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Posts posted by Alpha56

  1. Nice, glad to hear we will have a remap.

    So my 94 vidar should be close to 100 after the fix.

    It looks more fair for the people that farmed hard, and even more for the people who had a 90 avionics roll, in that case everybody could have a chance to have a better roll (flux) with the worst reactor roll in the game.

    Thanks to clarify @[DE]Saske


  2. Il y a 11 heures, ThorienKELL a dit :

    After 3 missions clean up your inventory. If limit was 50 or 60 there would still be 100.000 lazy people that would get their stuff sold.

    About excess weapons sold: irrelevant, most of them are sub par rolls. Keep one best roll, sell all else.Weapons drop constantly. Now zetkis are top and they are most frequent.
    About vidar engine - imo zetki is best engine, don't look at speed bonus alone, booster multiplier is actually more useful. 

    After 3 missions ?

    You are funny.

    I can't go below than 20 wreckage, since i keep some stuff with very good stats in the case they make some changes (and they said they will still continu to adjust).

    Sometimes in one veil mission i can go up to 7 wreckage.

    Do the math, if you are not LAZY.

  3. Il y a 2 heures, (PS4)robotwars7 a dit :

    if Asterite is a wall, then titanium is the Great Wall of Suck, stretching so far you can see it from orbit.

    they double the amount from drops, so I don't see what more DE would be willing to do.

    They could just increase the amount again by 2 (so x4 versus the previous drop).

    It's still very limiting at the current rate, and i don't like having to farm that on the lowest planet to have S#&$ drops (MKI).

    Titanium was never a problem for me, Asterite was always the BIG wall, preventing people to craft vidar stuff. 

    The only viable solution was to buy Rush repair drone (pay wall) and i think obviously DE was totally aware of that, it's just simple math and they had data.

  4. I can't chain *** two *** missions without being able to not go to Dry dock, since i keep one of each MK3 weapons (due to nerf and so on), shields and engine.

    If i don't go directly to Dry dock after a mission i take the risk to lose a vidar reactor with better stats.

    That's just ANNOYING, make something DE please...

    You can't even get ride of the first basic stuff that take place for NOTHING.

    Few weeks that i'm waiting for that.

  5. il y a 38 minutes, (NSW)Quarky a dit :

    If you're looking for a challenge and not just a power trip with dopamine inducing pixel rewards at the end, you go to the conclave.

    How many people play conclave? How many people do you think want a challenge? HMMMMM.

    I would play another game if i want some PvP, and at 100% a FPS, not a TPS.

    PvP in Warframe is just trash, at least this is my opinion.

    About people that want challenge and judging by the recurrence of this type of topics since years, i would say a lot, and i personally know a few person that have left the game for that exact reason.

    About difficulty, it was even in the 2019 DE's Roadmap because DE figured that a lot of people complained of the lack of difficulties, so maybe you are just misinformed.


  6. il y a 19 minutes, (PS4)robotwars7 a dit :

    this place is anything BUT a safe space. a safe space for saltiness and trolling perhaps.

    as for difficulty in Warframe, no it won't happen. reason being that DE can't win no matter what they do. if they add "endgame" content, newbies and casuals whine that it's not accessible enough. if they make difficult but accessible, veterans and hardcores will say "it's not true endgame because anyone can do it". you can't win because both sides are as bad as each other.


    DE can win IF they decide to stop to cater to people that don't want difficulty, simple as that. 

    If this is an optional mode, there is no problem, at all.

    Won't challenge yourself ? Don't.

    Want challenge yourself ? Do it.

    They just need to be clear.


  7. Lvl 200 300 sorties could be nice, for some more challenging mission they could add a time counter: if the timer is over, you lose (like GR in Diablo III).

    A timer would help a lot for difficulties.

    At least for that you need a revamped reward table, more interesting, naturally, since it demand more effort.



  8. il y a une heure, (PS4)sister-hawk a dit :

    There are several problems here. Difficulty is not universal. What constitutes a fun challenge for some is a head-banging nightmare for others. Some players just have lower skill levels. Some players have disabilities. Any time you start talking about making the game harder for yourself, you may well be talking about making it unplayable for them.

    Some people say Warframe should have optional difficulty levels, and I would be down with that, if the people who play on the highest difficulty wouldn’t demand better rewards, and you know they will.

    Also, let’s be real here. Bloating enemy stats like health and damage (which is all that is accomplished by simply jacking the level up) isn’t really a solution to a lack of challenge. If power creep is a problem, creating higher level content that even further demands the over-powered meta is the opposite of the solution. If all you want is for enemies to hit harder and die slower, you have the power to make that happen now. Don’t use the meta. Take off some mods. Put on some dragon keys. You can make the game harder for yourself.

    ”But why should I stow away all the rewards that I worked so hard for???” Well I’m sorry, you can’t have your cake and eat it too.

    Can people stop with their "nerf yourself to give you challenge" ?

    What is that, an excuse to prevent dev criticism about difficulty, or egalitarianism dystopia ?

    About difficulty, what is the problem if some can't handle it, and why playing a harder difficulty shouldn't give better rewards ?

    Equality ? So as the actual society you prefer that people are all equal, but for that you need to reduce the requirement so everybody can handle it and the best are equal to the worse ? 

    I think it's this kind of speech that gave us high RNG in the game, or at least confort the devs in that way of thinking, because difficulty is just time spent and RNG (except some very few game mods (Eidolon)), nor challenge since it could "hurt" some, so it's better to frustrate everyone than rewarding more the people who can and WANT.


  9. Grinding for hours for a weapon you already have without a solution to cancel that is just horrible, painful and a terrible choice made by DE.

    How did they think it was a good idea in the first place ? Incredible.

    Sorry but i have better things to do with my time instead of losing it.


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  10. il y a 28 minutes, (XB1)TheWayOfWisdom a dit :

    Consider the fact that Kuva weapons also have other boosted stats? Kuva brakk becomes a 100% status crit shotgun, both Kuva kohm and Drakgoon can hit 100% with more ease and are hybrid capable to boot. Kuva karak has noticeable stat upgrades over karak wraith too. The only outlier is the Kuva ogris, which is basically just a side grade 

    Also consider the fact that every kuva weapons have a lower riven disposition, making the Kuva Kohm a downgrade with a riven.

  11. il y a 52 minutes, MystikNeko a dit :

    It's IMPOSSIBLE to kill the lich solo if it reaches lvl 5.




    9666687643689643 HP PER 1 BAR!!! 

    And around 75 Gajillion Armor. You either have to play Inaros to not die but since they screwed melee up you can't be invincible anymore

    Or you have to play Mesa without an, survivability. 

    Game Uninstalled today. No fun at all. My planets are all red... 

    It's meant to be challenging, you are not prepared.

    If you need help you still can go in PUB.

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