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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. No. A game that has the objective of collecting items is called a Collect-a-thon. Like Banjo Kazooie where you can collect sooooo many things in the game.


    Warframe's objective is to eliminate the threats that lie awake in the system. That is our objective.

    That is role play, how do you even function? 

  2. They are probably an offshoot of the ancient Orokin drone technology, much like Corpus Ospreys.


    Especially since we have at least one Prime Sentinel.

    Plus the Corpus have proved to be Orokin fan boyz. It makes sense that they copy what they look up to.

  3. Although the hubs are not yet a finished thing, i had this neat idea around merit and how it would affect clans and Tenno in general.





    So hubs are like our version of "towns", a place where we can meet up with other tenno and chat with syndicate leaders on syndicate stuff.




    My idea is to include these statues/banners and whatnot, that would showcase the top weekly/ All-time-best clans/tenno, on the hubs. Kind of a merit for tenno or tenno clans who stand out of the crowd and (most importantly) a incentive to go beyond.

    However i do know there is already a top list in place/ but what i am suggesting is a bit more appealing than a list however, as it so also serves as propaganda for the top clans to gather more members if so they prefer.





    It would work as it follows (example):


    - It would be selected 3 clans per week to be the top of the week. Each would have their banners displayed around the hubs, with propaganda on the "screens", that would be distributed on the hubs with a classic "Join us" Pick up line.


    - In these hubs, we could also showcase "community spotlighted" Tenno/s in a section of the hubs reserved for the latest news of shorts. Along with the latest communications.





    The clans or tenno, chosen for the "weekly top",  would be based on a number of feats, like surviving the longest and having the highest score on something. (However, just to clear out, i am leaving dark sector nodes out of this)


    While community spotlighted tenno/clans would be picked by the warframe devs themselves, just like we currently do them now, however the showcase being a visual thing.


    Each of these, would receive a special badge, however, weekly top clan/tenno would receive a statue/badge that would progress/upgrade based on how many times it was received. So that even if you had already received the badge once for being in the top 3, you'd still have a reason to keep being so.





    This is a neat little thing i thought, it requires more thought into it, but i do hope you like the idea.

    - Cheers!

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