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Posts posted by CannaWhoopazz

  1. The other damages aren't effected by Elementals...  Elementals only adds to normal attacks.  To boost Charge damage, you need mods that increase charge damage seperately (one of the lame things about Melee that hopefully gets fixed)

  2. I think a lot of people are comparing different warframes in different missions.  In low level missions, Ember does really well because WoF kills everything around her without an issue.  But throw her in high level mission and she starts to die quickly!


    Nova does REALLY well in low level missions, so does Ash, Rhino, Oberon, Mag, Saryn, and any other frame that can do an ability to kill everything in the room.  But those are low level missions, when a modded gun is 1-shotting everything as it is.  


    When I think of God-Tier or Top Tier warframes, I expect them to be useful still in a high level mission: 40+ minute Survivals, 35+ wave Defenses.  At that point, the 800 damage from Rhino's Stomp isn't important, but the slowdown is!  The damage from Pull is no longer doing much, but the ragdoll helps a lot.  


    God-Tier Warframes have to still be useful at high level missions, against enemies lvl 100 and higher.  Vauban's Bastille and Vortex are just as effective against lvl 1 enemies and lvl 10,000 enemies!  Loki will be able to take the guns away from any level enemy, and invisibility is effective at all times.  


    Ember stops being effective though, so does Saryn, Volt and Ash.  Their abilities just stop being effective at some point...

  3. since Ember HAS to be in the middle of the fight to deal damage with her Ulti, she's one of the weakest frames because she can't survive at all there.  It takes too long to kill anything that isn't non-ancient Infested at high levels for her to survive.  Low Tier.


    I actually really like Oberon.  I know he's not as good at healing as Trinity, but I like him quite a bit!  I haven't done any 1+ hour survivals with him though, so I'm not sure how well he stands up. He's mid tiered at least!


    Loki is great, but NOT the best (just my opinion, I chose Loki as my starter, and he's my favorite to play as, please don't flame me!!).  Honestly, I was trying to come up with reasons, and the only reason I have is "no damage ability."  He might actually be the best just because at a certain point in Survivals, damage dealing abilities become useless, and only for stuns.  Loki's Invisibility and Radial Disarm are always useful! I now disagree with myself, he IS one of the best!  Top Tier at least, possible up in the God Tier.


    Vauban is OP in Infested missions!  I soloed ODD to wave 60 the other day trying to get Ember Prime BP (didn't get it) and the only reason I had to leave was because I blew myself up with my Penta on accident and didn't want to do it again and lose everything. In other missions, he's good, but not the best.  I'll put him in Top Tier all around because he still has uses, but he's not OP in Grineer/Corpus missions.


    I don't really like using Nyx but I can't argue with how effective Chaos is!  Cast Chaos and run to watch the high level enemies destroy each other for you.  She is one that can be very useful in high level missions and against very high level mobs because the higher the enemies level, the more damage Chaos can do.  When ever I try using Absorb, the explosion doesn't do enough damage to Grineer/Corpus because they are always too far away.  It's VERY effective against Infested though!  Her other abilities are useless though. Mid Tier at least!


    Nova is good in a group, but she can't solo much because of how little defense she has.  Still Top Tiered though!


    Rhino freezes time, so even when fighting high level enemies, he's still very useful for that reason only!  Add Iron Skin to that, and he's Top Tier, maybe God Tier with Loki.


    Nekros is Mid Tiered.  He is very useful in long survivals because you need the extra Life Support Canisters.  The problem is, he doesn't have that much survivability, and his Ultimate is good (Same with Nyx, it gets stronger as the enemies get stronger) but it takes WAY to long to cast.  Mid Tiered, maybe even Low Tiered.  


    Excalibur I've never been that big of a fan of.  Slash Dash is good for a while, his Ulti is ok, Radial Blind is ok, Super Jump is lame.  I'd put him Mid Tiered again.


    Banshee is only useful if you're sniping, and her Ulti is useless because you can't do anything while it's active, leaving you completely open to getting shot from a distance.  In a normal mission she's fine (as are all frames) but in a long defense or survival she doesn't really bring anything to the table.  You could argue that lighting up weak points on high level enemies is useful because it makes them easier to kill, but Nova does better at that.  Low Tier!


    Saryn is good in low to mid level missions, but Miasma just doesn't do enough DoT anymore, Venom isn't all that good either, Contagion is worthless until Melee 2.0 comes out, and Molt gets 1 shot destroyed quite a lot! Low Tiered


    Valkyr is a joke.  She's Garbage Tiered! 


    Ash ok, Nothing too flashy about him, Smoke Screen doesn't last long enough, his Ulti is cool to be sure, but not really effective enough.  Teleport is worthless because Melee is worthless.  Low Tiered


    Frost is great in Defense and to drop a snowglobe when reviving somebody.  He's Mid Tiered at least just because of Snow Globe.  If his other abilities got a boost, he'd move up quickly.


    Trinity  is good just because of Link and Blessing, but because of granting Invincibility she's Top Tiered!


    Volt lost some power when Damage 2.0 came out.  Mag passed him up as being the go-to against Corpus, so he's Mid Tiered.  Are you still helpless when doing Overload?  If so then he might even be Low Tiered...


    Mag is great starting out, her Ulti takes too long though.  Bullet Attractor is great on bosses, and she destroys Corpus.  She's Mid Tier because she loses some of her usefulness as levels increase.


    Valkyr doesn't get much love, and I agree she's terrible to use, but if modded for max duration, Hysteria grants VERY good survivability.  She just doesn't deal much damage while in that state.  She could be in a long survival just to activate Life Support and revive people though.  I'd give her Mid-Tier.  


    Am I missing anyone..?

  4. You're running solo survival with un-maxed gear? Ballsy.


    It's the best way to level up a good weapon!  when I forma my Soma/Synapse I do it in a solo survival run. Latron Prime leveled very quickly as well because of solo survival runs.


    That being said, I wish the enemies spawned a lot more often, at least during the first 10 minutes.  Once you get into the 10+ range, they seem to come fast enough to survive, but before then there's a lot of running around trying to find people to kill!

  5. I love Oberon!  He's pretty awesome.  


    And I never leave because of a frame that I see.  Normally, if I'm in a PUG, most people are leveling gear anyway, so I'm not expecting an hour long run or anything.  

  6. having the "Affinity Canisters" is an even worse idea than using extra affinity when you forma a weapon!!


    Everyone would just fill up canisters using the best/their favorite weapons, and use them to level crappy weapons to level 30 without ever even equipping them!  It's bad enough that you can level a weapon up to level 30 without even getting a single kill with one (which I'm guilty of) but at least you have to have it equipped!


    The only solution [i see] is to have them translate into credits.  If we could use the extra xp on other weapons, or to forma the weapons with the excess, many of us would be done with the game already!  If you don't want to take the time to relevel a weapon you formaed, you must not need to forma it that badly.  If you don't want to grind out 30 levels with the Jaw sword, then don't!  Mastery Rank doesn't get you anything past Rank 7 anyway!

  7. Did you search the forums at all for this answer?



    If you support the Grineer against the Corpus in an invasion, you get the Harvester Mark.  If you already had the Mark before the update, you won't get the mail until you meet the Harvester and requalify for the Mark

  8. I've had this issue too. I believe it has to do with a setting where certain applications are allowed to take exclusive priority over the speakers/sound device.


    What happens is that whenever there's any dialogue, it forcibly turns the volume of other applications down.




    Ahh, but it's Warframe's sound that is being dropped way down, and it's not during the dialog.  The sound from other programs stays constant.



    George, I'll check that when I get home from work, see if that fixes everything!

  9. Honestly, if that's the case, they aren't very good at playing!


    Harvester jumps around too much instead of just attacking, and Stalker isn't all that accurate.  If I were in control of a character that could do Stalker-level damage per shot, while dispelling a warframe's abilities, I don't think anyone would survive.


    It's very much an AI

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