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Posts posted by Rennagade

  1. The grakatas... are a secondary.  May the lotus have mercy on the enemies.

    Edit: and they seem to have no recoil


    Edit2: turrets are also in the game and they're appearing on terminus.  The also deal 100 damage a shot easily.  Damnit, DE, this is light trap all over again!


    edit3: Equinox's passive seems to be equilibrium.  Fitting.

  2. 90% tax rate STFU really? That's brutal. Never seen anything like that on PS4

    Yup.  Some clans were terrible.  It was only two clans that really did it, but they controlled a good portion of the star charts.  It amazes me that anyone bothered to fight for them seeing as they offered no rewards either.

  3. Warframe is in a state of "forever beta".  By that I mean that everything can change, but the game is available to everyone, is earning loads of money, and does not speak of ever entering the final release.

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