit chance and raising the status chance instead. 

    its a joke lol

  4. 6 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    I mean... that takes, like, ~15 casts (i.e. literally 1500 base energy) for each of the four interception terminals, doesn't it? Excluding the time lost from throwing down all those vortexes in the first place?

    On the other hand, Bounce pads last 300 seconds by default and have half the energy cost of a Vortex. And you can just throw down three or four pads at terminals that see a lot of traffic, to offset their weakness of having 4 charges each. Don't get me wrong, Vortex is great, but Bounce just seems like the definitive interception-cheesing ability to me.

    look at my build, there is no energy problem.

  5. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)GearsMatrix301 said:

    They’re the only Arbitration mission type that’s not a complete hassle.

    I’d still rather bring Nidus or Nezha. Even Garas a far better choice than Vauban due to Vitrify completely preventing anything from getting in.

    You prevent them from getting to one point, but with Vortex augment you prevent them from getting to all of them with 200 second duration

  6. 10 minutes ago, SortaRandom said:

    I feel the exact opposite way about Interception (in solo, at least). The fact that the 4 points are so spaced-out means that the player is forced to move. Picking a frame that can cover wide distances (e.g. Nova, Zephyr, low-str Excal), or simply maxing out Mind Step + Void Flow, makes solo Interceptions a billion times easier. More enjoyable too, IMO.

    Squad interceptions don't discourage mobility either-- rather, they simply open up the option of each player camping a point. The option for a player to patrol the whole map (like you would in solo) is still very much viable, and a fast enough player can easily carry their squad to victory with this method.


    Does Bounce not work anymore? Seems like it would cheese interceptions much more easily than Vortex, since it lasts 6 minutes rather than 12 seconds.

    Bounce is no duration based as far as i remember, and after 3 hits its done

    The vortex augments make you be able to have vortex up to 200 seconds!!! OOF

  7. 7 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    Its a bit tough to explain why I don't like the design of Interception compared to other game modes, but I'll try to explain my opinion (which again is only an opinion)

    Interception feels to me like it runs against the mobile nature of Warframe, I often feel that if I don't sit at a point defending it I'll lose it in seconds and then have to waste time taking the point back, in turn losing other points in the process. This is just what happens when I try to solo them, and I can happily solo any other game mode, defense, survival, even defection feels like it can be done solo without having to make large changes to what I need to do to succeed.

    If I need to completely change what I'm doing just to not want to pull my hair out, at that point it feels like I'm playing a different game altogether. Its not that I don't want to adapt, hell I adapt to adjust to other players and mission conditions all the time. But if I have to change EVERYTHING about what I'm doing just to succeed with no irritation (note irritation, not challenge) then the content doesn't appeal to me.

    The fact that teams don't solve this issue most of the time is another aspect that I've stated before. The whole game mode feels like 4 separate defense missions taking place in the same room at times. I don't feel even remotely the same amount of required teamwork or even impact of other players in this mode, or at worst I watch them just lose points while I am doing what I can to retain mine.

    These feelings are all just mine, nobody else has to share them, and they may not even be correct, but this is just how I personally feel.


    Yeah its a personal opinion as I can see

    From what I can see its not interception being poorly designed, No, its the players that are used to run around places and shooting stuff without staying calm and defensive at one place

    which is why these players aren't patient and they don't stay at one point.

    "But if I have to change EVERYTHING about what I'm doing just to succeed with no irritation (note irritation, not challenge) then the content doesn't appeal to me"

    Oh boi, you won't enjoy eidolons then.



  8. 3 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    Could have fooled me, every time I tend to get a team who can't even hold one point without going down every 30 seconds. Or people who run around shooting at nothing rather than guarding a point and cause everything to take longer when the enemies wind up taking 1-3 other points in seconds.

    If playing Vauban is the only solution to this type of problem I'd rather just not have the problem in the first place.

    But again, why is it bad desing?

    I think you mean bad cooperation between the team.

  9. 2 minutes ago, Aldain said:

    I have been though, if interception shows up on any point I just pass on the sortie reward for 24 hours.

    Interception to me is second only to defection in terms of bad mission design.

    Interceptions are for intellectuals.


    Jokes aside, why are they bad desing?

  10. He may be trash outside it, but inside interceptions, he's a god among DPSs

    With this spicy build



    You will give a middle finger to all banshee mains calling themselves interceptions gods with their range limited and energy consumer sound quake

    With this build you will lock down entire places with vortex and its augment and you can do it SOLO

    "Oh but Sentient! WHat aBoUT aRbItRaTiONs DrOneS"
    Well guess what bb, arbitration drones also get sucked into the SUCC VOID Vortex and enemies will also get into it

    so basically a 200 seconds vortex is gud af m8





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