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Posts posted by DeadlyFred

  1. It's getting better but honestly, I think the guns and mod system itself is really the main problem, not the damage model. The whole, "weapons don't actually level up unless you use up points to assign X number of mods to them" is a little silly. I will forever lament the painful life and death of one Hellgate: London which, for all its myriad flaws, had one of the most amazing loot and weapon customization systems ever.

    I think stripping out the upgrade trees from things and making the whole system mod-based was the biggest mistake they made in the whole process. Until they fix that, nothing else they do beyond it is going to make a whole lot of difference, IMHO

  2. It is really boring. I was looking forward to slaughtering hoards of infested and instead the bloody Moas end up killing half of them and its only about 60 at a time anyhow. Should have made some sort of "hive hunt" where you have to find and destroy a number of monster-spawning nodes on each ship, all the while fighting fresh waves of enemies... would have been much more interesting.

  3. My Vectis still seems to eat enemies for lunch... if anything I think my existing loadout was doing MORE damage than previously. Anyhow, i still hate the scopes. They're unnecessary, plain and simple. I appreciate the simplicity of simply zooming in on the crosshair rather than overlaying some obtrusive and completely superfluous skin and blur effects. Even if Warframe were the sort of game which needed such nods to authenticity and "immersion" , they are still horrible. Looking down a scope should NOT make it harder to see your targets, completely defeats the purpose of the thing. Yet so often in games, designers treat scopes as some kind of outlet for misguided creative juices and, in the process, make them completely useless for doing what they were intended to do: make things EASIER to shoot.

  4. Players need to understand that there will always be new "exclusive" items that you can only get by dropping another $100++ on the game; that's just a good business model from DE.


    Might want to check the definition of "good business" ... if I'd had the inkling that DE was going to go the route of actually believing that it is COMPLETELY reasonable to expect people to want to spend over $100 bucks on a game every couple of months or so I would certainly never have defended their business up to that point nor would I have been so willing to give them a dime of my money. That's just crap, plain and simple and I'm really more than a bit disappointed.

  5. I'm not liking this path. I had no quams at all about throwing down for a Master pack but if DE is going to start regularly offering additional packages with exclusive content locked behind excessive pay barriers... seriously? Anyone who's shelled out for a "pack" before should be able to access some of these exclusive items via individual purchase or otherwise. It's absolutely ridiculous to taunt people into spending that sort of money on one game. I dropped my hundred, may end up buying some more platinum at some point once mine runs out, depending on what sort of things there are to spend it on... but ... come on, guys. I'd love to give you money but don't make me feel like I'm being taken for a fool.

  6. I don't need 4300 discount Platinum. I think the issue is people who already bought founder packs who don't really want to spend ANOTHER $100 but would like to be able to get the syndana. They could at least let Founders buy it with platinum like a normal accessory. Setting out to release bundled exclusives AFTER the Founders program ends is a little bit lame for the people who already dropped a lot of money into the game.

  7. Would definitely be for this option, or at least try and make some of the more questionably useful helms more viable. I understand that they "fit different play styles" but some of them see a little pointless if not outright detrimental.

  8. Running absolutely great on an i7, no noticed problems or issues after a week or so and definitely a marked increase in performance. Game runs like absolute butter until there are 50 things on screen and a cloud of PhysX effects so thick you could choke. Even then it doesn't chug all that much. Serious improvement though, thanks for adding it!

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