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  1. You can’t shoot can’t transference,unstuck command don’t solve this and I’m forced to quit the mission asap and totally depend on my team for completing the mission
  2. Why do I get a bronze mod that is worth 5 endo for me as a reward even on lv 30 mission?
  3. It’s hard to do a roll on iPhone but generally the movement are more limited
  4. I liked this feature also with loid where I was just keep repeating the same mission to get a necramech dmg part
  5. By the way I’m using 4 fingers to play on iPhone because I’m used to do it
  6. Also there is the problem when I aim and press the shoot bottom I trigger the share mechanic,I think is more of a apple problem because also when you have bottoms near the top of the screen it goes down the notification wall basically
  7. I would like to have the same flow in the movement between aiming and shooting and then starting the movement as cod mobile do, also the recharge bottom of ammo doesn’t function well first you hit it one time and it will do alternative fire then you have to press multiple times to actually recharge
  8. I played 30 minutes of kuva survival with 2 nekros a resources booster gifted from another player and got just 1 neural sensor it doesn’t always happen but like this time was very strange
  9. It happen sometimes but literally I’m forced to extract as soon as possible because I can’t shoot use ability or transference also tried the /unstuck comand but didn’t work
  10. I had a booster on the daily log in of 6hours of credit but it was 1 am where I lived so if you can make the change that those booster hours are active just when you are using warframe
  11. Cetus need a rework maybe also for arcanes it can offer because there are very few player also would be nice if like in Deimos open world would be more plants around
  12. I just did an excavation of 5 total excavation and took me like 16 minutes and it was because there wasn’t spawning the enemy unit with the excavator energy It happened even before this game so wasn’t just this game
  13. So this thing that I m not able to join any pub game that is already started is new,before it was happening just sometimes but today and yesterday was like impossible,I had to join solo then wait for random player to join and it was fine so now works just open worlds,zariman and laboratories in necralisk
  14. Basically I was trying to do a dark sector mission and I lost like 20 minutes at least because for loading it took 3 minutes then I would see my ship moving in the loading screen then after almost 1 minute to say the connection is lost and I have to return at the multiplayer menu
  15. I used chroma helmith ability but I think it’s not calculating the health for example correctly:it’s like 89% with strength modification but in game it doesn’t count effect like the arcane that give health permanently for each health orb gained it multiply just the base health
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