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Posts posted by Magnulast

  1. Technically, dedicated servers, aren't how the way this games functions... this game functions on host and client, if it was a server, there could be more people, but it could lead to more work rather than the thing they have.

  2. Everything you have looks nice, however THE FONT IS SO BAD. and you rigged out THE SYNDICATE module.

    You need some refinements to your trading too, the trading box needs to be bigger, the misc, prime part, mods needs to be smaller.

    IT LOOKS GREAT, but it's font, and how small unproportioned the boxes are and taking out the synd and putting the inbox. it makes it somewhat worse..

  3. the've finally fixed it not the .001 glitch though..recent patch note did not desciribe of this glitch ever getting patched, oh well

    please ignore this post

    I will say this though i couldn't test if you can fire your weapons without hurting other in the dojo, via getting out of the arena...and then shooting at them. idk if they patched this...i talked too fast...


  4. Charge attacks were put on hold in order to work on Parkour 2.0. They are entirely animation dependant, as all of the code is already in place.


    Sadly, animators can only work so fast. Now that P2.0 is out the door, they should be back on charge attacks.

    I actually agree with you, it takes a while to make 20+ charge attacks, without them looking similar, tough job.

  5. welp i hope they FIX CROSSING SNAKES UP COMBO BEFORE THEN. All the other combos are great, but screw that up combo, its soo bad, that it even has a long delay out towards the end of the combo. I am using a controller but usually i could counter this problem with other stance mods, by Slightly holding forward. It may be the first time i've posted about crossing snakes but srs they need to remove that slow combo.


    Got off topic, almost swore, too much game*

    Anyways, I wish that they make them more "tactical"


    If you were there, the galatine was slow, but sure enough it was a epic weapon that is was spammed by noobs, and mr16-17 at the times. it was fun,

    The stance mods should implement each of their unique characterisitcs:

    Tempo rolaye-low sweeping attacks or a dual hit combo

    Cleaving whirlwind-spin spin spin spin spin spin spin spin

    the other stance mod-run run run run BAM.


    EXTRA:please don't make life hard for us customized controllers, that secondary fire mechanism needs to be put back to normal for xbox 360/one controllers.

  6. If you were from update 10 or atleast played at update ten, WE ALL KNOW THE GALATINE the ultimate charge weapon

    IT DOES 3X DMG on a charged hit, if you go back the warframe offical youtube channel you would see a nekros demonstrating its awesome power (though he was playing like us, noobing around...excluding valkyr*).

    But enough of that, we have seen in a devstream(i forgot which number) two examples of charge attacks, one that doesn't hit enimies at all (and looks dumb[my opinion]), and the classic side hit that takes out a ton of enimies and does a op ammount of dmg.

    However, they never really disscussed this, and we have no clue when it will come out....but i hope it will come out soon. Unless I am totally wrong and they will proably combine charge attacks to a single combo for each stance, tempo royale hopefully....

    Dynasty warframe 17.1.5 everyone.

  7. this version is not an event release wep, but don't bother with a potato i have not touched mine since the event release. Gorgon is not THAT great.

    also this^ prisma eddition IS better

    No, gorgon wraith is a status spam weapon like the boar prime, prisma gorgon is just a crit gorgon similar to the soma prime.

    this version is not an event release wep, but don't bother with a potato i have not touched mine since the event release. Gorgon is not THAT great.

    also this^ prisma eddition IS better

    No, gorgon wraith is a status spam weapon like the boar prime, prisma gorgon is just a crit gorgon similar to the soma prime.

  8. The main problem with this stance is not it's lack of speed due to an update that added a combo.

    The problem is Lacerating leap its a complete jerk while performing other combos, with speed.

    It completely interferes when attempting to do every other combo with speed.

    The problem that this combo has, is THE ONE AND ONLY ISSUE THAT THIS STANCE HAS.

    The combo for holding up is one step too early.

    I really want you to either rework how this combo functions

    1.Remove it because it has a extremely long delay time at the end.

    2.Rearrange the action for holding up and make sure it has the least priority...


    I don't want to stay still and then just suddenly flip up in the air at a a undefined speed.

    (melee auto target annoys me so you know.)



    Nvm it's just tricky to get the exact right timing so you don't fall into that lacerating leap combo.

    /EDIT 2/

    VERY, VERY, tricky.

  9. DUDE. THE ANWSER IS SIMPLE, UPGRADED FOUNDRY SEGEMENT however, I DO NOT AGREE WITH NUMBER 1. Weapon slots aren't cheap for players not paying money.

    9. that is great, i need to see how many fforma bp i have..

    10. that's just over the top, it should be partial for well, DE isn't going let people get a certian ammount of items each and let them dismatle them once they get their mastery poitns


    6. That's great for head stress, but also a pain when you need forma.

    4. That would be great but it would pretty much remove the point of bad luck to learn from their mistakes.

    8.welcome to spam email.

    Good job on making this list, however DE isn;t going to let this list without a few modifications though....

  10. Honestly? I don't know what you could do.... except, maybe, learn the basics of movement again and go from there, since its a new movement system.


    Now, a suggestion from my part? The Wiki serves the purpose of a guide and an information center, so to speak, but its not the Holy Grail or an absolute truth. Most of what exists on the Wiki is already outdated because we, as a community, have to be responsible enough and update the whole Wiki with information... You can go to the Wiki as a way to inform yourself about something, but always take whatever is there with a cargo container filled with salt.


    Personally, I never did, never do and never will update any information on the Wiki. And those that were already sharing the information there, are gradually stopping from updating it. Excluding the new content, which everone wants to know before it even goes live, all the old content are pretty much outdated. That means, Zephyr's info on the Wiki is outdated too.


    I suppose there is nothing wrong with Zephyr's Tail Wind distance, but I could be wrong since its a Warframe I don't own and/or use. You could use, like Cyborg-Rox said, the new Aim Glide to keep part of the momentum but you can't forget that this is a new movement system. It allows as much freedom of movement as possible -within reason-.

    umm no it's not...for jump height......but for glide speed and distance for travel yeah....?/?/?/? nothing is wrong with zephyr it is basically the new parkour spaming airglide....

  11. It seems that way, because apparently they "adjusted" tail wind for the new parkour 2.0...however....for my speed and sheild build.....i got about 30 meters in a OPEN area.......with some extra propulsion forward......and yeah, its is severly slowed down, but more managable in extremely small places.- actuallly you may feel slow due to the speed increase and rapid decrease, due to the end.....

  12. I use a PC with a 3.6 GHz Six-Core CPU, 10 GB DDR3 RAM, anda 1.5 GB VRAM GPU. I consistently get low FPS on an average of 15 no matter where I am in game. However, I opened up task manager and the game uses only 12% of my CPU and 35% of my RAM, so I know I can get much more FPS. With everything set to low and the resolution at 1024x768, I get 20-30 FPS. What's the deal? Is there anyway to fix it? I also have Windows 10 Home Premium 64-bit, and the only programs I have running in the background is a music player.

    Are you sure, that you don't have a virus? or glitched warframe? OR A SLOW HDD? OR registy issues? Becuase for some reason the game seems to slow down due to windows 10...driver update..../If you are using multiple desktops you'll have a slight decrease but not too much...

    i'm using a Aorus x7 v2 laptop GTX 860m SLI.....

  13. Directx 9.0 is old and it could have slow downs with this game. This game Could use directx 9.0 (with more consuming memory for alt resources for effects (blur for example)) OR Directx 9, 10, and 11 at the same time to decrease memory usage. Yes i have tested it, and the memory usage is about the same, but with less effects.......

  14. This ALWAYS HAPPENS this is due to well, to nvida changing the options to some defualt file, don't expect much, if you can edit the display, do it your self. this isn't a bug, its just how the software's built. This does happen in borederlands pre-sequel if i am correct...

    -If this happens alot, Reinstall warframe, it could be a small bug for the cloud.

    My bro has a similar issue, just in this case, that his GAMEPLAY settings are reseted to default values...

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