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Posts posted by Magnulast

  1. Starchart 3.0 is supposed to combine rookie with elites (mr17-20).

    I hope this never happens without choice.

    There are planets like phobos where no one goes to so that might change a bit.

  2. I get your point, but don't add copy like mechanics to a game, this game isn't a parody of other games, but a parody to the greek(not roman) gods.

    Yeah..my ideas had the point of that, but it's just adding more content

    ITS EITHER MODIFYING(reworking) OR ADDING MORE THINGS(seeds on earth)

    I wish they update everything in U17

    I AM NOT WANTING TO WAIT TILL U18 due to how long it is till then.

    It takes about 3-6 months for a major update.

    I wouldn't like to wait for too long.

  3. I'd actually agree, if we can actually make a loot build for Hydroid (not being offensive i need 99999999 nano spores)

    Hydroid is severely underpowered, and its powers and AUGMENTS ARE SIMILAR TO NEKROS.

    His playstyle is also closer than ever, long time to cast 4 ability-first ability somewhat viable-2nd kinda invicible-third-is just what they are special at.

  4. Are you sure that you have the lato in the inventory? equipment-inventory. try restarting the game if it doesn't load either send a report or de will deal with the issue. Or you just glitched the game, for example
    if you have 150 ping or more you can glitch out a ton. not bugs, but glitches.

  5. Don't take comments too seriously, some offensives are directed to rookies, or so...but don't take them seriously sometimes they are just being a jerk, or playing around thinking your a 2 year-old

    IF SOMEONE IS cyber-bullying you just submit a report.

    If you ever go to a offensive comment either ignore it, or just out right report them.

    (please check your spelling that might be the issue-edit for safety you know.)

    Good luck later on and I hope you don't get cyber bullied or such.


    Some people in the forum takes information seriously, EXTREME CHANGES WILL DETERMINE HOW PEOPLE ACT.

    (Just well, make sure you post, accurately and most importantly safely)

    Take time and hope for the best like the guy said.


    Eventually, one hopes, you will eventually scroll past the negativity and respond only to the positive.

  6. I'm getting tired of this long boring wait-type mission, some team combos make the game fun or just boring as hek.

    So here is a few modifications I would like to be added to survival to make the game faster in rewards, and far better than letting people afk and a mr 16 nekros doing all the work for the squad for parts.(heavy regards to elites doing t1-3 survival)

    1.Sacrifice oxygen capsules to your "OPERATIVE" so he can do a BETTER job.(reduce time for reward 30 sec)

    2.Activate certain (1-3 constantly[depends on squad size])modules and defend them for 1 min (to decrease 30 seconds)-

    3.Remove elite squads[10+ base all eximus] controlling a module that prevents easier discovery ex.deactivate turrets there (30 second decrease).

    4. PARKOUR add a ton of lazers and deactivate all abilites no exception to prime warframes (45 second decrease) deactivate after completion.

    5*** (please add a CORRUPTED MANIAC BOMBARD EXIMUS)-destroy the elites(1 min deduction){2 per squad member}


    NOTE:only 3 these missions will be trigger-able by node searching They refresh by rotation.


    Please tell me if this idea is good or bad.



    Added details to number 5.


    Removed unnecessary sentence regarding no relation this post

  7. Well, end game players are bassically people who are completionists....or people who have compeleted everything of interest. Like the lore, getting arcanes, all the weapons max rank, all missions cleared, all frames, all mods rich people with primed chamber. So basically, people that is at the endgame or near the endgame either complain or find THAT ONE misplacement THAT THEY HAVEN'T FIXED ON THE WARFRAME WEBSITE FOR for well about 1-3 month?(forgot to report it) or whenever the new website design came out.

    So yeah, endgame players either have fun or complain either way. even though i'm tring to max out every weapon and frame....


    Unrelated content will have a line for caution and spoilers.

  8. To be honest, mesa is a adequate frame, people just abuse her, by making a common team, or just making a build that suits all. it's not fun when you have your favorite frame not being used in sense of viability. Valkyr all the way.

    -If people afk, they should be ignored by all powers if they don't do anything for the past 10 seconds, unless they need to afk to do something in real life, EX. open a door.//prevent fires//job.


    there is no job that lasts 10 seconds.

  9. It's not a problem with well, hitboxes you could either be lagging or be facing against a invincible ash glitched by bladestorm.


    PVP is a fast paced action, i've seen noobs(not offending anyone), waving skanas and not jumping and such and letting them selves get shot at. one time i've seen a frost prime troll me, but i trolled him back.


    So your saying that I CAN'T give my friend, clan mate a synd weapon, mod, plat if they need it FOR FREE?

    Reword it please or don't this is the internet.

  11. Are you sure, that you don't have "context action also functions as reload" on? because if you start reload a pistol and go and try to open a locker, you will cancel reloading the pistol, and either press reload or press either reload or context action.

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