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Posts posted by zoboso

  1. Look if DE needs to cap out the parkour speed, that would be fine if I could get elemental combo procs on command. Though I would not object to being given extra Psudo-stamina (the wall latch and aim glide timers). We have however played with high speeds and while some may miss it to accelerate the grinding process, DE is unlikely to want to return to those speeds 

  2. It actually is rigged. People who have spent more money on the game, have better RNG drop chances.

    Our clan tests this frequently, one account is a premium full on player that buys everything via cash and plat when it comes out, and the other never spends a dime.

    The one that's spent money has gotten every new prime part released within an hour of play.

    The one that's never spent, still hasn't gotten a trinity prime part or kama prime part.

    Can I see the evidence?

  3. I actually would like to get some special mission / game mode (Nightmare 2.0 anyone?)  / quest / whatever where we'll have to use PvP gear in PvE. Obviously with enemies, balanced for PvP guns' stats.


    I don't think it should be immediately implemented in whole core game, but as an experiment it would be nice.


    would certainly be an interesting experiment.

  4. on the side of the game right now, for awareness i get that the grineer have radio comms (or something similar) the corpus robotics likely have some form of instant communication with their handlers and the other robotics and the infested are hive minded...what one sees they all see. however in favor of the op's changes it would be better if enemies didnt immediatly know your location at all times once alerted or once the alarm has triggered but nobody has seen you for 30 seconds to a minute (cause they were all dead or you escaped). 


    having the enemies reset the alarms after a while of not seeing a tenno would be a nice touch too. IE alarms go off combat happens tenno either escapes, or kills all the enemies in the room, then hides and after a minute the alarms get reset cause they figure the tenno has left. if the alarm triggers again it should take longer to have the enemies turn it back off and on the third trigger and every one after that it should only be able to be turned off by the tenno (and only after a minute or two should it be possible so we dont have these weird alarm is one for two seconds alarm is back off moments)


    I actually disagree about it should take longer for the alarm to turn off, I think that if the alarm is turned of the enemies should stop being alerted immediately. that way If a player messes up stealth he can get back to stealth as fast as possible.

  5. I do not have mirage, but my brother says that this is a nerf. In isolation the change appears to do nothing but shift around how the damage is applied, however it cripples the synergistic interplay between mirage's first power and explosions. That is the nerf everyone is talking about here.

  6. Isn't a stealth systems purpose to enable stealth play?

    If it doesn't we shouldn't call it stealth system and instead what? good-luck-trying-to-sneak,-you'll-need-it-system?

    I guess this means we shouldn't say improve the stealth system and instead say give us a stealth system.

    But I do admit hiding bodies does indeed sound a bit tedious if you have to do it with every body you leave behind.

    Maybe make it so that the channeling effect always triggers when you stealth kill someone?


    Also a few thing I also would like to see for sneaky-sneaky stuff:

    1. Making continuous weapons reliable for stealth. Like assault rifles, MGs, laser beam rifles and the like. But I have no idea how )=

    2. Preventing syndicate weapons from exploding.

    3. and last but not least some traps would be nice, like that one mirage skill.

    Laying traps or manipulate the consoles, so the enemy that saw you gets a electrical shop or something.

    I forgot to mention these before


    My comment on the stealth system was based on observing what it does not what it is called. Warframe's stealth system is designed to permit stealth play but not to enable it. This is because the entire point of the stealth system is to provide a warm-up period for missions and to provide an adaptable system for the action ramp-up to warframe's primary game-play loop. Herein lies the problem, when the player is sufficiently satiated by warframe's regular play and want a difference in kind, the failure state for the stealth play is a reversion to the regular play which no longer stimulates the player is like saying you wanted to do something different, NOPE, regular game-play for you.

  7. Rhino has his poor reputation from players who abuse one of his facets, until that facet fails horrifically. Being a one trick pony is bad and as long as you avoid that pitfall and continue to learn all the ability interactions with all the other systems you'll do fine. 


    And this is from one of those Rhinoobs.

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