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Everything posted by Himeric

  1. Similar to Wukong clone state change - the frame become bright when using ranges weapons and become dark when using melee. Using abilities don't change that state.
  2. Because of new Primes farm I start to play public missions, and noticed one thing - players without Aura mods. Not new players - about 16-18 Mastery rank, frames with 30 rank. So, I now really curious why that happens? Something that give an advantage if not using any Auras? Or is it new UI bug that not show specific Aura mod?
  3. Then when will be refund for topaz shard, time and resources spend for builds based around blast status (most useless status in game)? I just tested - at current state it even don't have window where it could to work, enemies just remove 1k of my shield by one shot - that mean Topaz never meet "condition" when could to "regenerate" anything.
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