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Posts posted by The_Raall

  1. Well the topic of umbra is always something good to see. My thought on it is this: Umbras should have huge buff in one stat and a huge nerf in the other. For example; Excalibur has 225 armor. let's say that his umbra lowers his armor to 150 but increases his health at rank 30 to 400 instead of 300. this kind of rationing shouldn't affect game balance by any degree and opens up a lot more builds to choose from. another way is adding modified versions of the abilities to umbras (but i believe that would be too much of a hassle for DE) for example; Excalibur can use radial blind to blind enemies and by that making them stop in their tracks. let us say that instead of stopping them, they start moving randomly in the area. that way making umbra feel 'unique' and fresh compared to normal variant.

    I'm against this... I don't want put name umbra over corrupted. that would mean that all corrupted mods would become umbra mods! but in all seriousness there are better ways than this

  2. Couldn't you say the same about regular frames though? What's the point if you will get a prime version eventually right?

    I agree with the poster who said Umbra should get different buffs to primes, that would be cool.

    yes normal frames are useless but there are frames that have no prime counterpart so they exist and they are there for mastery fodder and lower rank players that should learn is it worth getting certain prime like what if you don't like the frame you got as prime but grinded for it for ages

  3. Chinese Umbra has 250 armor (same as Prime) and an additional 50 base energy.

    I wish this wont happen on to our umbra... I think it wont since they can't get excalibur prime that their umbra can be little better but our umbra should be worse than prime

  4. I think they should give buffs on different aspect than the prime ones give: like excalibur prime adds extra armor over normal umbra should give extra sprint speed over the normal and like that (I have no idea what it actually does on Chinese version).

  5. why does the energy requirements rise with rank?? stats, 1st and 2nd skill seems OK but 3rd and 4th skill seems little weird for "debuffer" and the picture looks more like reskin of volt :/ not that it's bad thing but still i would not like frames look same

  6. not to mention it's passive... you get 2 health when pick up 25 energy orb and vice versa. that's worst passive I have seen yet. it does fit the character but that is almost close to nothing

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