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Posts posted by Syzodia

  1. I had an idea where you can travel under the floor and assassinate from below (sort of like Batman arkham games) also, i agree with you totally agree but to go on ceiling don't you think were going to need to press a different key on the key? this would frustrate some players especially the ones  using a controller but it could work.... so yeah, EVERYTHING IS AWESOME!!

    uhm....just hold the jump key like in parkour?

  2. Ok, I'm in the dark with this one. Could you actually list examples of what Assassin Creed does right so those ideas can be discussed? I was under the impression AC was a lot of crowd hiding and very carefully crafted levels, and that is not really a workable thing here.

    True, AC has crowd hiding ("Blending", as they call it), but that's just one way of vanishing from enemy sight.


    It works for AC because only hostiles that have actually seen you will hunt you down. Once you break their line of sight, however, they won't know where you are anymore, but rather, they'll actively search all nearby hiding spots in the vicinity.

    After sometime, they'll stop searching and things will go back to as if nothing happened.

    In warframe, once someone has spotted you, often, everyone knows of your presence, and can see you much further away. Often, you won't be able to take down those witnesses without being seen (especially through a door between tiles), unless you can actually go invisible.

    This is of course, before the whole mission is on state of alert.



    Stealth to tackle combat situations. Like what? Defense missions? Survival Missions? Really? Other then Spy and maybe Capture, you can't use stealth, and using it in Exterminate just wastes valuable time, because you need to kill, not bypass enemies, so you just end up with a shooting gallery anyway. Yea, you run Spy and Capture "stealthly" on maps that constantly respawn units from basically no where, and take x10 the amount of time a person going loud or simply running invisibility Loki will take.


    I'm sorry that you don't want to waste your precious time playing a video game to kill stuff, but could you at least appreciate that some/most of use DO?

    I'll be honest: your stance is similar to someone actively against PvP in a PvE-focused game, and yet, we have it.

    You seem to be against stealth in this coop action sci-fi game, and yet, we have it. 


    Point me somewhere/anywhere mentioning that stealth is absolutely mandatory.

    Do the same for PvP.

    Until you can do that, I'll make this point clear: it is not compulsory for playing the game in anyway (for now), and it will not infringe on how anyone plays the game, but only benefit those who wish to use it. So why, then, do you insist that something that only (or mostly) benefits its users, be scrapped from the game?

    Hypothetically, would you leave this game if DE added fully functional stealth to this game?



    Once again, I fail to see why you want to mangle existing mechanics simply because YOU have a "thing" for stealth play. We don't have a "stealth game", we have invisibility, which is the stealthiest thing you can possibly do, and there are specific Frames to do it with, so kindly use those.


    If you want a game that makes you hide behind boxes, go get one, they exist already.


    If DE wants us to sneak around for an entire map, they can design specific missions and map to go along with it - which I think they are - and NOT shoehorn arbitrary fake mechanics into existing game play. A Loki can already go permanently invisible, we don't need DE to pepper the map with crates just so you can feel like you are playing the Thief series.


    I think you're missing the point here.

    Of course we don't have a stealth game, that's why we're making suggestions to improve on existing mechanics that can be categorised under "stealth" so that warframe CAN be a stealth game.

    If existing stealth mechanics can be done by any warframe, then why restrict players to use certain warframes just for the sake of stealth? Those warframes should only support stealth, not be a requisite.


    After all, it was initially advertised to involve "Space ninjas". A ninja without stealth is just a terrorist.



  3. I had a few ideas that would greatly improve stealth currently:

    -Camera drones (used from gearbox)

    -Ceiling hanging

    -Enemy diversion items (idk, fireworks?)




    This hiding suggestion is probably the easiest/best way to improve stealth by essentially covering all of the above.

    DE, make it happen.

    All it should cost (at most) is stamina.


    (I just hope the AI will respond appropriately)



    Splinter cell conviction had a neat stealth system that could work in warframe.
    When players leave enemy line of sight, their last known location would be marked in a similar way to Loki's decoy. Enemies would then focus on that decoy and investigate nearby area, allowing a player to flank and escape.

    For a splinter cell game this was too casual. But it allowed quick, movement based stealth which would be perfect here.


    Assassin's creed (2 onwards) has this too.

  4. Alrighty then... Introducing a tool to distract them would be better though.

    There are two main things that will greatly improve stealth in this game.

    This is one of them.

    The other is related to that one: enemy response. (As in, how the heck does the entire room and the ones next to it know where tenno are, simply from a gunshot?)

  5. You're pretty much correct about that first bit.


    I'm unsure about initiation with syndicates whom you've formed enemies with already, but you can initiate with all the syndicates in the beginning, obtaining all their first sigils in the process.


    You can wear a sigil of a syndicate whom you're enemies with, provided you have them. How else are you going to redeem yourself? :P

    (Though you'll still be hunted down by them, and you'll still have to sacrifice stuff to get back to the neutral stage, like forma/orokin cats/reactors)


    "All sigils at the same time"?

    You can only have 2 sigils - front and back, and you can only have one syndicate sigil active.

  6. Yeah Echoes, take notes of what N7 said, he knows what's up. (one of the best  to do stealth playthrough on youtube)


    In fact, how do you really deal with stuck enemies? Do I really need to wait until they are in line to get all of them in one single shot/arrow?

    Pretty much, but if you're fast enough, you can just run up to them and melee.

    Currently, you only have options like:

    • Use melee ground slam to knock them all down, then "silently" cleave them out, without being seen by other enemies further out
    • Use a "silent" explosive (or few) - kill em all
    • Run up to them and slash them all fast enough that they don't respond in time (you have a ~0.5s window)
    • Glaive?
    • Use an appropriate warframe power


    basically just kill them before they can react, without noise.

  7. For some strange reason, even when I observe enemies from 50m above, the capture targets SOMEHOW notice me and make a run for it, but the other enemies don't seem to notice until the capture target shoots.


    Similarly, if I somehow DO approach the capture target from behind unnoticed (thanks to you, ghost), the stealth attack prompt NEVER shows up, as if they're still on alert.


    I'm quite certain that this is a bug.


    (The above has only been observed for grineer targets; unsure if the same applies to corpus)

  8. Agree to all except the archwing slide part.


    I dunno about you, but that's only a problem if you're boosting.

    And if you're boosting, why would you even need to "dive" when you can just aim downwards? It's not like you can fight while doing that anyway.


    Though, if you insist, there is a workaround:

    Tap the ascend key (space) while sliding to cancel into a dive. This works as long as you're not holding both sprint/boost and a direction key during the slide.

  9. Not really. We have problems with perspective when being close to objects already.


    These just need to be marked well, not just on a map or glowing when using loot mods.


    Some kind of magnetism attracting space drops would also be useful.

    The reason I ask pickups to be larger is because I already find it hard enough to seek out affinity orbs ~600m away, and even harder for energy orbs (BLUE NEBULAE EVERYWHERE).


    Loot attraction would be perfect, though, except it would be a bit strange on pickups that you can't......pickup (e.g. health orbs at full health)

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