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Posts posted by ShikiRen

  1. I'd rather not have that. Especially since dual cleavers and skana and HEK etc. have syndicate mods that add this anyways. The thing is, while a lot of people have fun seeing everything just explode, I'd rather have the option to not have those blasts when i do not need them (and they said they will make something that will prevent them from going off in stealth...i just hope they make it so it is your choice when to trigger it), because frankly, I can go into Draco with an unranked frame, syndicate weapon and maybe a lvl 6-7 melee and get carried through 3-4 waves on the damn weapon proccs alone. Which is insane and kind of takes away the challenge (not that it is one with a saryn or nova or trinity etc. anyways) of the whole thing.


    I'd like it to be player-triggered but then have a cooldown of 5 minutes so it is basically an "OH S#&$!" button when you get overwhelemded; I do get that some people just want to watch the warframe world burn with proccing it every 15 or so seconds though.


    TL;DR : Make the explosions player triggered, forget about putting on a cooldown (this actually increases their strength a little in some cases though, as you can trigger shield r4estore when you actually need it, not when everyone has full shields anyways). Then we can use the proccs as we wish to.


    Sorry for going a bit OT there.

  2. I think Hate and Reaper P and Anku are actually pretty solid. However, for my personal aesthetic tastes tholse are sicklees, not Scythes. I really want a full sized Scythe... Like, as long as Bo or Orthis with a scythe blade that actually firs the proportions. Like, pretty much every game that uses Scythes get it right, why the hell do we have 4+ weirdly proportioned sickles and a hatchet as scythes?!


    For reference, I'm talking about proportions like these : Angela_-_Scythe_Focus.png (I love the design, and I hate the fact RH is dead ._. )


    Or like this : rwby___ruby_rose_by_ssgt_lulz-d5q0r3l.jp (Sniper Scythe new gunblade pl0x ;) )


    For reference, this is the difference between a sickle and a scythe : Sickle_and_scythe_labels.jpg



  3. Hey, I've played the Spira the whole day, and I've noticed that , while one throw is accurate like with the other throwing weapons, each second throw is extremely inaccurate. Is this a wanted hidden mechanic or is it a bug? Because it really, really is annoying, especially when using it for Spy misisons and trying to get long ranged stealth kills, 

  4. I'm around 900 hours in I think, and I have Hate. The moment it dropped nearly made my heart stop.


    I dropped the Dread BP literally the first time i saw stalker, 3rd or 4th mission i ever played. That was when the founders packages were still avaiable. It took till 3 months ago to drop Despair. Still no sign of Hate.

  5. Out of every character, I always imagined a Melia-esque Warframe. It would be something interesting to look at, but keep in mind she has a vast amount of arts, and not to mention most of her arts have already been put in Warframe with separated abilities, and jamming everything into one frame may break the game.


    Well, kind of, kind of not. What i was thinking was abilities 2-4 being one ability that has AE when cast (improves armor when conjured), one that drains life (gives slight hp regen when conjured)  and one with high single target damage (improves power strength while conjured).1 would be the command to fire the power last summoned, and using it when no element hast been summoned would give a weak effect so it has a use when your frame is just starting anew. Another idea would be to make 1-3 the elements and 4 the "clone last summoned element" ability, and channel the elements via your weapon similar to mesas , or some other method to help...and if it was channeling while holding a melee-weapon X). 

  6. I actually made a forum topic about that many months ago, I would love seeing a hunter warframe, bring the true assassin among me!


    I want typhus too but I think DE can't consider him since his abilities are too much for their ESRB rating despite being M


    Next warframe is male, how about a hunter?


    Because Typhus' abilities aren't basically abilities seen in the games Prototype and Prototype 2, which have an M rating and the only cut made even over here in Germany is that we cannot shred civilians... Which is a non-factor in Warframe...


    Devour = Consume, only not eating them whole.

    Boiling Blood - reskinned Devastator Tendrils (alternatively selfafflicted Blood Cauldron from rated 16 "Vampire the Masquerade-Bloodlines")

    Cannibalize Armor - Consume again.

    And the fourth is Consume AGAIN. I like the ideas behind Typhus, don'T get me wrong, but i think havin 3 very similar skills is a bit much.

  7. Still not fixed/new bug: If a Drak Master takes the Panthera and you try to retrieve it it can despawn, leaving you with only two weapons for the rest of the mission, not sure how reproducable this bug is though. Happened to me twice now.


    - Completing the Formorian Sabotage node successfully will earn you one Battle Point. 

    - You can earn a maximum of one Battle Point per Fomorian. Repeating the same Fomorian will not generate additional Battle Points. These points will count towards individual rewards.

    - Fomorian missions with a higher level of difficulty will provide extra points. 



    Is this still a thing or did DE already forget about it? If not there will be a possibility to earn 15 points even if you don't take a run at every single formorian...possibly.

  9. I'd like it if it was better integrated (As opposed to the random side thing it is now), didn't have horrendous drop rates on basic mods and didn't have you risk instantly dying if you try to melee something or invisible walls blocking the way to the objective.


    You, sir, either haven't played archwing for a while, base it on the event mission, or are exaggerating.. The droprates are fine (from like earth intercept round 4 each round had like 5-6 moddrops), when i started you had like 1 mod drop and one core every 2 or 3 missions. Earth intercept is also incredibly easy to take to around round 12 even with low-level-stuff. As for meleeing, it depends on the mode, map and enemytype, and also the archwing you use. As Odonto, thanks to the shield you will be fine with using the gun a lot, but with the other two meele is sometimes a better option as you ping inbetween the enemies incredibly fast (if you have the basic mods on the sword to let you oneshot most enemies).


    I agree they should be integrated more, like being part of a mission that starts normal but then transitions into space, like the "interlude" mission you do after having completed your first archwing. Or as random occurences doing the same thing. The problem here lies with the fact that not everyone even HAS an archwing. There should be a way to skip the mission and get an archwing normally just like your first Frame...

  10. You are a Red Veil follower, are you not?

    (WARNING this post is NOT mean seriously)



    Oi, thats discrimination against us Red Veil! Do you think all of us are just anarchists that have no reason for doing what we do? Go back to your Cephalon Suda who'd do ANYTHING for money! Even selling you, his comrades out!



    (end of comedic reply)


    Seriously though, Red Veil are allied with Steel Meridian so i doubt they just senselessly want to destroy everything without purpose.

  11. Well since you can recolour the gold this time around, if you make it the same colours as the body you don't even notice. And the helmet can be changed (and yes, i know most people get it for the bling and slightly different look). I love the "fins" on her back that open when you run, and after 2-3 missions even the helmet grew on me (especially the fact the exhaustthings aren't sticking out on top like some weird straight ponytail.. And i wanted a way to recolour the golden parts for prime gear, anyway.

  12. I have not even got one so I can't say one way or another.

    I am glad some like it, and it is still rather new just like the Hubs.

    I am a fan of space fighter sims, so I have high hopes that this will be great a few updates from now.

    But I think it will be the hybrid maps that will get us into it. Or fighting on a ship hull, station etc not flying across vast spaces.

    Allso; melee duels with enemies. Space dragons and Golem.


    Well, once you get an archwing, try the Corpus sabotage misisons. There is a reason i said they reminded me of starwars... And it isn't the battles in an asteroid field X)

  13. I love archwings. I think once they have more different types they should make bosses or special, difficult missions and move the archwing parts there, though.


    Btw am i the only one that immediatly thought of Star Wars when playing Corpus Sabotage for the first time?

  14. I think there taking into account for the fact that this mission is a lot easier to complete. The ones on Pluto and Saturn had me using up almost all my revives on most frames because of how chaotic it got every time I joined (joining in dead or no one near enough to help me and so on). This one I managed to complete quite easily. I achaly managed to kill Zeppelins without being swarmed to death by Grineer fighters.


    Well I didn't die on Earth through Saturn once with only a level 20 odonta, because 90% of the time you can simply rush to the core as fast as possible and have it destroyed before the ships actually swarm it. I guess thats RNG though.


    Oh and I do not think it is "forever"...just til they make an event "gather ressources to help rebuild the xxx Relay!". But they should make it so that the trader doesn't spawn every time he would have spawned on earth (as long as the relay is gone) , so it is a slap in the face every time to those that deliberatly tried to make the event fail.

  15. So, I just logged back onto Warframe and was happy when I saw the Fomorian heading to the Saturn relay destroyed. My smile faded, however, when i saw that there was already a new Fomorian on its way, to Larunda, and that it was already at 1 day, 6 hours.


    Is this intentional? Because if I'm not mistaken, all the other relays got 24 hours to stop the Fomorians, and I highly doubt that the community can kill of this Fomorian while we still got that Orcus one going with about the same timeframe. I personally don't think its fair for DE to set up a near impossible challenge for the community to complete, where the outcome will affect the game forever.

    I think you mean 48 hours? And maybe the next one can be destroyed a lot faster so they can keep new nodes coming more quickly, for more people to be able to achieve 15 points.

  16. Hey there,


    after having seen so many theories about why the Balor Fomorian on Earth apparently was harder to destroy/had more hp yreayareyare, all the way too "this event was rigged and impossible in the first place", here a way more likely scenario. THIS ONLY APPLIES IF THERE TRUELY WAS A DIFFERENCE IN HP.


    Then, let's start with what this event actually IS and what it has to accomplish. This is an event for an x amount of active players on a global scale. How do you know the amount of active players (and their average playtime)? You calculate it via an algorythm. There lies the first hurdle, as those numbers won'T reflect the actual state correctly. Next, as a developer/eventplanner, you need to think about how many of these players would be interested in playing the event, what would make them interested in doing so, how many times those players would try the event on average  (thise time 1-3 runs/formorian due to the nature of the rewards), how long the event needs to take so latecomers also get a chance etc. etc.. How do they know? To put it simply: they can't. They need to make an educated guess.


    Now, what did happen at the first Balor Formorian that appeared on venus? It was destroyed, relatively early, due to people using an exploit.


    So, the current situation is: First Formorian was destroyed way quicker then planned. So, what would the eventplanners (or more likely an alogrythm) "think" ? Thats right: That the HP, in this case, were calculated way too low. So they raised them for the second one to appear, by an amount that should, accounting for the x amount of players that did not get a chance to play the first formorian due to it being destroyed early, keep the event running til the timer was almost up.


    So basically what I'm saying is, players abusing said exploit to rack massive damage on the first Formorian affected the HP of the second Formorian. And when it became clear that the hp were too high and the formorian most likely would survive with x amount of % left, the next Formorian  they made, the Saturn one, was given a middleground of HP... which worked out exactly as it propably should : It was destroyed but still lasted until the last few hours, giving as many people as possible a go at it.


    Of course it could just be that they thought "Saturn is harder, so there will be less people in total able to win this mission. Lets give it lower hp", and to some extent I'd say that really was a factor in the hp-calculations.


    This event is different from most of the Events before , and not only because it is an Archwing Event. Other events had a limited time period and could possibly be done and forgotten in 1 day. This time, they had to make an educated guess on the time each formorian was avaiable, how many they would have to spawn, how many points each should give (remember, they said the harder ones might award more points), their HP, the amount of players etc. It was way more to account for than a simple "kill 200 of this and be done with it until next event" like the ones before. Like, if you joined the Mutalist event on the last day you could still have gotten all bounties finished that day.


    Anyway , there you go, my theory on what happened. A case of miscalculation on the hp, caused by the (possibly affected by the exploit) evaluation on the TTK for the first formorian.  Not some huge scheme of DE rigging the event.

  17. You know how fast those shields die when Tenno shoot at them ? Tenno would probably simply board their Archwings and go all Star-Wars on their ***es, it's not like you can raid their ships and win never using a single ability and still blow up the core, right? *cough*

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