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Posts posted by BlizzardMamba

  1. Dude the Grindwalls were there LOOOONG before PWE even knew DE existed :v

    Dude :P Mesa is the ultimate Grindwal ^^ 

    I havent played for quite some time and just recently got into warframe again but I cannot remember any true Grindwalls pls elaborate (I also thought that Hydroid was bad)

  2. The worst thing is, the game actually feels like a PWE game now. Idk why that is but DE gives me the same vibes as PWE now, when they were killing games I liked. You release a Prime Access which contains an Item that is pretty much useless because the game mode it should be used for is lacking and hardly anyone plays...


    Honestly what's up with that ? I thought PWE had no say whatsoever ? Yet, this is exactly the way I remember other good games dying under PWE or to a lesser extend Gameforge. 


    - Grindwalls 

    - broken modes

    - Bugs (seemingly more with every update)

    - lack of communication  (Frost, Excal etc.)




    Where is this year of quality we have been promised ? 


    BTW, am amused by Blizzard Mamba's false notion that Molecular Prime only works at low levels.  He obviously hasn't done raids yet.

    If you want to help the players, really help them, break their delusion that farming things they don't need is actually a worthwhile use of their time.

    True I was too occupied testing PvP to play any raids... But that is just the thing I never said Molecular Prime only works at low levels... It is one of the best high level abilities in the game imho... All I wanted to say is that you do not hurt anybody with it... 

  4. On the subject of the Sammycore (which I'm going to arrogantly assume you're referring to);


    There is high-tier, and then there's overpowered. Even with the power creep and obvious gun imbalances in this game, that weapon was way out of proportion. Its nerf was more or less justified, and it's likely DE would have done something even if people hadn't called for it.


    Wanting things nerfed (like Molecular Prime, if it was indeed OP or not) is a relatively fair call, because having someone wipe out the map with a single ability that you don't have isn't great as it gives you less to do. And not only that, these calls are often made by players who want the game to be improved in a different way; if one weapon or ability does everything, there's no reason to use anything else, and there should be. So they ask for balance.


    That's partly what I'm going for; giving a reason to vary your play, for both effectiveness and fun.


    Hitting equality across the board is better than just outright lowering the bar, if you get my meaning.


    Yes I agree with you :) 

    I did not mean the Sammycore, people have been complaining since the soma was first released... I just wanted to express that there is no true gamebreaking stuff in the game. 

  5. This game is flaying itself and it scares me... When I started playing in late 2013 everything seemed so perfect. DE appeared to be a developer who I could trust with my future favourite game. Then I had to take a break and started again a couple weeks ago and now I have the feeling that everything is falling apart... 


    I can understand erverybody who has lost faith in DE because lets face it much has changed (and not for the better)


    - Every new frame is behind a giant grindwall, it isnt any fun getting Mesa or to a lesser extent Mirage or Chroma  

    - Archwing is boring and broken, yet they release even more broken stuff into the game

    - They take out prime parts, so Im afraid to get ducates because tomorrow it could all be taken away. 



    There just isnt any clear direction and I dont feel secure with the game and esp. DE anymore. 


    .... Well this was a load of angsty babbeling, all I wanted to say is that I can understand everyone who has become wary of DE.  

  6. What was "gameBREAKING" about Nova ? 

    This is PVE coop where everybody should be thankful for strong companions and yet all I see and hear is people complaining about how OP weapon or frame XY is ? No one is at a disadvantage because of it and if you do not like ppl clearing entire rooms play with ppl who want to play like you... 


    I do not get this comunity... really I dont. If a weapon is blown out of proportion like lets say an Amprex with the same DPS but only 1 Bullet/sec it should probably be reworked but nerfing a good weapon for t4 into the ground because ppl complained that they felt it was too op? Why ? 


    This game is not about playing like a Ninja! As can be seen in modes like Defense, Survival etc. It forces us to be rampaging killing machines and everyone crying "nerf" at the slightest amount of what they feel to be OP is taking the fun out of that too. 


    AdunSaveMe at least made an effort to come up with a constructive idea. 

  7. You know I have played around 40 Matches (because I love PVP in general) and I am frustrated to a point where I would like to tell DE to start from scratch. There is just so much broken, that I dont even know whats the worst. 


    - ~4/5 Missions bug out because there are no Servers

    - ~9/10 Missions cannot be finished bc of the flag missing

    - The balance is nonexistent 

    - Maps are either too small or Volt/Rhino are way too fast. And Coptering should be banned as everyone can become almost invulnerable if he/she gains enough momentum... 


    I dont think mentioning this mess is toxic at all. Id much rather believe that it is necessary for DE to get this harsh feedback so they can keep their promise of higher quality in 2015 :)

  8. It isn't hard YET because currently most of the players are new to this. They've never played a PVP game with map control before. I've seen a lot of ppl running past energy orbs without picking them up, and not running straight to energy orbs when they spawn. 


    There are IIRC 5 energy spawn points on the Corpus outpost map. And a match has 8 players running around. If everyone makes a good effort to hoard energy whenever they can, it is really hard to collect 3 or 4 energy orbs without getting killed. 


    Also the time they take to spawn must be increased and randomized to some degree 

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