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Posts posted by Noabettiet

  1. (related to :)

    Should Mastery Rank influence more things in game?


    The little progression we had got before was exchanged during Update 7 to the amazing mod system we've got today.
    The problem was that it also made leveling your equipment (weapons) useless unless you had the mods for it.


    Another problem was also how some weapons are making that "power creep" thing now everyone is saying, which could have been balanced with the right mastery rank requirements. 


    So all in all, Mastery rank being more meaningful matters a lot. Instead of introducing a focus system, make mastery more important and a progression role on our overall power. (like getting slots or more defenses each mastery rank)

  2. Rolling is actually very useful. I can confirm all these things. It severely reduces damage, and it prevents knockdown. If I see a Caustic Eximus release a fire wave, I roll into it. I don't get knocked down (although I do bounce into the air a little), and I take little damage. Any time I am about to be knocked down or take a heavy blow, I roll and suffer very little damage. I dodge attacks with it, and I reduce damage with it. I think that's a good enough technique.


    As for the rest of it, I can't say I agree. Grineer and Corpus do feel very different, but they are both shooting and avoiding damage. Then again, isn't that what basically every game is? They use different weapon types (bullet vs plasma, hitscan vs non-hitscan), use different damage types (Impact/Slash vs Puncture), have different health/resistance types, have different appearances and aesthetics, and really are nothing alike other than the base shooting enemies thing.


    Infested rock, though. Infested > Corpus > Grineer. Sometimes. Sometimes I like Grineer more, but that's mostly depending on mood and enemy level. But hey, that's just me.


    There are different ways to play it, too. The whole idea of modding allows for a wide variety of gameplay options. Do most people actually make use of them? No. Seemingly 99% of players are the min-maxers who try to mod to do more damage and kill more things than everyone else who is doing the exact same thing. Do I do that sometimes? Sure. Everyone really does, but that doesn't mean you have to the whole time. I've been experimenting with many different loadouts recently, and I've been moving away from that habit. It's a lot more fun that way, too.


    As for the wall-running thing...if you jump off the wall the moment you start your wall run (let go of spacebar right as you grab onto the wall), you do a very quick, far leap. It's a bit awkward, sure, but it's easily avoidable (usually) and very helpful at times. I do agree, though, it's a bit funky at times. However, I do like it as a whole.


    These are my opinions. You have yours, and it's alright that we disagree.

    It's fine, really. 

    The wonky wall running can be avoided indeed, though it is still something that should be noticed, which is why i am saying it out loud that it is awkward.


    About rolling, I really appreciate the confirmation, though it still feels rather more of a blocking ability than evasive. It is still short and often unreliable if you really want to actuality evade something that isn't a leecher or a stun. 


    About variety, i am still not convinced, but i also want to note that i didn't exactly say that there isn't variety, rather that it is outright overshadowed and not enough rewarding, fun and different to justify the sacrifice in power and such. You will still approach most of the battles the same way.


    High level Grineer versus a flimsier frame with appropriately balanced damage output versus those Grineer, I can say that the Grineer generally are more interesting to fight than the Corpus and especially the infested, but a lot of this realization is lost when playing a frame that can soak up a room full of heavies for a good few minutes and kill them in a single round each.  


    Take away the God mode and death's touch, and suddenly the Grineer have...

    ...A dude that shoots ricocheting freaking sawblades...

    ...A really big dude that fires ploddingly slow homing missiles...

    ...A chick with a roped harpoon...

    ...A dude that constantly releases little rolling, homing grenades and has a hand cannon that WILL hurt you plenty if it connects,

    ...Dudes with shotguns and flame throwers that you absolutely do not want to get close.

    ...(And finally,) generic, spammy bullet guys whose only purpose is to plink away at your health and shields without ever letting up when all these other dudes force you out of cover.


    The only weak points to the Grineer are the Napalm (boring) and the Commander (unfair.)  The Grineer heavy is the heavy version of the generic spammy bullet guys, but she still follows the same rules as a Lancer otherwise.  Her purpose is to just complicate target priorities and to really punish the player for being out in the open.


    Infested and Corpus though?  One is just a mostly harmless horde to either cut through or mow down with a weapon equipped with shred/some AoE, the latter really is just all pew pew.  Easily avoided pew pew at that.

    The other quote kind of said the same, but since you were the first, i just wanted to say: good point.

    I remember at some point that the infested walkers used to stunlock(?), which kind of always gave an extra dangerous factor to them, while we had the ancients which were more of tanks than nuisances most of the time, with the old knee weak point.


    However, something that i disagree is the whole "avoid and shoot" from Vyrnaazus, not all games are like that and even if they were, it still doesn't really make it a reason to keep it that way. :/


    Not to mention that at most times the enemies don't actuality do a good job at avoiding at all, if they avoid. There is a certain predictability that you just expect the enemies to do.


    Not saying ALL OF THEM, but some should be made easy targets at ALL.  Because regardless of their unique properties, you can just... shoot them.

  3. Rolling reduces incoming dmg by a lot

    Provide proof and/or source. 


    Rolling is used to get rid of stuff attached to your frame in combat, like the seeker's ball...thing and corpus leech osprey's...thing, it also prevents stuns by volatile runners, from what I've heard.

    You'd be better off just going out of reach and getting rid of stuff attached to your frame is hardly something. :/ 

    It is often a way to "dodge" incoming attacks in other games, in warframe it is just... that

  4. As with literally nearly everything in the game, most if not all of these are either going to be fully reworked or tweaked, be it minor or significant. Warframe is in a good place right now, but obviously it could be in a better place, which I truly believe it will be in time.

    My point in making the thread in the first place.


    Else i wouldn't even say anything. :l

  5. Seriously. Fine is about the description i can give.

    I don't dislike it or love it either.


    I have a couple of opinions on the gamenevermind the grind and the fact that our weapons/warframes progress only matters if we've got the mods to it, I honestly think that warframe is grea.... fine.

    Looking at Archwing, wow it looks great, however i am more interested AND happy about the quest system and sad that i hardly hear about it.
    Fighting grineer or corpus is about the same, with infested being the most relevant and different faction of them all, but still everything falling into run and pew pew.
    There is no depth in fighting and that is what makes the game feel easy, because it is in the core, its easy to understand.
    There are no multiple ways of playing, well kinda there actuality is, but it nearly irrelevant to do so, because the approach is about the same to every game: you charge and kill. 
    I like the wall running though, a bit actuality, at times it feels like wall jumping is about the same as getting inside a cannon, because it launches you unreasonably at some direction and well.. it feels.. awkward at most cases, unbelievable, like it is missing something about it.
    And Rolling is... I don't know even know what use there is to rolling over after over a year of gameplay? Why is it that nobody is bothered about it?
    That about it sums most of my little unimportant rants. Though i advise you to read this too: http://warframe.wikia.com/wiki/User_blog:Darthmufin/-Insert_ClickBait_Title-
  6. I personally am starting to enjoy pvp, it is a nice twist from the constant farming/collecting and random raids, that apparently is what warframe is about.


    Those crazy melee tenno, usually end up getting shot by my shotgun as fast as i see them. Not to mention they are freaking predictable.

    What is apparently impossible to fight, are auto-target weapons and skills, i wish our roll over could be used to avoid these kind of things(like a lose target kind of thing), not just in a pvp scenario, in every scenario (pve and pvp).


    You might not have noticed yet, but auto-target kind of attacks are pretty much broken.

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