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Posts posted by RagingGrizzly

  1. 10 hours ago, FSH37 said:

    I could add a little more detail onto it but... that would mean redoing the entire picture and I rather not do that.

    (Kinda sounds lazy but. I do not like going over pictures over and over again. It gets really tiring for me.)

    The idea of the concepts is that the frames are supposed to look quite custom while maintaining the original looks they had to begin with.

    Sure the actual skins can look different to the actual concept and all, don't mind. (After all I'm only giving ideas and I can't 3d model for S#&$. xD)

    So yeah. Plus the fact that mental problems kinda gets in the way of a lot of things... it's to be expected that I would try to avoid doing over the top complicated details on these concepts for skins I've been doing.

    But I at least tried to make it a little better so, there ya go.

    Well, I spent around 20 something minutes putting your concept thru my crappy analog art style and putting it in a spoiler a reply or two above (I think it's pretty good though), not sure how it would be for digital though.

    I'll give you a by on that "mental problems" thing, cuz I have a couple of those myself, but to tell you the truth, almost everything in warframe (when art is involved) is intricate and complicated. Adapting is probably going to be your only way to go thru it, or you can keep doing what you've been doing, doesn't really matter.

    As long as you tried your best and YOU like it, should be all that matters.

  2. 4 minutes ago, IceColdHawk said:



    But on topic though, I think the OP needs to get a little better about details when it comes to concepts of warframes/skins/weapons, etc. The ideas are "good", this one specifically is up in the air for now, but they could use a lot of work.

    You can do whatever you want though, just some advice.


  3. 1 hour ago, FSH37 said:

    Someone's blind.

    You callin' me blind? Jeez. There's almost nothing typical of anything "wraith" on that.

    1 hour ago, FSH37 said:

    Also. Cringe, actual meaning.

    To suddenly move away from someone or something because you are frightened.

    Cringe still explains my attitude toward your concepts, or just your art in general.

    1 hour ago, FSH37 said:

    Well I was planning on doing my next warframe concept but considering people want more detail because idiocy.

    I am gonna do it. (FFS people, simplicity is sometimes better you know. I have a hard time remembering complicated themes.)

    What the hek is wrong with detail? We can hardly tell what we're looking at

    But it shouldn't stop you from trying I guess. Practice does make perfect.

  4. On 6/2/2017 at 6:17 PM, FSH37 said:

    (I can tell there's gonna be a lot of... whatever it is on this one but dang it I'm showing this off anyways.)

    You mean "cringe"?

    I mean, its supposed to be a concept of a skin right? Just looks like a re-color of the main frame, there's no detail. WHERE'S THE DETAIL?!

  5. 11 minutes ago, (PS4)Kazaroosue said:

    I never... NEVER understood nerfs in a PvE game.. i would completely understand a nerf if this was a PvP game.. but it's not.. (Yes it does have PvP i know) but it's not Warframes bread and butter.

    That's where you're wrong. 

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