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Posts posted by AEP8FlyBoy

  1. I don't get those colour schemes - they don't seem to really adhere to the aesthetics of the faction. Infested is all neon blue/purple/green.


    For instance, I honestly think the Grineer palette covers most of the Corpus colours. It's just a name.

    That was sort of my thought on the subject, colors that would be included in a new 'Corpus' pack would probably just be slightly different tones of colors we have/can have already.

  2. I was just about to make a post of this, I noticed it as well.



    When he says, "Hey, Don't forget about this capsule, eh."


    It really says, "/Lotus/Language/Subtitles/DGCSSuvival360Darvo" Pretty sure that's a typo in there. :D

  3. The Lotus Avatar is totally beautiful. Insta-Buy! :D


    Also, all these fixes are very appreciated, and PMs now have a sound notification. Very nice addition.

    Thanks, DE!


    If you need me I'll be grinding on Uranus for those Troopers, ATLAST, I SHALL HAVE MY BOAR!

  4. Hello, guys. I had another short bug report here.


    I was just doing a syndicate mission for the Red Veil, and a Corpus Crewman blew out a window trying to hit me, instead of stopping in a room full of enemies to hack it myself, I figured hey, why not use the air support charges I brought with me and let Ordis do it?


    I did it, and he unlocked the doors, however the window that broke wasn't blocked up and the alarms kept sounding for the rest of the game.


    This happened again, when I shot a window on accident. I tried to hack manually because I was still under a cooldown for my gear. Nope. I couldn't hack any panel... They were glowing green, but I could not interact with any of them.


    I had to wait for the cooldown and then use another.


    I'm pretty sure this is a bug, and it would be nice if it could get looked at soon.

    There are also other instances where this bug will occur, the locked door/decompression thing is just the first time I noticed it.

  5. agreed


    Never got it outside a special mission, maybe cuz I don`t really set foot there for other reasons :P


    butchers do so due to crit chance, I would assume from their description and the dual cleavers we have



    Hopefully this will be looked at soon, at least tested by the Dev Team.


    Thanks for your input. :D

  6. I never said frontier ones are unfair :) just saying that compared to arids, arids are teddy bears even when broken lol


    yes, as gunners damage is already high and rapid, kinda hard to notice


    maybe, I never had it with gunners but once, but on lancers, almost every syndicate missions had it, alerts too, maybe that is it?

    Perhaps. Needs to be tested on the Dev's end.


    Normal missions are the same too, it isn't just Alerts/Syndicate missions and the like, it's the Arid Elite Lancers in general. Perhaps more enemies have this issue, I haven't ran into another enemy type that does this much damage this quickly.


    Arid Butchers may have this issue, but they normally don't get in a strike on me before my Carrier blows their heads off :D

    So I wouldn't know.

  7. ^something went wrong here



    on the point, I did notice inconsistency in their damage, sometimes they deal way too low damage for their level (like 15/bullet at level 36) and sometimes too high (40/bullet at level 30)

    I would`ve clipped it to crits, but hind doesn`t do that much crits :/


    also, frontier elite lancers do stupid damage with their karaks, they kill my frost p (1220 shields, 300 hp) in less than a clip at level 40 or so.....


    anyway it wasn`t the elite lancer the only broken arid I have noticed, I can also state to u that their gunners have similar issues, 2 gunners next to each other, one saw me, shot at me, like 20 per bullet, fair enough, i killed her, next one (same level and not eximus) would deal 40 or so, double damage, tho they both were at the same level, which was 25 or something like that

    The Elite Frontier Lancer I can assume is doing okay damage, level 40 is quite high and a full clip to do that much damage is about normal actually.


    Seems to me that the problem might be intermittent, but it is fairly easy to see when fighting against just the Arid Elite Lancers specifically.


    Perhaps this problem stems further down into the core of the enemy's damage in general, with Phobos in specific a problem area. Currently.

  8. The damage isn't a big problem for me, the slash proc is. They have a very high chance (almost every second bullet) to proc slash on my warframe and that can take down my warframe's health rapidly.


    But shouldn't the damage be an issue if their output is higher than a Heavy Gunner Eximus, of higher level?


    As for the Slash procs, you are right. They proc that quite often, and combined with their seemingly higher than normal damage, you don't stand a chance of surviving if you get caught in a group of 3 to 4 of them. Even with a fairly decent health pool.


    Like I said before, stock Elite Lancers do not have this issue. Same weapon, different damage. You can easily take a group of 6 to 8 normal Elites without a problem. Arid Elite Lancers in specific are currently unbalanced at the moment.

  9. A great addition to the Warframe Fan-art universe :D


    I do hope that the one in Green is Mr. John Prodman. (He must become canon soon, after all this Clem canon :3)


    Keep up the good work, WERESandrock :D

    You've inspired me to make a fan-art of my own, I have some other projects to finish first. But if you keep an eye out you may see it soon :D (I don't draw very quickly though) :/

  10. Hello forums, it's Flyboy again with another bug report.
    Disclaimer: I've seen a few posts about this problem already, and I'm sorry if I'm reiterating the same point as a few of you others around the forums, but this is a major problem in my opinion and needs to be looked at as soon as possible.
    While I was going through my Syndicate missions as normal, I clicked on the second mission in my queue for the New Loka, it was a level 25-30 Interception Mission on Phobos. (Sounds easy enough, I thought)
    I started the mission, captured the points and started noticing that enemies seemed a lot stronger than normal, so I decided to take up a spot that was easily defended. It was Tower "Delta" in the Phobos Intercept tile.
    I was doing great, I had to leave for about a minute before I came back to Delta, and when I did... Oh mommy.
    Three Elite Arid Lancers, all on different sides of me, out of my Carrier's range, opened fire.
    I did not stand a chance. They took out my 300 Shield and 1110 health in mere seconds.. I was in such awe that when I revived I stood there and let them shoot at me again, just to be sure. Sure enough, same thing happened. Death in a mere ~4 seconds...
    Here are some calculations I managed to perform while avoiding death, (after using 2 revives on the way)
    The stupid thing is that the Arid Elite Lancers are doing more damage than Leech Eximus Heavies of higher level.
    Level 37 Leech Eximus heavy gunner: 26-30 Damage per hit. (seems about normal for it)
    Level 30 Arid Elite Lancer (no eximus buffs, just a normal unit) 86 damage per hit on shields, able to take out my 300 shields (Max Level Saryn without Redirection/Vigor) in one burst. {Need I mention the Slash Procs?}
    Level 18 Arid Elite Lancers deal 46 damage per bullet, way to much for it's level.
    Something is definitely wrong here.
    Arid Lancers, and Normal Elite Lancers/Lancers (from Mercury/Saturn/Ceres) do not have this problem. Frontiers are fine as well. As far as I can tell.
    Again, I said at the beginning of this post that this problem has been captured by a few others around the forums, but in my opinion, this problem is in urgent need of recognition. (I'm not going back to Phobos until this is resolved.) Which is why I'm posting about it now.
    Thank you for reading. And if you feel like putting this theory to the test, such as if you haven't ran Phobos in a while. I urge you to try for yourself (it's actually quite entertaining), just make sure to bring a frame with full Revives. :D
  11. Are we still talking about using bows?


    You are right though, enemies are difficult to hit in many situations. But aside from most hit-scan weaponry, that's what gives bows the sense of accomplishment when you finally land that long range head-shot.


    Bows reward great aim, and to fully get used to how they work, you have to use them regularly. Also the more you use them, the more you understand how the enemies in this game, accompanied by their "great" AI, tend to flail around aimlessly. (sometimes :D)

  12. When can we expect Alad V to make a return in future quests/conflicts? I'm curious to know what's happened to him after he received a supposed cure for his self-inflicted ailment.


    (<3 Karak Wraith Senpai)

  13. I had an idea for the two big capes in Warframe and the fact that you can't normally see your back sigils while wearing them. (except for when your cape clips through your back.)


    (This idea may apply to other large syandanas in the future as well.)


    What I was thinking was that while these two capes were equipped, why not overlay the Sigil on top of the cape? It wouldn't be too obtrusive and with the sigil customization options you could move your Mastery Sigil up and out of the way for the Izvara, so you could still see the beautiful calligraphy.


    I don't know how hard that would be to implement, but I just thought it would be a good idea to mention it since we sometimes forget we have a sigil back there. You would still have the option of toggling the alpha in your sigil to make it fade into the cape, and you could perhaps still color it separately. (It would be really cool I think.)


    Let me know what you guys think about this idea.

  14. As far as I can tell, the Warframe packs are still the same prices.


    I don't think there is a sale atm, I could be wrong however.


    Edit: (I see now, the links are at half-price. The steam packs are still normal price. Sorry for the confusion.)

  15. Have you ever thought that the reason enemies continue to scale far into endless missions is that they expect you to be prepared and have a slew of Warframes and Damage combinations that will make those level 200 enemies feel like level 50s?


    Not that most people would go that far, when the reward system is the same regardless of difficulty.


    Why spend an hour in a T3 Survival for Ash Systems, when you can run to 20 minutes and recycle keys over and over again.


    I normally go to 40 minutes in survivals, because I have a limited amount of time to game. It isn't because I can't go to an hour or more, I just don't simply have the time to deal with harder enemies with a fixed reward system and a limited schedule.

  16. The way you say of Warframe's increasing their base stats is a to-be function of the Focus System. (I think)


    I do agree with you after reading your quite long and educational post that Warframe's Defensive abilities are not quite on par with the amount of Offensive capabilites we have, including our weapons.


    It would be nice to see a progressive scaling for base stats in certain situations for those long haul missions, and I'm hoping the upcoming Focus system will address some of those concerns.


    But you are right, at level 70-80+, enemies are way too strong for their own good, and not necessarily defensive-stat wise.

    They deal a crap ton of damage only because our base 1,000 - 8,000 (or more for highly armored frames combined with shields) HP is not enough to take the insane amounts of damage enemies deal at that level.


    I do think some slight changes are in order, mainly on our defensive side. I think that the enemy scaling and their damage output in numbers would be bearable and fairly similar to lower levels if our Warframe's base stats scaled along with them... But then again, what would be the fun in that? I like knowing that a few shots from a Bombard will completely cream you, and I use that knowledge and the fact that we can parkour to turn the tide in battle. :)


    That's another thing though, Warframes can parkour like beasts. You don't see Napalms or Heavy Gunners jumping all over the place like that. (Thank God that they don't... Could you imagine?)


    That would be a true... nightmare mission.

    LOL! :D

  17. You were a client in that game, and since your connection between the host was interrupted, I'm guessing you didn't host the key. So the game kicked you, and RNGesus took her loot back.


    There is no way to get your stuff back, sadly. I know it is a bit aggravating, but you can always try again. The beauty of the grind :D

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