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Posts posted by Azurian-Draguard

  1. 34 minutes ago, texrei said:

    This guy definitely knows what the furframe means



    A sergal dawning trinity's armored components from the Artist  "Jrinity?"


    Random Furry Junk ;


    Can't say much with the "Sergal" species in the Fur Fandom but last I remember it was once someone's thought up 'animal' until it was mass produced to the many which was like creating your own personal 'character' of sorts and someone just thinking "OH hey it looks cool! I must have one and should the rest of the community :D"    I could be wrong though but that's what I read in a nut shell"



    Though when it comes to any of the Warframes which could be used in an animalistic way...you could use either of the following ;

    Chroma -> Elemental Dragon just get the right head for him and Viola.

    Inaros -> Or as how Cephalon Shy calls him "Mr.Dog Nipples"

    Valkyr -> You do know why the community nicknamed her "Valkitty"  right?

    Zephyr -> Ahhh our flightless bird frame....wait arent Penguins flightless?

    Possible though highly unlikely 'Animal Frames'

    Frost Prime? ->  "He seems like a pretty cool crab head frame"

    Non-Prime Trinity? ->  Lobster tail. . . hmm

    Loki <-> Loki Prime?  -> One of his helmets make him look like a Hammer Head Shark

    Volt <-> Volt Prime?  -> I seen somewhere on a comic about how one of his helmets shockingly looks like a Ram's Head. . .


    Also didn't [DE] call the Kurias "Cat Statues?"

  2. Personally I'd rather just listen to the in-game soundtrack that's playing for said quest but if it uses something a bit "off" then I'd just use ;


    Beginning of my Questing Journey :



    Intense Fight :



     -Plot Twist!- :




  3. The Priming will be as follows UNLESS [DE] throws a curve ball at us ;

    Nekros Prime (CURRENT)

    Banshee Prime (Next)

    Valkyr Prime

    Oberon Prime

    Hydroid Prime

    Zephyr Prime


    In that order given the oldest release dated frames that arent primed yet. But as said unless DE throws a curve ball at us , that's how I'm expecting the prime line to be in that order.

  4. God soo much QQ of a new mod which increases Elemental DMG. . .

    No one is forcing you to accept that mod in to your builds. It's your CHOICE if you want to add it on or not. Otherwise you COULD buy it from Baro , rank it to max and let it collect dust in your mod collection.


    As for those that use it for their Viral or Blast DMG builds.  Good on ya mate. Cheers! :satisfied:

  5. 4 minutes ago, DeMonkey said:

    Could you possibly type in a colour that isn't almost unreadable please?

    Like black maybe. Not very original I know, but I shouldn't have to highlight your comment just to be able to read it.

    Sorry , I have my warframe forum theme set to "Warframe Dark"  got tired of the blaring white sides of the screen just hurting my eyes over long periods of time.

  6. I feel the only faults they'll get is as follows ;

    1 : Overhyping it

    2 : Claiming it'll be released on -Date-  and when it that dead line came around or very close , we were told "Sorry! Next month! :laugh:" , rinse and repeat

    At the least I can understand if they show a trailer or teaser about the quest when they're on the final stages of polishing the quest up and getting it ready to send it our way but to not deliver on the times they said they'd give it to us? S-M-H. 

  7. 1 minute ago, ShadowSquid96 said:

    My problem with that is, that means I'm stooping to their level. My goal in these missions is not to go around and try and outmatch other players in terms of pvp, there's conclave for that, but instead is to complete the mission I went to that node to complete. 

    The only other thing I can think of is just running the mission Solo , that or just recruit the proper team that knows what they're getting themselves in to

  8. When it comes to the intentional player trying to down me in a Friendly Fire "match" in nightmare mode I just run as Valkyr and kill em , revive kill em again then after that it's just making sure they use up all 4 of their lives or if they leave the match. Otherwise if I'm with non-PvP Team then I try my best to AIM and keep aware of where my allies are at all times so I don't accientally hit em , but if they do jump in line-of-sight I at least appologize. 

    Taken notice how powers also affect them so....yeah I'm not sure if the Bladestorm Spam Ash players would target their team in FF-Nightmare mode.

  9. Rhino -> Rhino Prime makes for a good team mate just the community nicknames him Rhinoob think it's just because players build terrible habits when they main him and try to do the same on other frames.

    Able to pick you up when you're down and take a nice beating and can boost your overall weapon DMG when he uses his battle-shout / Roar

  10. My greatest moment would be winning an extremely bugged Eximus Vay Hek Sortie fight , was just me and an MR4 Rhino , I was going as Nova and had to deal with 3 Vay Heks inside the boss room counting Turkey-Final-Form as the main target while more Vay Heks were hovering outside after the boss fight.

  11. 1. How balanced do you think companions are to each other now with the Vacuum changes?

    • Wouldn't say "Balanced" but more like more usable now that people can equip the Vacuum mod to any and all sentinels instead of keeping faith on running to the resource.  Some buffs are required to some of the Sentinels since Carrier seems to dominate in the HP department. More so a re-stat fix with Wyrm since it seems it gained more shields at the cost of HP as opposed to the non-primed variant but other then that. . .


    2. If you don't use Kavats or Kubrows, how come? (can select all that apply)

    • I still use my Kubrow just wish the AI were more...advanced and their pathfinding were more refined. When it comes to the void or Orokin Derelict under a few rooms I'd just wait for my Kubrow to make his / her way to my location just to see 'em stand still or just run around in a circle above me until I either move or get a little more closer to the lockers I want 'em to unlock.  Which I do want some type of way or command to have them unlock the locker rather than just stand near it waiting for the AI-Pathfinding to figure out how my companion can make it to where I am.


    3. Are you excited to participate in The Index (Corpus version of Rathuum)

    • I'm excited and am thinking if this means it'll bring Nef Anyo in to the light in terms of becoming the Boss for Phobos instead of the place-holder npc "The Seargent"


    4. What is your first impression of Ash's Blade Storm targeting change?

    • I don't quite use him unless I want a different frame to play with that can stealth. I guess it'll be a fine change if it means it wont target players when the Ash Player is under Radiation Effect.

    5. Will you use the mission creator with your clan?

    • If it means allowing use to spawn bosses and other npcs then sure :D  Otherwise , sure I guess.  Just curious as which Ranks would be able to use it such as Clan Leader? 2nd-in-command? Initiate?

    6. Do you plan to run a dedicated PC server?

    • No , wouldn't that just mean something where if you did people would use your connection speed thus lagging you or you lagging them if you needed to use your PC for other stuff while not playing Warframe or?

    7. Would you spend 100 Argon to craft an Argon Decoration?

    • . . . It had better look great if that were the case. 100 Argon is quite difficult to obtain unless someone spends several hours in the void. Then again how about using some of or a fraction of your resource material to craft a resource decoration like a Polymer Case or Neurode Cluster instead of  the 5 - 20 plat?
  12. Just based off the 2 images I can assume there will be an ally and opposing team , the Gentle Blue being the Corpus while the Red Team will probably be us UNLESS it's just another 'team' for us to go against I.E : Red VS Blue / Yellow VS Green.  Maybe a battle royale but that wouldn't make sense. . . would it?

  13. 17 hours ago, Keybopsef said:


    Is it not a corpus weapon? I'm pretty sure it's a corpus weapon (but then why did it get a Wraith variant and not a Vandal variant? Is it secretly Grineer tech? Tech from before their violent descent into genetic degradation and crude but efficient instruments of war?? Is this the sign of a more sophisticated but long forgotten Grineer Empire?)

    (Just like you, I wonder.)

    The Strun , according to the Warframe Wiki site it's most likely a tenno weapon.

    As for the Vandal to Wraith variants , if you consider the "Vandals" to be Corpus versions then why would there be a "Lato Vandal" and an "Imperator Vandal?"

    Then again this doesn't make sense with the Latron Wraith unless DE can confirm the Lato / Imperator / Braton are in-fact corpus tech and the Latron to be Grineer if that's the case.


    For primes I do remember far back how the Boar once had a Grineer Description on it where it said something about how it was basic Grineer Technology or something other but later it was changed to just something basic and had tenno scripture in it because hey DE did say "Only Tenno Weapons can become primed"  Yet...the Braton. . .

    Only thing that might redeem this is just the trivia on the Braton ;


    "The presence of the Braton's Primed Counterpart suggests that the Braton available in the market may be the Corpus' attempt to recreate the rifle, hence its design aesthetic leaning towards the Corpus rather than the Tenno."

    Then again I can't speak for DE on why this is.

  14. 18 hours ago, Nocam said:

    I would love to see this. If Zanuka captures you, and you've done enough invasions siding with the Grineer, the Escape mission involves a Grineer unit coming to help save you.

    That would be cool but I doubt DE would do that. I did read somewhere on the forums about the Gravidus Dilemma Event something about how people supposably got rep with whoever they sided with by +50 but DE didn't expand on that. Think it was for lore reason since the tenno are suppose to stand for neutrality. Don't take my word for it though.

    I'd rather side with the Corpus , the technological advancements , robotics and just the sci-fi tech equipment as well as them just being a greedy corporation rather than a genocidal faction alone wins my favor.


    Either that or just because I love anything sci-fi tech and horrifically grotesque ( Corpus :corpus: + Infested :infested: )

  15. . . . But like what Salad 5 would say when Harvy captures you ;



    "Tenno , Tenno! There's an entire Grineer battalion here to rescue you! Your friends must really appreciate your support! Wait, no, I'm mistaken. You're alone with no weapons, and no friends. Silly me."


    " The Grineer are a threat to us all. You need to understand the error of your ways. Consider my efforts... a favor, yes."


  16. Assuming if DE sticks with the Prime Patterns in terms of Frame release besides Nova prime , the next upcoming Prime Frame will be ;

    Banshee Prime -> Valkyr Prime -> Oberon Prime -> Hydroid Prime

    As for weapons it's been random...though I do suppose Tiberon Prime just idk a mix of crit and status?

    My thoughts on weapon primes ;

    Primaries ;

    1. Corvas Prime (AW-Weapon)
    2. Cernos Prime
    3. Fluctus Prime (AW-Weapon)
    4. Imperator Prime (AW-Weapon)
    5. Strun Prime ?
    6. Phaedra Prime (AW-Weapon)
    7. Stradavar Prime

    Secondaries ;

    1. AK-Magnus Prime
    2. AK-Lex Prime
    3. AK-Vasto Prime
    4. AK-Jagara Prime
    5. Pyrana Prime
    6. Kunai Prime
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