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Posts posted by EvilKam

  1. The old star map wasn't perfect, but it showed where each mission was, in a "spiderweb", so you could always tell how to unlock each planet.  After 1700 hours of gameplay, I have no clue how to get fom Neptune to Ceres, or even if it is POSSIBLE to get from Neptune to Ceres.  Information was presented in a straightforwards display that showed clear connections between ALL missions.  Now that information is ONLY available in the wiki.  The new map is FLASHY, but useless.

    No game should be so obtuse as to REQUIRE a Wiki to understand basics.

    The game is less brutal nowadays, since you get handed a damaged serration and a redirection mod at the start.  However, if you start playing behind an overloaded wifi connection the game changes.  Multiplayer evaporates except on days when everyone else is gone.  I promise that if you're stuck solo for 90% of the early game, Warframe is not kind.

    Even worse since most of the star map is full of "useless" missions that you only run once and never again unless an alert shows up there... which is usually the ONLY reason to run a mission.

  2. 1 minute ago, Maicael said:

    From what I understand, they stopped giving alternate helmets stats because they wanted players to be able to choose the helmet appearance they liked rather than the stat bonus they liked. I'm glad they're gone because now I can make the newer frames look however I want without affecting stats, but at the same time I'm glad I've got many of the old ones, because some of those stat boosts are hard to give up.

    I don't see why we couldn't have it both ways.  Just put a toggle on each helmet.  Arcane - Activated (click to deactivate) and Arcane Deactivated (click to activate)

  3. Ah, the Karak, it will forever hold a very special place in my heart.  With a catalyst and 2 forma, It got me through most of the solar system, until I upgraded to Soma (at MR7).  Still, I couldn't bear to part with my beloved solar-system-clearing gun until I scored the nicely upgraded Karak Wraith.

    It's pretty basic, but being new to Warframe, you're painfully limited by mods, and as with 95% of weapons in Warframe, it's mediocre without a catalyst.  That extra 30 mod points is a really huge deal.

    Serration and split chamber form the basis of all the primaries in Warframe, and while a damage and multishot rework has been hinted at, I wouldn't expect to see it for at least a year, so focus on those.  Critical and Status are both negligible, so all that matters is:  Damage First, then magazine/reload stats.

    Karak suffers from a realistic magazine size.  This means reload times hinder you more, because you reload more frequently.  Speed Trigger only exacerbates this.  Yes, you get more DPS, but damage per bullet is going to help WAY MORE, at least on a weapon like this.  

    Shove whatever elemental mods you can on this gun.  You'll definitely want to read about Damage 2.0 to get the elemental benefits, but I'll be honest, I run blast/corrosive almost always, or Viral + Heat.

    The physical damage boost mods DO NOT STACK with elemental damages, so in most cases, you should avoid using them.  Some weapons with a much higher physical stat than the others can pull off a benefit, but be prepared to swap around for effect and if you get down to it, grab a calculator to total it up.  (My Boltor Prime, for example could do 90 more points of damage if I swapped to one of the event-reward physical damage boosting mods, but that's 90 out of like, 1300, so that's only about 8% more deadly and I just don't care)

    So my build:

    • Serration
    • Split Chamber
    • Hellfire
    • Cryo Rounds
    • Infected Clip
    • Stormbringer
    • Wildfire

    This leaves you with one mod of choice, and I could see Fast Hands or Thermite Rounds fitting nicely either way.

    No, this isn't going to be an easy farm for you, and I can help hand you some elemental mods.  Now getting a catalyst... that will take some more work.  :)

    Second to last:  If you can spare 15 minutes, read a decent guide.

    Finally, if you need a clan, let me know.

  4. 20 minutes ago, BeeOverlord said:

    Yes. Your account will be deleted and doomed forever unless you send a modest payment of 5431$ to nigeriansmaccer21@gmail.com

    If you value your account as much as us, and send the monies, we will shortly give you the encryption key algorithm node module archive that will unveil the secrets of the multiverse and bring back your accounts.

    Hey, this guy sounds legit!  
    *sends money immediately*

  5. 11 minutes ago, Dobermann92 said:

    I suggest you buy only the accessories pack, because those are the only limited things.

    Although true, that 4k platinum is obscenely tempting as well.  I'd have enough to buy everything I want for the next 4 years or so at this point, haha.

  6. On 5/2/2016 at 7:51 AM, KiloFoxx said:

    the grind is real for the newer players. this game is actually much more welcoming if you have an experienced friend who can help you pull through the earlier stuff, finish the starmap, and give you some of the "essential" mods that you'll be missing for the LONGEST time (and we have hundreds of)

    What's this?  A founder taking up the cause of the new player?  Have my upvote good sir.  (Too often I see people stating that things in Warframe are "to easy", sic.  People forget how harsh it is starting out, and actually NEEDING NANOSPORES!  Nanospores, and literally everything else in the game, too.)

    Sadly yes, the solar map is dead space.  Clan and Alliance can help a lot with this though.  I got through it via help in recruiting chat.


    Isn't helping newcomers what older players are supposed to do ?

    In a more perfect world, Yes.

  7. Once I decided that I wanted him, it took me 3 months, but that was me no-life-ing the game.

    He is difficult to acquire, and I can confirm that I was very very happy to claim him in my foundry.

    I might be broke, but Vauban Prime Access?  I'm already hoping to find some way to burn $150 on something that dumb.  XD

    I've NEVER spent $150 on a game before, and usually limit myself to about $50 annual on games, so this is an unprecedented consideration.

  8. 8 hours ago, Zeyez said:

    fifth: if you are asking for platinum discount on log in prize... ok, you got me 

    I believe (XB1)Radical Yabin was referring to exactly that.  It threw me off as well, because my first answer was "Those show up all the time, I've got like, 25 spare reactors!"

    However, in 2 and a half years, I have seen THREE OR FOUR 75% discounts.  Saturday was the first time I ever saw one while I wasn't flat broke, so $12.50 went to a platinum purchase.

    Some of us just have bad luck with those.

  9. Okay, as a devoted aficionado of Loki, I STILL give props to Ash.  His invisibility is inferior, and he can only telelport to enemies.  HOWEVER, if you ignore the killing power of Bladestorm, you're doing yourself a disservice.

    I think that there needs to be more ways to get Ash, he was one of the original, primary frames, and a lot of players like his aesthetics and abilities.  Locking him away behind Manics almost means that Ash Prime is just as easy to acquire.  Manics are not only too rare, but difficult to defeat for non-veterans, and I for one do not enjoy fighting them.

    Oberon drops from ANY EXIMUS, so his parts can come from almost literally any mission.  

    On behalf of the newer player, Ash needs a second method of acquisition.  But then again "Platinum sales" might be a motivator.

  10. I think it's best to refer to the old special helmets as Arcane Helmets.

    Arcane Enchantments are the things from the Raid Bosses, and you can apply multiple arcane ENCHANTMENTS onto regular gear.

    Cosmetic gear, enchanted with the Arcane Enchantments is not trade-able, because cosmetics are not trade-able anyways.

    The old Arcane Helmets are the exception, as these Alt-Helms had special effects on them, and were made trade-able when DE switched to the new gear.

    I think that the old Arcane Helmets should be brought back, they were very cool, and were removed because DE thought they might represent a "Pay to Win" mentality... this of course is false, as they came up in alerts so you could get them for free.  If it is free to acquire, then it's not paying to win.  Grind to Win is... how most games work anyways.

    So yes, I think we all need to stop using the word arcane by itself.  It should always be written as:

    Arcane Helmet:  - the old helmets with cool powers.
    Arcane Enchantments - the new RNG controlled minor buffs which barely give you any benefit.

  11. It's not bad, it's simply that it's not "end-game astonishing".

    Impact based doesn't matter as much as people say, because it's all about Elemental mods as far as my playstyle goes, so total damage is what affects my opinion of things.

    Furax Wraith, from first glance, looks to be another very solid mid-tier weapon.  That's awesome, and a lot of players need just that, a great mid-tier melee weapon.  However, since it's not obscenely powerful, one can probably coax more damage from Broken War and War.

    Sloan441 gives them, ultimately, a glowing recommendation above, as any weapon able to sustain killing power on level 40ish enemies is certainly decent, but most people only care about gear powerful enough to run 60 minute T3/T4 missions, even if they don't PLAY that content very often.

  12. It wouldn't make sense for these rewards to be removed from our accounts.  Of course, this doesn't affect me, I don't have any of them because I'm not that good without my energy restores, so I die rather frequently in Rathuum.

    Regardless, DE has never deleted event rewards in the past, and the few occasions where a mod type was deleted, they had other plans (Warframe Powers were turned into fusion cores)

  13. On 5/1/2016 at 3:34 AM, Roboplus said:

    This is a fallacious lie. Purity is not a thing you are born into. We simply strive for the purity of those who walked before us on greener fields.

    Oh, quit spouting off the Party line!  lol

    I don't usually go for forum roleplay...  but that sir, was very well implemented, and very well done.  You have my upvote.

  14. 4 hours ago, Charko said:

    This thinking as already been made for MTG. You see the same kind of player in almost everygames.

    Replace [Cards] by [Weapons&Abilities]

    I hope you'll find this informative! ;) 

    MtG?  Man, I haven't been addicted to cardboard crack since 1996 when I quit forever.  I had to read that link.  All I can say is that they are really bad at explaining their points.  I have read it, and "Timmy" still means "Prodigal Sorcerer" to me, and not "fun-loving gamer".  That means being named "Tim" automatically makes it easier to accept losing because... somehow... the name "Tim"... psychologically conditions a person to believe things are "all in good fun"?  A category name needs to be selected for a reason, and that reason really should relate to content and concept.

    Okay, Moving on from smack-talking those authors as plebeian..

    Well, I think it is safe to say that a person can have a portion of Athlete and Conqueror in them.  A person can also decide that neither path is important.  In game design theory though, you have to consider how you want your game to be focused, and realizing those varied goals allows you to decide where to "point" your game progress.  So, I guess for me, the Triad still seems the best way to say "Hey, some players are only in it for the challenges, and other players are only in it for the godlike power of beating end-game, but then, there are other motivations, too".

    While an Athlete and a Conqueror hold those ideas as core "interests", they are not immune to agnostic desires.  Building things, running economies, social interaction, these outside aspects form the basis of a lot of GTA games, most of Bethesda's fare, Dwarf Fortress, and Minecraft.  Yup, I have to stick with a triad, because you can be all of one, all of the other, or even some mix of the three.

  15. 4 hours ago, Madho said:

    You can have a dichotomy, sure, but I don't think some people would be lying on this "line". Like myself, I regard both parties as "try hard elites" and do not wish to classify myself as either of the above. I myself was never, am never, and never will be an "elite". At least that is not a cowl that I wish to dawn.

    Interesting point.  As a "Conqueror", I see myself as the opposite of an elitist.  Attaining "max level" is an achievement, and you can be proud of that achievement, and it might be rare, but ideally, all it takes is time.  I actively avoid games where superior skill is a deciding factor, and prefer games with a level mechanic that ensures someday I will become powerful enough to use blatantly stupid tactics and emerge victorious.

    In Warframe, I'm powerful because I've put time into the grind.  I'm powerful because I've put time in to farm up the cores needed to max expensive mods, and in doing so, had spare "awesome" mods to sell for platinum.  Am I proud of my achievement?  Yes, can anybody else do it?  Absolutely yes.  Does my high mastery rank and extreme killing power make me "better" than other Warframers?  No, not really.  I still miss jumps, I often find myself in 3rd or 4th place in the "rush race".  I'm simply maximized as far as I can be.

    I'm a Conqueror because I lack skill, reflexes, and tactics that can be reasonably employed within the confines of a game.

  16. Updated wording.  Hunters are now termed "athletes".  Like a devoted workout enthusiast, obstacles are the motivation to get yourself ready to conquer it.  Just like real people abuse their bodies in the Tough Mudder competitions, and can spend months developing the fitness and agility to navigate its challenges, the game "athlete" sees the grind almost like a workout.  When you're done working out, it's time to take on that challenge you were gearing up for and see if you were really prepared.

    While Athlete/Conqueror clearly shows a clean dichotomy, adding a third leg to create a triad is looking flawed.  I think that aspect is more of a number line with 0 in the middle, and Athlete/Conqueror on opposite ends.

    Effort on Cameron's Unified Notional ... wait, that's leading to a bad acronym.  Um... Cameron's Unified Philosophy For All... no, that's still a bad acronym.

    Cameron's Unified Theory Describing Ontologically Witnessed Noteworthy Personalities In Gamers.



    I can see that being used in future Game Design courses.  "According to CUTDOWNPIG, we should include a laser deathray submachinegun in the game to secure more sales with the Conquerors, but it will frustrate the Athletes, so we'll just put in a cheatcode for it."

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