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Posts posted by The_Raall

  1. The more people argue over this, the more confusing it gets over exactly how to fix this issue. Why not just make Umbra Excalibur a simple side-grade to the normal Excalibur? The stats will be slightly adjusted for uniqueness but at the end of the day Excalibur Prime will still be the top version of the Excalibur series. That way, the founders will be happy and the non-founders will get an Excalibur "Prime" (notice the quotation marks) that will satisfy their want for an Excalibur with some gold on him. As for that energy orb function, either Umbra Excalibur will have a slightly worse effect, meaning he will gain far less energy, perhaps half of what the Primes get, or have some other passive effect such as becoming invisible in dark areas or less noticeable in dark areas or have some sort of interaction with electronics, perhaps act like a virus or something.


    But if this bickering continues, then might as well not introduce Umbra Excalibur at all and just leave it for the Chinese version of Warframe.

    you made it sound very annoying post. but yes I think it should have its own unique things but not that it was copy of prime variant

  2. Thats pure speculation. We dont know yet for sure if Excal Umbra will be exclusive in any way or if he would be only accesable for plat.

    it is been stated that umbra will be exclusive, it can be gotten for a month after it comes and never come back and that plat thing was there to ask you what it would feel not about what it will be

  3. Yeah, I dont like the possibility that we will get Umbras stats - but for now its only that; a possibility. It is just as possible that they will give Excal Prime the exact same stats as Umbra.

    I think too that Umbra does have a better look than Prime, but there isnt a real fair way to "balancing" a still very subjective "issue". Imho its good enough if the founders would have the possibility to choose which Excal they want to play, without any mali.

    Maybe Excal Umbra looks better, but Excal Prime will still be exclusive and with that he will allway be in a way 'more cool'.

    it may sound that way but in use it's not that way excalibur prime will be overshadowed by umbra if they have same stats. and think of future when ppl can't get umbra and DE would add again something cooler with same stats...wouldn't it hurt quite bit if umbra actually had 500p price tag on it?

  4. Yeah. At least in this game YOU CAN USE YOUR LOVELY FOUNDER ITEMS ON ENDGAME although if you're bad as hell you will have a hard time. Go and tell your situation to those other founders that really have to destroy their founder items because they're good for nothing. Stop crying once and for all. Your parents should not have lend you the money in the first place. Greedy kids.

    and your parents should have not let you in forums. that kind of text should not be tolerated

  5. And people call ME inconsiderate? That's not really fair to those that main an Excalibur like I do. 

    Aah so that's why your so angry that you cant get everything. envy is not a virtue. and please remember read whole comments before posting about them :)

  6. And like I said earlier in this thread, what's the point of releasing something that is worse than what is already offered?

    what I'm saying they should be worse in excaliburs state(since it's prime variant is founder exclusive) or be different as umbra means shadow they could have same armor as normal but higher sprint speed or something like that.

  7. sigh...




    That was a statement meaning that DE shouldn't be limiting themselves to simply "Prime" or "Normal" if they want to explore possibilities beyond that. Warframe has ever continuing lore and even lore that hasn't been experienced yet. I think it would be exciting to see stuff like "Corrupted Excalibur" or "Excalibur Prime 2" or "Prototype EXCALIBUR (I don't know)", where the Excalibur (among others mind you) warframe is altered by the Tenno. The warframes are simply suits, whose to say they can't be altered as DE continues their Warframe story? Just like I'm excited to see what this Umbra has to offer. 

    then why should they have same stats as other one? your doing it clear that your earlier post are rubbish by saying that

  8. Well, with the fact that we haven't even discussed the moveset that would accompany this Umbra series, the stats alone seem to give people the "loophole" knee-jerk reaction, as is apparent from your replies and others I have read.


    If they have to constantly dance around eggshells when it comes to Excalibur and any future series of suits, how can you expect creativity with the possibility of one side shouting "Loophole! Loophole!"?

    isn't it ppl like you that are ruining their creativity by saying that umbra should have same stats as prime? and yes they should be afraid of word loophole very much.

  9. Excalibur Prime won't be coming back, but that doesn't mean improvements to him cannot be made in the forms of other suits. That will be limiting DE on their creativity for the future of Warframe and a pretty selfish thing to do. It's new content like that that provides revenue for them.  

    shouldn't it be rising their creativity? like who wants DE to think "give it same stats as excalibur prime" or "make it better than excalibur prime". rather than that I would want DE that thinks "what makes this different from excalibur prime".

  10. Before the recent Excal buffs everyone had the same Excal as founders with different looks and a different name and cheaper.  It is called Excal (just normal).  It was fine then.


    difference was interaction with death orbs in void but otherwise they were same but that was in the past where primes had no buffs to compare to originals but now every new prime gets buffs over the original. besides ppl always were screaming for excalibur prime in past even with that small buff over original.

  11. And they do. We aren't asking for the key faced excal prime and the skana prime and lato prime (at least I'm not). All we want is alternatives. Something that compares functionally but still distinguishes founder and non-founder. Umbra Excal is almost the opposite color scheme of Excal Prime. You'd know if someone was a founder if you have two Excals and one of them is an Excal Prime. The recognition is still there (the purpose of "exclusivity"), and the not-so-lucky ones don't have to feel like their playable character (remember this isn't just a skin) is inferior. 


    This umbra series is the perfect solution for that. Follow that up with Umbra series going to current non-primes, and you have my support again DE. 

    DE said that excalibur prime won't come again. If umbra is as good or better then it would seem like very bad loophole. even if they did gain your support again they would lose many others... for good

  12. "better looks" is subjective.

    "for cheaper" implies that founders have buyed their acces only because of Excal Prime, which isnt true and beside that... the real money price shouldnt matter in a f2p game.

    So I'm implying that DE should give everyone an Excal Prime with a different name and a different look.

    that's just wrong. founders should have their own fun little things we can't go to DE and just to say "gimme". 

  13. Yeah, let us put the only opportunity to rest to give non-founders a stat- and function wise equal Excal... siriously?

    Its about equality and fairness and everything you have to say is "no deathorb mechanic because of no prime". Do you know that this mechanic doesnt even have a lore-background? We dont even know yet what the lore background of Umbra is exactly - and maybe Umbra is a copy of those old Primes. So please, dont argue with things that arnt even confirmed yet.

    so you are implying that DE should give everyone excalibur prime with better looks, different name and for cheaper?

  14. Death orb energy is simply a reaction with orokin technology as per Frost's (and others) description. Whose to say the Umbra suits can't achieve the same result? 

    Prime = made in void. umbra = made in china.


    EDIT: was meant as joke not as any rudeness against china. just read it again few times and thought it might sound that way. sry for everyone that was offended by it

  15. And the misconception I see is that people seem to think the only value from those packages were the weapons and frame. The plat alone was worth what you paid, not to mention the extras that came with the higher tiers. The people that only value the exclusivity of the gear fortifies my statement that they care more about "looking like a founder" to others online rather than improving the game in areas that might conflict with that gear. Like simply owning something very little people have isn't enough. But that's just my opinion, I'm no psychiatrist.


    Back on topic, I would still like Excalibur Umbra to at least match Excalibur Prime stat-wise with the death orb energy. That much shouldn't raise concerns like what you posted.  

    NO, excalibur umbra is not excalibur prime. you can't have these at same standing. they should be different from each other.

  16. At the time sure. But are we solidifying the fact that Prime will forever be the "best" in Warframe? I personally won't make that accusation unless I hear it straight from DE's mouth. And even then, I recall at the beginning Prime was only meant to be synonymous with a different look, the death orb interaction and free forma. Frost Prime's description: Frost Prime has the same chilling abilities as Frost but its altered mod polarities offer different possibilities for customization. It is also rumored that this Warframe has a unique reaction to certain Orokin technology. Obviously that's not the case anymore. 


    But I understand wanting to show off exclusive bling, but I only agree if it is something cosmetic. Which I understand to be the gripe of some people.


    I suppose the question then turns into: Are you more worried about losing your image as a founder online or having your gear outclassed this late into the game? The latter has already happened with the current weapons available. 

    excalibur prime is just cosmetic if umbra is better than it and worse, prime looks a lot uglier than umbra. I'm starting to think it might have been better just keep it as Chinese exclusive and never to give it to us

  17. Yeah, and that goes into the grey area of human psychology. One person might not like something someone else does. But ultimately, I think of the well-being of the game as a whole. I see additional content as a good thing, so long as it's fair for everyone and serves a purpose in the game.


    Umbra series being better than Prime and available to everyone to farm/buy, or Umbra becoming the "Prime" to those that have yet to receive a Prime version (Excalibur included), are practices I consider to be "fair" and would support either one. 

    that's same as DE giving big middle finger to founders you know? like "Hey subs you got your stuff now we gonna give those non-subs something better" for hells sake can't you see how injustice that would be for founders?

  18. Really no point in introducing a new series if it will be worse than what's already available. And we have too many balance issues going on to introduce warframe variants.


    The Umbra better than Prime argument would work especially with Excalibur since his Prime doesn't exist on consoles. Give Umbra Excalibur EXACT same stats as Prime (or better) with the death orb energy and I'll buy Prime Access immediately.  

    Wouldn't it called umbra access HAHAHAHA... but then prime would become useless and would make me mad. I wouldn't support comppany that gives it's 1st supporters rubbish and gives other ppl something even better later

  19. Excalibur

    Umbra +25 armor +50 energy

    Prime +25

    Also one of the first things mentioned that wasn't disputed was that it would be a limited series.

    Did you know excalibur prime was too "limited series"? and it had also rather big price tag on it. and what I have heard umbra wont have price tag for us... or then there is and we are fked

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