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Posts posted by The_Raall

  1. didn't read too long but i read first part about forma and MR and it seems good idea but rather hard to make true... and what about when you are  MR30? there you can sink all weapon with 200+ formas... and if it would become capped then it would be again the same thing with nobody caring about MR

  2. It has everything to do with augments if the game type as a whole isn't enjoyed by everybody.

    Sure, many people hate some frames, but it isn't a community splitting issue, where we have a LOT of people in the community who outright refuse to play Archwing.


    But I mean, they CAN add it; infact, since they keep making tact alerts around it, it's GOING to happen. It'll just be treated like a lot of people treat conclave; they completely refuse to acknowledge it, they don't play it, they don't even talk with other people about it.

    so... am i like black sheep of this crowd or something since i love both of those? just because you and ppl around you doesn't like it doesn't mean everybody outright hates it... yes it has problems but i see more problems in everywhere else in this game(camping,mesa,bad tutorial, mesa, camping... did I mention camping already?) and so on...

  3. or Archwing game modes or archwing polishing, or archwing weapons, or more archwing enemy diversity, or archwing replayability, or archwing want-to-play-ability, or archwing being fun for all...


    I really can't see Archwing going far when I've seen so many people hate it. I hate it too, I really just feel like it's annoying and not fun. So I'd rather DE not waste space putting them in sydnicates.

    thats  nothing to do with augment mods... many ppl hate some of frames but they still have augment mods...

  4. people are doing press 4 to win because it's possible and it's most efficient way of doing stuff. Sure if you want to spice thing up you can remove all mods and stuff but lets face it: nobody is gonna do that if they don't gain anything from it. and doing something "fun" means normally getting something, making game harder doesn't mean it's fun. like if you did press 4 to win T4 def or T4 def without any mods it's still the same thing and will feel same thing but a lot harder and still you wont get what you want. conclusion is that it will actually just feel more annoying. So you can do everything easy and get bored or go hard and get a headache.

  5. What DPS are you talking about ? Standard Vectis' "DPS" is the total damage that 1 bullet will do which you can't even calculate into DPS however Vectis Prime can have it's damage calculated into DPS because of the 2 rounds it can fire. Also DE has made Vectis Prime's reload speed faster than the standard one to compensate. The 2 rounds are more for moments when you really need them.

    The reload on Vectis Prime is faster than standard one's (Vectis Prime 0.85 reload speed || Vectis 0.90 reload speed).

    you don't get it; in normal vectis it starts reloading right after bullet comes out and if there are 2 bullets it means that human has to do it what is a lot slower than machine doing it

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