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Posts posted by (NSW)ShinNL

  1. 1 hour ago, (NSW)MasterJ93 said:

    It seems like it was a mistake to release this game to the Switch.

    The Nintendo community has gone from one of the nicest, supportive, and reasonable communities in gaming to the opposite. I wouldn’t be surprised if DE and other gaming companies drop the Switch due to how people are acting like this.

    And the worst part? The community in general will not realize this. Instead, they’ll start blaming the companies because, “they don’t care about us!”

    in fact, I would go further into saying that Nintendo should have just stuck with making consoles in the Asian market in general as I’ve seen clear evidence that the Japanese community alone is infinitely times more reasonable and nicer than the rest of the world.

    DE is not doing this on purpose: they’re trying their best to resolve the issue and are trying to be as open and transparent as they can without risking to break NDA and having their dev licence revoked by Nintendo. If we continue to be unreasonable and refuse to be understanding about this, then I would rather they leave the platform and focus on PC + the other two consoles just to stay sane instead of dealing with all of this. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if a community mod ends up closing this forum thread because we’re beginning to cross the line of throwing insults towards DE themselves.

    Now watch how I’m going to get angry replies from others, telling me that I’m 100% wrong and throwing insults at me, thereby proving my point.

    I feel for you, DE community team, and I apologize on behalf of the rest of the Nintendo community for the increasing toxicity that’s brewing in this post. Which is depressing because that’s why I preferred the Nintendo community in the first place: we were a nice, supportive, reasonable community. But other than Japan, we lost that title. I apologize once again.

    Nah, don't worry. If you checked out the Nintendo stream, you would see that pretty much everyone there is sensible and we're a great and fun community (so everyone combined, the players and the makers). It's just a few posters in this thread who repeat their negative posts, speaking in 'we as a community' form (which I really disliked and thus spent some time typing my opinion on the matter as well). A big chunk of the Switch userbase are Switch players because it's the only device that allows them to play games in their busy lifestyles (lapsed gamers). We're pretty much the last ones to really have complaints, because as busy working adults ourselves there's much more to worry about. It's just that some people seem so.... loud, you know? In the bad sense.

    That said, we're getting more free goodies for the delay, confirmed in the stream. Waiting sure is hard work, I'm glad I'm getting stuff for it... 😛

  2. 4 hours ago, (NSW)ArcoYflecha said:

    For those Tenno that can't wait for a virtual thing to be added to their Video game aka.. "Update on Warframe".. also this applies to all games. The more you stress out and whine about the update being delayed or how much disappointed you are.. It will not change the fact that sometimes things don't go the way you like or expect it.. 

    There are lots of hate and bashing going on in this world and whining about the little things happening on this update even tho they clearly explained it that it's something to do with the SD Card (Which might cause problem in the future if rushed) is really pointless.. That's why sometimes it's better to just not announce things when they're actually ready but DE wants to show their transparency in regards to their delivery.. Yet most of the people here just keep on whining about things that will not help.. 

    If you're really pissed off just play some other games for now.. Your whining will not help DE and the gaming community in every single way. Thank You.. 

    Well said. For comparison's sake, Bloodstained was released in June on the Switch, but delayed a week to prevent negative reviews cluttering the PR. I saw the terrible performance in reviews and didn't bother to boot it up even though I was a backer. Patch 1.03 was released October 31th (!) and was supposed to fix most of the major issues. I booted the game for the first time (literally). Played 1 hour and opened a bookshelf. Bam, error screen, crash back to home screen. Are you serious!? Back to the freezer you go, not touching that until another update comes.

    People have lost their touch with reality and have played too few games to understand what a silent treatment feels like and what a regular development speed is. Heck, Terraria on Switch was supposed to be somewhere around launch and dared to treat potential customers like trash when they asked about the status. Gave people the silent treatment on the status for more than 2 years (!). Obviously I boycotted that game by the time it released, I refuse to support something like that.

    DE shows complete transparency by letting us know about the certification. And something was disapproved and there's a small delay. We get it a bit later then, all communicated to us, great. I love the continuous communication, especially more so for a free to play game.

    I do believe that most people aren't that attached, so close to the action, to care about the exact date of updates (as some people sit back several weeks or months to pick it up again). So even rants does mean you show passion. And that's good, you're a fan. But when your passion turns into negativity, turning into an angry fan, just make sure you don't try to speak for all of us. People really do not like to be represented by negativity. Most of us are not angry that fast. Let's be real here, the sentence that most of us really want to say:

    It has ONLY been 1 week, chill.

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  3. This delay let's me do some catch up on my humongous Switch backlog...
    Who am I kidding, Nightwave must go on. I fear for my life when the update actually hits.
    Chilling like a villain. #TeamPatience

    The fact that we caught up with other consoles in less than half a year starting from Plains of Eidolon is still fresh in my memory. A week or 2 delay means nothing to me. But I'll appreciate the free relics 🙂

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