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Posts posted by DeadlyFred

  1. I kind of got excited about this prospect, My Pet Tenno? Badass... but they're basically just disposable? C'mon, DE... talk about a missed opportunity. It would be awesome to have a persistent teammate around you could kit out and run with. 

  2. Oh it won't be a huge deal for the players that still own the helmets, obviously. For any other player that comes after that? A completely different story. Ultimately, it's a public opinion not because it is the "better decision", but because of the "as long as it doesn't affect me, I'm okay with it" mentality, despite DE already stating that they can and do have the right to make changes to the game.

    Some of these stat boosts are greatly beneficial and improves the Warframe's performance so ridiculously much that there isn't a reason not to wear it. Players that come later will never perform better than an older player with a stat helmet. 

    The game has enough min/maxing as is. Let it go. 

    Not quite sure which side of the argument you're actually on since in one sentence you are pointing out how big a difference it makes yet in the next saying to let it go?

    Of course they're going to make changes to the game... I hope they DO. One of those changes which has been highly requested was the OPTION to get statless helms, not the demand that all helms be forever statless henceforth and forevermore. So, we have a demand for one thing and DE goes and does pretty much exactly the opposite and just creates even more grandfathered exclusive content in their game.

    Stop it. There is no bloody reason to make the statted helms unavailable unless you're going to make ALL of them statless, including the ones already in people's inventory. If you change the stats on a weapon, that change effects EVERY copy of that weapon, not just those made after the change is implemented. It's completely illogical game design to have so many loose ends and inconsistency floating around in your game. 

  3. "Improving" something would be doing what people are asking for, not something you misguidedly believe is a better alternative. Not that the community always knows best but sometimes it can't hurt to go with popular opinion on something. Ultimately it's not a huge deal in this case so I don't really see the need, point or logic in just discounting the option most people seem to be in favor of.

  4. I actually have stopped using Carrier and find myself somewhat happier for it. Sure, its nice to get the pickups without much effort but some have said (and it seems true) that Carrier "over-feeds" you with orbs, leading to them being wasted when you don't really need them. So, if I'm material farming, I will bring carrier for that purpose but other than that, I've stopped using it.

  5. I don't think they should be phased out at all. The helmet (either purchased or BP crafted) should come with stats as they already do but then one should have the option, if they want to, to remove them as per the proposed system. Some of the helms do actually have good stats on them and it seems kind of silly to get rid of them.

    Warframe is a game which is accumulating an incredibly large quantity of "legacy" items and equipment and I imagine it comes as no small frustration to new players that so much stuff has come and gone from they game before they even got here.

  6. I always thought it'd be cool if Sentinels had their own exclusive auras, but I just cannot think of any good ones at the moment.

    I'd like to be able to put Enemy Radar on mine, personally. Maybe they could make it so auras can be equipped on Sentinels with a 50% effectiveness or some such. Would certainly help out people who don't play in a full group.

  7. I'd like to see DE staff set to embark on some of the grind fests they present for their playerbase. I wan't to know that even one of these people has gone through the debacle of translocator beacons and grinding Hek before they remotely suggest its a reasonable thing to do. I mean I am sure they all "play" the game to some extent but they really need to experience the joy of some of these hoops thoroughly.

    I'm wondering if the next frame introduced is going to involve summoning circles and blood sacrifice to build.

  8. Slightly off-topic - but what's the deal with the little mini-game Zephyr has under appearance?

    Did you somehow sleep through the whole Flappy Bird thing? ;) Its a homage to a stupidly popular mobile game that was all the rage a short while ago. Seems that in the typical style of popular culture, most have already forgotten it.

  9. Indeed. As I said, I don't mind grinding... I'm not sure I would go so far as to call it "gameplay" but I don't mind it. In Warframe, however, I far too often come up upon a wall where I simply cannot get what I want/need to continue despite continued grinding for the item in question. Hell, just the other day I had to do over THIRTY runs on Krill just to get a bloody Frost Systems... first two runs: Helm, Chassis... then? twenty some more runs over the course of three days to get the Systems. THAT is just ridiculous.

    I've been trying to complete Mag Prime for months. I've had the BP and everything but the systems (again) forever but despite dozens of Void Survival runs, still no systems. I've gotten plenty of fusion cores and single resource item rewards though. 

  10. Variety and economy. Roll with weapons which compliment one another in in mechanics. If you've got a primary which eats ammo, bring a secondary which is a bit more efficient to fall back on if/when you run out. If you've got a sniper or other sort of slower weapon, bring something to spray close-quarters with. Melee HAS been buffed a lot but you still have to get close to be able to use it.

  11. Divebomb still does not work and she is pretty much a one trick pony with her Whirlwind.

    You're absolutely insane. Tailwind is an AMAZING mobility ability and it will damage enemies near enough to the shockwave if you dash past them. Not to mention, hello, Turbulence?  Against a room full of corpus it is basically an invulnerability skill, though your results may vary elsewhere. She is hardly "one-trick"

  12. Love her to death though I would like to see Divebomb actually be worth using (though I've heard its bugged at the moment? Dunno) but all her other skills are amazing and I find myself constantly missing the easy mobility when playing any other frame.

    The Oxium grind is amazingly stupid though. Those freaking Osprey are some of the trollingest enemies ever and collecting the stuff by degrees of 1, 2 at a time. Oi. I mean I know people have claimed to get 60-80 Oxium in a given run but I just wasn't seeing that myself so I grabbed her kit when it went on sale the last week. Phage is a great bonus in that pack as well.

  13. Or they could just fix the dang drop tables... might help more. Seems like they're currently based on a fixed seed for each player, rather than actually being random. Pretty much any time you see someone complaining they can't get any of X item, someone else has a billion of the same thing. Can we get some consistency?

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