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Posts posted by Magneu

  1. Thinking about it again though, my calculations do give the approximate "Damage Per Second", as in how much damage you do in a single second of maximum possible fire rate for your build. In terms of Burst and Sustained though, I got no idea.

  2. You're forgetting that Warframe Builder takes into account reload speed. And possibly status effect with slash bleed procs.


    The real DPS is more like Damage * RoF = Burst DPS... Sustained DPS = Burst DPS / (Magsize / RoF + Reload Time).

    Ah, that would explain a lot. So much of a math problem depends on context xD

  3. So I'm all for Braton Prime/Gorgon Wraith/what have you buffs, as I love a lot of the lower DPs weapons. However, in almost 1.2k hours of game time it just now occurred to me that instead of interpreting Warframe-Builder's "Sustained DPs" as "Damage Per Second", I could just add up UI damage values and multiply by fire rate. As such, my Braton Prime actually does roughly 11.5k DPS without modifiers/crits/headshots, while being able to sustain that fire rate for 3.1 seconds (as such, I can dump about 35.6k unmodified damage in 3.1 seconds on a single enemy not counting punch through; not bad!); a long way from the roughly 6.7k DPS I thought WF Builder was giving me. I assume Sustained DPS refers to more of long run DPS (dunno about exact calculations).


    However,  this "revelation" doesn't change the fact power creep has made some weapons obsolete and some weapons almost mandatory (Boltor Prime being the worst offender), and that armor scaling ramps up very very very hard.


    In the end though, just bust out your calculator, do some high school math, and rejoice that your favorite weapon probably does more damage than you think!


    TL:DR; WF Builder number are slightly misleading to "true" DPS, but scaling/power creep is still nutso.

  4. So, this mod still gives no stats to regular Skana (dunno about Skana Prime). UI shows no change, and i tested (off-hand and no stance both) on Mercury, no additional damage in game. Was looking forward to wrecking higher level guys with basic gear, but hopefully soon.

  5. It's a documented bug that makes playing full-screen impossible :/. Un-selecting full-screen from the launcher options each time you start the game is the only workaround I know of as of now sadly. Hopefully fixed in the next hotfix.2

  6. Seriously, each passing updates and I'm beginning to think that DE deliberately ignore the crying elephant child in the corner of the room.

    DE, please don't forget to help BratonP-kun and Supra-chan to be able to get noticed by senpai...








    Yes, I need more sleep. Or at least another cup of coffee.

    Judging from DE Scott's (I think it was him) reaction to Rebecca bringing it up a couple Devstreams ago, either DE doesn't know how bad the power-creep is (understandable, lotsa weapons in the game, Braton P is pretty old), or he really just doesn't like it. 

  7. Supra needs some love too! Please DE remember at some point.

    I'm expecting a Supra Vandal pretty much every month at this point. Either that or Dera, though Supra is in higher demand. Main reason I haven't formaed my Supra a 3rd time xD

  8. So...U16 for Braton Prime buff? i kind of feel someone forgot to put it into this update :/. Yeah, there's mega threads about it but might as well make a new topic as it's a pretty hot topic. Thoughts on when?

  9. Same here, hopefully fixed soon. Whenever I open the game tab it only shows a freeze frame. I can log in and hear myself moving around the Liset, even heard Salad V's transmission. So much cool stuff, I want to play it!

  10. Seeing as the Cicero mods already made a comeback, I wouldn't be surprised at all if Tethra mods are next in line for a re-release on a mini-boss of sorts similar to Corrupted Vor. i think somebody said the carryover from Cicero was about 4-6 months, I can't remember when Tethra happened.

  11. IDK about you, but the way I modded mine even with Winds of Purity can down level 35 Corrupted MOAs and Gunners in about 20-25 shots (to the head for Gunners). Not bad at all for a gun I use primarily for lifesteal, that's also the single variant of a very old akimbo gun that is on the lower tiers of akimbo guns. Granted the magazine is empty in about a second, but insta full heal and 10k burst DPS/6.2k sustained ain't bad at all.

  12. I've only tested this on Corrupted MOAs, but if I'm invisible before they see me, cloak while they have line of sight, or stun them with smoke screen and cloak (or even be cloaked by my Huras Kubrow on any frame). they will continue to target me and fire on me. I'd assume Elite Crewmen and Fusion MOAs act the same.

  13. I'd like this a LOT. Was running T4 cap with my Ash, 300/1100 build, pretty standard. I know T4 ain't easy, but being full everything to dead, no scoped, from any angle, with no possible reaction time from the TARGET, when I can only see the barrel of his Lanka running around the corner is a little infuriating.

  14. So I got bored and decided to fight Lephantis, brought Braton Prime and Dual Cestra. Ignoring resistance/weaknesses, My Braton P was doing roughly 470 per bullet, and my Dual Cestras were doing roughly 595 per shot. I know the Lephantis description is "Heavily Armored", but at level 45, 9 damage per bullet from my Braton Prime and 11 damage per bullet from my Dual Cestra seems a little out of whack, as that's a 98% damage reduction (if i calculated correctly) on something that's listed as having only a non-armored health type, where I should be getting all bonuses. The fight was fun and all as I had to sprint everywhere to dodge, but I burned through quite a lot of ammo packs.


    TL:DR; Lephantis has level 100 Heavy gunner levels of damage reduction at level 45 with no armor.

  15. Personally  I think this is kind of underdone...


    Since I am revered with Red Veil, and Defender with Steel Meridian I should be called...


    Revered Defender Arlayn!



    That is a million times more epic then being called just... "assassinM

    Mixing and matching titles is an awesome idea! Currently my motivation for ranking up in Steel Meridian, is pretty low, cause I traded for the mods from them I want, and will get the ammo restore BP from Red Veil anyway; BUT, there could be a sigil title in there I really really want. A reason to reach high ranks in multiple syndicates over time to essentially "craft" a custom title sounds legit.

  16. Dunno if this goes here, but a comment on another thread got me thinking; we all hate running around a corner and getting insta-gibbed by something, no matter how fast we react. I know Enemy Sense/Radar can help mitigate this to a degree, but what if we had a mod for projectile weapons that granted thermal vision to a certain degree? Essentially, it would give you codex scanner vision on enemies while in ADS, with some sort of color that stick out pretty well in most levels. I feel like this is a QoL mod that a lot of people would be willing to sacrifice damage for, especially combined with Punch-Through; you do less damage, but you can get some shots off on that level 70 Heavy Gunner a couple seconds from rounding the corner/opening fire from behind some good cover without having to expose yourself too much. IDK the numbers for range on the mod, but it would be a neat addition to gameplay.


    TL:DR; X-Ray vision for guns?

  17. I can see everything clearly in the map. Maybe your gamma or brightness ir wrong. I like it a lot by the way.

    I'll mess with my settings and see if that helps.


    I think it would be cool if the Tenno could use thermal vision one dark maps, like in Metroid Prime.

    This would be glorious.

  18. i'm pretty neutral about the mod idea (Radial Disarm doing something to melee enemies and negating Eximus effects yes please!), but we should for sure stay away from adding stats to plat purchase-able cosmetics, like the Arcane helmets of yonder. That would be a bit too close to Pay-To-Win for me.


    I have the Targis armor, and seeing as it is a limited time exclusive, giving it any sort of effect, with literally no negative is a big no. After Nyx Prime access ends it ain't coming back, which gives a major advantage to those willing to shell out the cash for it.

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