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Posts posted by BlizzardMamba

  1. great, great job guys! now look how the kubrow's den looks like on my pc. and no, it's not wooden pc. its a gaming asus. before the game was sweet, and then... the textures don't load -.-"



    The textures are there. It is just like a fog shader was placed over the entire area. I have the same problem. GPU: 780TI

    Switched everything of (game looks great on low btw.) But the issue still remains. 

  2. Let me be clear for something, so loki who has 4 good spells, which every worth casting, can make 150k melee crits with stealth, and noone bats an eye, rhino who basically can't die, valkyr with 600 armor (no need to cast), Mesa (which can solo defense T4 with only her ult up), I can continue, and prove every warframe is better (for every mission) than Volt/Limbo(yea how many limbos have you seen for the past 1-2 months ??) And lets look at Volt, 1. Skill used only to kill cameras, stun the capture target, 2. Indeed very good skill cant' say bad things, 3. everyone prefers to have frost to do the job, useless to use for yourself, since you do wayyy more damage from  2. with melee weapon, if they increase the damage, and lower the duration/radius of the shield, for example (improvable by power strength) 150% for non-crits, 300% for crits with 15s base duration 60% of the current radius, then i will love to use that spell.. and i think a lot of people will like that idea, 4. The only reason i use that spell is when i do low level missions, and i forget a mob who is up/downstairs... or basically when there is a lot of the flying stuff that shield enemies. So that bug was surely op, but im glad i had the chance to play with it, as a Volt player, at last felt i was useful... And If anyone, says that i just over-react, go in recruitment chat, join whatever T4 mission, and ask people what warframe to pick, noone will ever say Volt, trust me on this... Also one last thing, VOLT IS NOT A SUPPORT!!! DE MAKE HIM USEFUL!!!


    Stop overstating things especially when you say something that is actually right. Rhino is far away from being immortal, mesa cannot solo T4 defense with press 4..etc. It is true that volt is bad atm. but that doesnt make other WFs UBER powerful ;)

  3. Because this event was sooooo hard, right ? 

    It was horribly designed no challenge except which abillity to spam... for me it was molecular prime others used hysteria or radial blind etc... Also you needed a powerful weapon to kill the lvl 100 mobs. Got all that -> you are good to go, no skill or tactics required !


    This just felt so cheap idk... Like they wanted to present challenge but they just created overloaded crap :/

  4. Really, level scaled huh. I've finished the event, (pre update) so I thought hey, why not help out the rest of my clan.

    So in I goes & BAM, level 99 nullifying bursa with level 99 corpus backup. Talk about extreme measures.

    Explain to me how exactly to defeat a mob of that caliber?


    I did it with nova just now... Didn't die once... (But that was solo)


    Edit: When it works this event is actually very easy and fast but still boring as hell. 

    Edit2: splln

  5. They should really consider fixing this event and doing it again in the near future. This event has caused two of the few people I could play with online (without disconnecting) to quit the game... 


    Also I would really like that Quanta Vandal but I can barely finish one mission after this patch :(


    Nvm: seems to work for me now :) 

  6. Yet another event, yet another flood of "FIX IT" threads and comments- just finished all of it and DAYUM it was fun! Thanks for the rewards DE <3

    U serious ? If so I think my time with warframe has finally come to an end... This is fun now ? 


    After I actually invested a lot of money because I thought WF would be a game I'd play for years to come. I cannot understand how people are having fun with warframe atm... The Devs talk about one thing and do the polar opposite. Why ? 

  7. I just watched someone do the event again (Higher level)... And I have just one question: Where the **** is the fun ? 

    DE what has happened ? This is even more nerve wracking than the Gradivus Dielemma... 

  8. I think flickering lights that actually turn off and leave you in the dark + the stalker teleporting around you while taunting would be awesome. And when he finally spawns turn on only a few flickering light sources + your weapon torch... 


    Perhaps adding a little boss mechanic like stronger armor when in the dark and more aggressive when he is standing in a brighter area... Make him a good fight so his entrance is not ruined by LOL 1337 OneshotZ 

  9. So I just decided to play the altert for the limbo helmet, should be easy right ? Well it would have been if it werent for me having to abort it because an enemy decided to spawn too far inside the wall... 


    So everything was going great the second time around...untill this happened:




    This screenshot was taken after I somehow (and I really have no idea how) managed to survive (and kill!) a Manic and the Grustrag Three at the same time without seeing *****. 


    Warframe has been bugging out on me more and more lately to the point where it becomes unplayable...


    Edit: 1. of all the Grustrag Tree is probably the plant in the steel meridian room... (spelling ftw xD)

            2. Yes as a feature it could be nice :) 

  10. The problem is that there is sth like endless missions. There is no such thing as OP in a PVE game with limitless content, yet DE starts nerfing things... why ? They should introduce a levelcap like lvl 100 and adjust weapons accordingly. Of course there should be a tiering system like boltor prime > boltor and braton prime > braton > mk1.... But there has to be a focus point for the "balancing" so I -could- use the Braton Prime instead of Amprex etc. There is no high level content in the game bc there is no high level. There was no reason to nerf the S.Gammacor without any reference how it should perform, 

    The only solid progression the game has is the modding system and there are many ppl who do not like that either... 


    I agree with most of what was said before pertaining time and grindwalls, and esp. the course the game is taking. 

  11. There is a new policy that keeps people from absorbing energy if they don't move. I don't like the energy policy. Moving and shooting count as activity but constantly aiming and using Energy Vampire do not. I run out of energy every two minutes because I can keep casting but I'm not even getting energy from my own power. Now I have to randomly strafe to count as being an active player. This is lame. Meanwhile, I'm pressing buttons and contributing thousands of energy to my cell. I don't have a third hand or a fancy mouse with thirteen buttons so I can follow some lame, made-up rule meant to punish someone else. Get rid of the energy blocking. 

    As I do not play Trinity on a regular basis I have no idea whether this is the case or not but if it is I pray to whatever god there is that DE fixes this load of *************** ! 

  12. What exactly is wrong with the current system ? Less useful mods not being used ? And your answer is to remove the useful ones and essentially stuff them into the warframes themselves ? 


    Add more mod slots if you want useless mods to be used, do not take away content as that is never a good idea. Change the way mods are used( like different mod slots limiting damage/resistance mods etc). Dont just give it a new name and seperate it from the mod system. The problem with an alternative system to modding is that it either removes progression or splits it into even more systems. Mods are fine just fix the way they are used. Dont make the mechanics of this game more complicated. 


    I support the idea behind your idea but I am against adding yet another modification system as an answer to a modding system that has seemingly too many useful mods. 


    Edit: Forgot to mention I am all for the ability to adjust and micromanage your gear but make it an additional system to what we currently have. Give a weapon 2-3 damage slots and some utility slots and then make it possible to make light adjustments in corrupted mod style like adding a silencer but severely reducing damage. This would have to be balanced thoroughly but it could have merit...

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