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Posts posted by RagingGrizzly

  1. 1. Sure the mods from them are powerful, but even before they existed, we were already gods. Prior to the mods being introduced though, melees weren't as good as they should be and there could be an argument made whether or not they overshot it, but that'll be for another day.

    2. This season, most people spend time with their families, regardless of whatever releases. Sure, they can still play if they want, but if they want to do something else but don't because X popped up, that's their fault. This is a video game, it's not that important, or at least it shouldn't be.


  2. 16 minutes ago, DarkFlameZealot said:

    I played Osu! so my hands are kinda dead at this point for spam-clicking super fast. I just don't see the point in having a weapon with such low base damage (even with crits) to have to be semi-auto when it needs max RoF to even be worth using over something like Akstiletto Prime, Aklex Prime, Euphona Prime, etc.

    Then you can feel free not to use semi-auto weapons at that point, and even then, if the fire-rate is faster than you can use it, then you can just use the weapon at your own pace. Most enemies don't take much shots to kill anyway.

  3. Never really had problems with high fire-rate semi-auto weapons. I used to play COD4 a lot, and they basically had no fire cap, and I usually hit that (nonexistent) fire cap cuz I was so fast. Never really had a problem with them, but I guess there are people that do, and there is solutions to this, like binds or some such.

  4. 1 minute ago, soshootso said:

    Only depressed when playing warframe. Due to a thing I'm not allowed to talk about on the forums or support, or i might get banned from here too. Lets just say that im not allowed to do something in the game that others are allowed to.

    I assume you got banned from trading, or something, Because just outside of outright banning a player, I'm not sure what else they can restrict you from.

  5. 7 minutes ago, BlackCoMerc said:

    My concern here is that this mechanic can give the impression of Pay to Progress. I've heard it said by real life folks who played. I've seen it written outside these forms. And this morning alert drove the point home.

    Personally, I don't mind spending on the game. I have gotten lots of joy out of it. I think that's fair.

    Which is WHY I worry about whether this system might give people the impression that the game is Pay to Progress.

    It's a concern I voiced to invite discussion on the matter of how this system LOOKS. Especially to newer or prospective players. It's a CONCERN. It's NOT an accusation.

    I'm not sure if this system is more or less pay-to-progess, then it is pay-to-progress further than you would without. (Even though people getting into the game might get that impression in the first place when looking) 

    I just took a gimped warframe and weapons (I played Adaro btw) as if they didn't have any potatoe and I did fantastic, and at the point progressing players should have some potatoes stacked up anyways, either from invasions, alerts, baro, etc.

    The one thing that kind of sucks is that most newer and progressing players don't know how far they can go with unpotatoed gear. (Or at least the ones that' I've helped out)

  6. Can't really tell people how to play the game, and even then, as a veteran, I can protect them as needed and revive them if need be, don't really need to not revive just to spite them because they don't have any mods on or leech EXP or whatever, that's just bad character on your part. No point not to revive them when I can keep the gaming going for hours on my own, and it helps them out, so it's a win-win.

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