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Posts posted by Quatrez

  1. First, I must clarify that the term "endgame" at here does not means "end of the story" or "end of the game". Endgame in here means something design for veteran/high tier players that complete the Origin System or someone reach 18++ Mastery Rank, something other than that broken Dark Sector and Proxy War(Syndicate Grind). Here're some of my suggestion:


    1. Raid Mission                                                                                                                                                                               

    Before I start somebody gonna tell me that this gonna break the 4-player style of Warframe. I have an idea that solved those problem. The mission is something like this, a giant boss(maybe remake of Lephantis?) that have several body parts that only pop once/twice a week(Tactical alerts?). 2-3 squad join the assassination. 1 of the squad help to damage the head parts, 1 of the squad the body parts and the last squad damage the leg parts.


    Instance of  exclusive weapon/Warframe drop from the Raid Boss(this gonna make it another grind wall.), any player who defeat the Raid boss will receive 10 bounty point while top 10 squad who won in the leader board will receive extra points. These points can used to exchange items/mods from NPC in relays. Example(s):


    (Weekly Raid)Crack of the Void

    *this raid only appear once a week and on random day

    To participate the Raid, one must at least M.rank 5++ and gain access to the Relay


    "Tenno, conflicts of the Origin System has cause a disruption upon the Void. A crack of the Void have been reported by our scouts. Find a way to shut the portal before the Grineer and the Corpus lay their hands on the secrets of the void."


    1) To participate the Raid, player must accept the bounty given by Kha'ni(new NPC) in the Relay.

    2) The player will receive a Stabilizer BP and need to craft it.

    3) Enter the special Raid lobby by talking to Kha'ni again.

    4) Form or join a squad contain 8 peoples and enter the game.



    - find the 4 Energy Reactor and use the Stabilizer to reactivate it

    - defence the Reactor until the activation complete.

    - proceed to the evacuation site

    - Kha'ni will announce that a giant source Void energy had been tracked down.

    - track down the boss and defeat it.


    *Boss: Arachne

    Arachne is a giant Orokin-crafted spider robot with a large red energy core at its back. The boss battle separated into 2 phase. During phase 1, Arachne attack with its leg by slamming at the players sometimes it will become invisible and ambush players from behind. His other attack is by using the 2 HMG under its body. The players need to destroy 4 shield generators on its legs to revealed the Energy core its back. Successfully revealed the core will enter the 2 phase. During the 2 phase, Arachne will have 2 new attacks: missiles on its back and fire ring similar to Arson Eximus. Players must destroy the core on its back to kill it. Arachne will summon attack drone/shield drone occasionally to help it in the battle. Corrupted will also spawn in the arena as well. Upon dead, Arachne have 100% drop rate of a Prime parts(random) and a R5 fusion core.


    *any players who complete the mission will gain 10 bounty points, there's a leader board for the event that reset after the Raid expired. The top 10 squad member who won the challenge will been rewarded extra points range from 100 to 50 points. The following is the challenge:


    - Shortest time to complete the Raid

    - Least numbers of abilities used

    - Lowest Conclave rating to complete the Raid


    2. Mastery Ranks remake                                                                                                                                                              

    First of all lock some weapons behind the Mastery Wall, for now the highest rank requirement weapons are D.nikana and Embolist (rank 8). Maybe move the several 'god-tier' weapon such as Primes? or Opticor, Marelok something like this. Make it worth getting higher rank on the Mastery Rank system other than more loadout slot, Rep Cap or trading chances. 


    Besides. provide some exclusive mission for high mastery rank player. Something beyond Pluto and T4. Some mission only accessible by 10++ rank player. Maybe the Raid Boss listed above?


    3. Dark Sector Remake                                                                                                                                                                   


    Here a link to my old tread that discuss the remaking of Dark Sector.


    Other than that maybe the Dark Sector nodes are scale by Mastery Rank(this may cause furious in the players since Sichura require higher rank to reach, I'm finding a solution to solve this.)


    4. Challenger Mode                                                                                                                                                                        

    Similar to the Raid Boss leader board, challenger mode reward the best players. How does it works? Inside the Relay there will be a new NPC, beside him there will be a leader board showing the weekly/monthly challenge such as longest T4 survival time, highest  T4 defence waves, shortest time to defeat Raid Boss etc. The top 10 squad who enter the challenge will rewarded points, which can exchange several items including cosmetics, rare mods, weapons? from the NPC.


    5. Collectables                                                                                                                                                                                

    Well this may sound a bit off topic, but I want to make all nodes worth playing for second time. For now only Endless mission and M.Defence are worth for second time. What the purpose is that various collectable items are scattered around the Map. Some exclusive to the planet, some exclusive to mission. Obtained items can be viewed in Codex(similar to the Codex scanner), some lore can be reviewed from the item. Examples:


    Audio log/ Manuscript - These collectables may contain some lore of the Warframe universe, may also provide us insight to the everyday life of other factions. Ever wonder how a Corpus crewman spent his weekend or long story between a Lance and a Heavy Gunner or even the survivor's diary in Orokin Derelict? 



    Any suggestions? Sorry for any grammar mistakes in the article, English is not my language :P

  2. Yes, there is one that sells T4 Sab keys

    It's called "Satan Spawn" and its leader is RNGesus. You have to grind rep in countless interception missions going for countless rounds, allowing RNGesus to feast off your shed tears. Finally, after countless days, RNGesus will finally take pity and bless you with one T4 Sabotage key.

    Only to repeat the process after you don't get your desired item after countless missions.

    Rank sacrifices come in the form of Kubrows and virgin Novas.

    The last rank requiring a prime.

    or you can do it like me, human sacrifice, don't forget must be virgin :D

  3. Guys do you even create a load out (practical or impractical) for a Warframe with weapons related to their theme? Example, Saryn with her infested weapons, Rhino with his bulky/gigantic weapons, Ash with his assassination gadgets...


    Here are some of my collections :D


    Vauban in his shock camo and his little gadget


    Vauban, Opticor, Akbolto, Prova Vandal


    Pink Saryn with her girl(infested) stuffs


    Saryn, Phage, Tysis, Dual Ichor


    Do you have any related load out? Post it and share it here, let us see who is the most creative~

  4. At first I thought I was on track with your fast train

    During the last few updates, I have seen the number of rank 10 mods tripled, top tier weapons dps increased by 50%, r5s made as common as ammo drums, and legendary mods.


    So here is the speculation I have for what will come after.


    What comes next to accompany our grind should be power creeps. Nullifier and C.Bombards are the first that have appeared. Then T5 should come, where heavy gunners and moas replace the corrupt lancer and crewmen, heavy class enemy replaced by corrupt mass production type zanuka and cloned vor.


    Then we will have team of 4 tennos each with 8 maxed out lv10 legenday mods battling against hoards of zanuka and armies of vor at a T5 defense, trying to get that legendary fusion core or primed prime chamber or primed dex soma vandel prime barrel that has a drop rate of 0.001% at rotation C.


    Then at the end game, somewhere in T100, the first primed rhinovaubanshee prime with its primed-dex-mara-vaykor-teleos-synoid-secura-rakta-sancti-akparis-vandel-wraith-prime will finally meet and battle the legendary corrupt Lotus, who has been mind hacking him since the first day he woke up on a cryopod on earth and telling him to kill corpus and grineers. That battle will be remembered as the battle of the end game of the warframe universe.

    ..but I lost contact at those words....ARE YOU SERIOUSSSS

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