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Everything posted by MagusLay

  1. I was doing the advanced Plague Star bounty, got to the end, died, then got up and left to go take care of something. It was just me in the mission, laying there, being dead. I come back maybe eight or ten minutes later to a field so full of infested I was dropping frames. Cleared alot out with a necramech and realized the kills were not being counted at all. At some point, I couldn't even hit them because the weapons wouldn't register anything as a target, beams and bullets went right through them. At least the framerate returned. Decided to simply fly out and return to Cetus. Thankfully got to keep the rewards up to that point! I have a screenshot of what I returned to here: https://imgur.com/gallery/j3ghez4 There were more off-screen to the right and below. It was crazy. I would highly recommend putting some kind of spawn cap for the end event because the game definitely did not appreciate having so many entities around.
  2. The Hound companion seems to have two issues: a hitbox larger than its size and no ability to be shot through. I got one recently and it will eat any of my shots that comes nearby. If they're down range, I can't land a single shot even though the target should be clear, and if they are right on me, then I can't shoot anything at all. I've tested this with rifles and shotguns, I'm not sure about melee weapons because of the difficulty of testing that. It's not the worst thing, but it is a nuisance. None of the other companions seem to have this issue, as I can shoot through my Moa or any pet and have no issues.
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