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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. Seen this discussed many times before, personally i think applying master rank requirements is a decent way to so call "balance" the weapons in the games.


    Rather than reducing the actual effectiveness of the weapon and making it redundant over the others, just make it so that mastery rank actually opens access and allows more option to "higher tier" weapons relative to rank. 


    Pardon me, where did you even found about this?

    Either all of you failed to understand me or i failed to explain.


    I am NOT FREAKING SUGGESTING FOR MASTERY RANK TO REDUCE DAMAGE output or make certain weapons less effective because of your current mastery rank.

    Jeez read the freaking post, i am just asking for them to assigned the right mastery rank. As some weapons are not really on the right mastery rank, as for an example: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/Boltor_Prime


    People will just powerlevel all the MK1 weapons, a handful of cheap trash credits only guns and just Race to MR6.


    If you put a bunch of arbitrary road blocks in front of something, people will try to work around it, and you will still not cause the "progression feeling" you are aiming for.


    All the gun themselves should "gain power" as more XP is obtained by using them, and DE already mentioned this.


    When they finally implement it, I will be able to throw my Glaive and the entire Tile I am on will be reduced to it's component atoms.


    That is the point, they will start from using low tier weapons and scale up to the high tier weapons. And that is the progression, you experiencing less than popular weapons, before jumping into the big guns.


    I have literally no clue on what the hell you guys are reading.

  2. A lot of weapons, despite how effective they are, are distributed with mastery rank requirements that do not match their actual power.


    This leads to certain weapons to be left in the dark, because there are just way better weapons for us to use : power creep.

    So i propose every since weapon in the game gets revised and assigned the right mastery rank, so that tenno can experience the game in a steady and fun progressing way.


    With the most overpowered weapons on the top mastery ranks, for experienced tenno to use.




    And maybe perhaps having a better reason in being in a high mastery rank, while also releasing those weapons that were "retired" from the game.

  3. Back then, they were removed because "there were too many weapon choices and it was flooding the market", it is a crappy reason, but i think that with the recent UI changes and organization they should come back.

    If the problem was that new players would feel confused as where or what to choose, you could always redefine mastery rank requirements to weapons better. Because having certain OP prime weapons, rank 0 is not right.

  4. So let me get this straight, despite there are other mods that are relatively more effective than elemental mods, you decided that they are far too strong, so they should not award no damage or have such role in Warframe.


    Before anything, remember that the game was intended to be fast pasted, not tactical oriented. Meaning, that making every enemy out there a beef is not the way to go. 


    And that in fact, slash/puncture and impact are elements too! And are recognized as such. Removing the damage elements provide would change more than what you assume it would.


    For my actual opinion:


    I think this idea was rushed and requires a bit more research and elaboration. But yes, overall damage mods reign king in weapon modding, but a system was built around it, so you can't just straight up ignore that and wish for they to remove it.

  5. What if Intruder were tweaked to be "allows for easier hacking" and for Grineer it fused nearby nodes into one? Making the room you have to hit them bigger and, thus, the cipher easier?


    The idea of making it go slower SOUNDS good, but I feel like it would make Grineer cypher's MORE difficult because of the extra time it would take to solve them while enemies might be spawning around you. 

    Awesome point here and could apply to corpus itself too.

  6. Huh!??!?


    Just because Volume 2 ended doesn't mean the thread will die out. This thread started back when the show began, last year.


    Or are you saying RIP because you're leaving?


    I think it might be better for some if we find something to do in the thread until summer of next year, such as discussing other anime, but then again, that would be off the topic of the thread, especially if it's not RWBY related.


    Edit: As Freelancer27 stated below me, RWBY will continue, it's no where near finished yet, they're just getting started.


    Actuality i was hoping for a reply like yours, lately the activity on the topic has dropped a lot and i was looking forward for some kind of chat. 

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