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Posts posted by (XBOX)IIIIRED1IIII

  1. Just now, (PS4)Viveeeh said:

    Oh is being gay a meme? Dang it, I go for a few days without internet, come back online, and cannot understand half of the memes. Everytime!

    No Not being gay. saying the word gay in region chat has always been a widely known meme.Just like saying the word trap.Thats the point I’m trying to make.

  2. On 2019-03-24 at 9:32 AM, (NSW)hagai1 said:

    It seems like after i got to Saturn i don't see any new players in chat, only mr5 and higher, seems a little odd to me, do you think that people stopped joining warframe on the Switch ?

    Most people probably haven’t even gotten that far cuz I barely see any people on the planet Uranus which is where im at and I see a whole bunch of noobs on the low level planets so maybe that’s why.

  3. 21 hours ago, Blackout37 said:

    Yeah its kind of a meme but it gets you banned because its supposedly offensive in some way. 

    Yes and saying the word gay is also a meme that I got banned for.

  4. It’s sad on how the warframe community is so closed mined when it comes to concave.Warframe  gamers should incurage variations of gameplay elements to their game not the other way around.People here that say this should  only be pve are what’s wrong with the gaming community.

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  5. Just play how you want to play.For me I usually only use Excalibur and mr fodder the other frames.i am MR6 I m not into the grind as much like others are and I like playing the star chart rather then just doing it for the rewards. My goal is to basically fully mod my Excalibur to the fullest.Thats just my play sytle though.At the end of it all their is no right way its how you want to play.

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  6. 7 hours ago, Lost_Cartographer said:

    See: All the complaining people did regarding Black Ops III multiplayer.  People want to feel like they're good.  When you add verticality and complex movements they can't keep up with, they hate it.

    Mind, Warframe does suffer from being too fast.  Short of old school DOOM, it's the fastest shooter on the market next to Shadow Warrior 2.

    But if Warframe gets a battle royale, I might actually try the genre, but only if we get to start with a weapon at least.  None of this "go in unarmed and hope somebody doesn't find you completely defenseless!"  #*!% that noise.  I didn't sit through 2-5 minutes of a loading screen and the pre-match warm up period just to get offed within 20 seconds and completely unable to even defend myself.  Though Warframe is in a unique position where a frame could be considered equipment, and when destroyed it's the operator you have to kill.  And that just sounds awesome!

    I think a search and destroy mode would be better then a battle royal mode since you can just use the load out that you already have. What I don’t like about BR is   the rng on weapons you get when you could just use the load out you are most comfortable with in game. What nice about pvp in warframe is the fact that you have spawn protection unlike in cod where you just get destroyed by spawning in.

  7. 21 hours ago, tyasonx said:

    Warframe is a great game, but all news is for PvE.

    Are developers not thinking about improving PvP ever ?


    Just do not make me battelroyale.

    I just don’t understand the cultist mind set of the pvp haters.They are really like a hate cult in my book.They literally hate it for no reason.Why not make warframe have varitity and cattier to both pvp and pve.Why must warframe be only one genre of game to you people.We encourage progression of the game not regression.

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