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Posts posted by (PSN)octus

  1. more unfinished content


    AFAIK only the grineer capture tgt on mercury counts for the codex scans


    the rescue tgt is not in the codex atm AFAIK


    and the corpus capture tgts are supposedly in the codex, but scanning them doesnt make them count/showup/change from the black outline/etc


    basically, we wait, eventually DE might get around to it, like adding more codex entries for all the events that have happened, or the player login diorama contest winners that they were supposed to have done months ago...

    ahh i see, what a bummer.

  2. Hey everyone, i play on the ps4 version and i have been wondering for a long time if anyone else is able to take scans of the capture targets or the rescue peeps. for some reason i have one scan of a Grineer target, but i know i have scanned them multiple times. i have scanned the corpus capture and the rescue people and have zero scans of them.

    is this some thing DE is planning on adding? or did they take the option away right after i got my first scan?


    i wish you were able to scan all of the stuff and get actual descriptions of things also. i remember an event that had me rescuing Darvo and i scanned that dude, i was excited to go check him out in the codex, but he wasnt even there. :((((

  3. i play monster hunter, and wanting those rathalos rubies to drop is much more painful, than playing through twenty minutes of anything on here and usually getting something good..plus there is the trade system. just give it a few weeks and you should be able to get whatever prime item you want for something reasonable.


    so OP i agree with you.

  4. if they re-released i would not expect a refund. i bought the item, and enjoyed it. i feel like its kinda petty to be so hoarding over a digital thing that serves no purpose other than bragging. <--which in and of itself serves no purpose other than making others feel left out or bad. <--which serves no purpose.


    if i think of all of the games i have played in the past that had exclusive content i was so proud to have or happy to use, i really cant think of any reason why any of that from years past, would make any difference if people who played it today had access to it. its just stuff, and its completely digital, it makes no sense to hide it away.

  5. No. I think many people that have buyed the last few Prime Accesses had buyed it because of the exclusivity. Without that exclusivity where is the point of putting massive amounts of dollars in?

    for ease of access to get new prime items, affinity and credit boosters, and a huge amount of discounted plat.

  6. i agree for the simple fact that its a game, and i dont think digital items should ever be locked up and sealed away, its not like they are polluting the world with plastic or that there is a limited amount of it.

  7. Dude i have no idea why ps4 players are so determined (i find it pathetic) to make DE stop updating the PC version just so that they can feel the satisfaction of playing the same content at the same time with lot more bugs. They (most of them are kids anyways) do not seem to understand that PC players are actually helping us in getting a less buggy update. As much i like the ps4 updates to be more often, that doesn't justify the point of me asking DE to hold PC updates so that we ps4 players can feel good about ourselves.

    the main reason i think people wish we had updates at least in the same time frame, is for bug fixes. if we had weekly updates we wouldnt have to wait a month to fix some things. before this last update the game would not save any progress for me. it was a month's wait before i was actually able to play the game and have it save.

    hopefully its something they are able to work out in the coming months. it would make the game a little more enjoyable knowing that hotfixes are only a week away instead of a month or longer. maybe it costs DE money to update on the ps4, im not sure.

    i think another reason

  8. whats the point of an exclusive color pallette, when u can get all the colors anyway ????  thats like me saying my shamrock color pallette is special , when you can get all the good colors from it on infested pallette , and all the other colors on it from storm /classic saturated. or fire


    no one is going to go...oh nice shamrock blue you have there!!! they just say  nice blue....



    once the xbox community comes in, even MORE excalibur prime being cheated from threads..we didnt have enough of those

    good point on the color, the only thing that the ps4 one was really great for was people who didnt have the smoke pack since it gave them black and white colors.


    as for excal prime and the other items from the founders packs, there should be a stickied thread that explains the exclusitivity of these items that vets can point too, instead of just saying "great, another one of THESE threads" or "we already answered this so many times, go back in time and buy a p.c! MASTER RACE FTW!" newcomers arent going to know what was said before, because they are new. its up to us to be civil and welcoming.

    but for sure DE should make a stickied thread to help decrease the incoming storm.

  9. i does not exist in the


    I see, I am sure it does exist in the code because it was in the codex  so the model is there, but allowing to transfer exclusive gear would really upset some people.

    i think he means things like the tenno reinforcement items. new guns arent added to our stuff until after we get the monthly update as opposed to the weekly p.c. updates.

    most likely the coding and whatever is there for things like excalibur prime, lato, and skana is already in the ps4 build since its so old.

  10. i dont think anything should remain exclusive, unless its cosmetic and offers nothing to gameplay.

    its a game and should just be enjoyed. anyone wanting them to remain exclusive so they can take everyone else's platinum should stop playing games and just make your own business where you make actual money to do real things.


    i personally wish trading was exclusive to items and not platinum. i think that would teach a little more generosity through helping eachother and less greed. but thats most likely just me.

  11. ^^ finally a ps4 player who understands what founder pack means. i am tired of looking at forums with the same question over and over again even though DE_steve already said that they are never going to re- release excalibur prime because that wouldn't be fair to founders.

    the reason why you see this over and over is because new players start playing, then they do some research and find out that one warframe is unattainable(AND HE IS THE MAIN  WARFRAME)and they ask why this is happening.

    its not going to end, because it was a very stupid decision for DE to do in the first place. also there is no stickied note explaining the reasons or anything about excalibur prime to newcomers, so of course they are going to ask. they would have to dig through pages of threads to find answers. it should have been a cosmetic thing. like the steam items that no one ever seems to care about, not a warframe(and weapons) to level up and gain mastery.


    if xbox one gets some exclusive items that will be the end for me with this game. i will be so bummed out that we got skipped over.

  12. hey everyone, just so you know, a real person spent time making this fan art. i want you all to take your internet faces off for a second and put your real life human faces on and realize you could be hurting the original authors feelings by calling it ugly.


    instead you could:

    a.) offer CONSTRUCTIVE criticism

    b.) dont say anything if you dont have anything nice to say


    please strive to make this community better and not just a place for more internet stereotypical behaviour.

  13. The "failed to save progress lost" was a pretty big game breaking bug for quite a few players after patch 12.4.

    ^^this exactly is why they should be doing weekly updates and small hotfixes for the console that are separate from the p.c. we run into bugs that dont get worked out because the systems are different. but when there is a bug, there is a months waiting period to fix a gamebreaking bug like that one.


    that bug sucked so bad. it was really frustrating, and frankly after that whole mess i kinda lost a lot of interest in the game(because i COULD NOT PLAY IT). which bums me out because i really loved this game and tried to get everyone i knew to buy a ps4 and play it. when i couldnt play it for a month and people were asking how it was going in the game i had to explain the extremely long bugfix process and it pretty much made everyone not want to play it. and after enough times saying it, i felt like it was kinda over for me. it had lost its shimmery goldness. i felt really overlooked and that "we" as ps4 members of this community were not as important. this is bad because its really a community driven game with tons of feedback given from the developer, thats a rare thing in games i think. unfortunately you have to be a p.c. member to really experience that completely


    DE has missed out on a lot of opportunity with the ps4 community i think. from the p.c. exclusives,(primes,mods,70% platinum login chance, color pickers) to not embracing the ps4 and just declaring "WE ARE THE BEST GAME AVAILABLE" from the start. i dunno, if it was my company, and i had this huge headstart on a brand new console that tons of people were so pumped up to get, i would have been bending over backwards to have the ps4 community knowing that they are an important and intregral part of the game. not just a port.



    all that said, i am looking forward to future updates and hopefully Sony and DE will start working better together and we will get more streamlined updates.

  14. im a bit confused i love the new stance mods but the drop ratios and locations just loose me where are these things and how rare are they i always seem to find the ones i dnt have the weapons for

    if you use the codex scanner (an item you can buy for credits in the market), you can take scans of enemies. they then show up in your codex (accessed from the main menu), which you will then see how many scans you need to complete the entry. its usually 5-20 scans. once that is complete it will give you a list when looking at the character you scanned and on that list is available mod drops you get from dispatching the enemy. yellow are rare drops.


    for your other problem, just craft more weapons in the foundry. :) hope this all helps and if it doesnt, the wikia site for warframe is very useful also for drops and where to get them...but thats lazy and defeats the purpose of the codex scanner. :)

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